Nigerian anti-gay senate bill - 14 year jail sentence if "convicted of homosexuality".

Oct 2, 2011
(CNN) -- The Nigerian senate has passed a bill banning same-sex marriages, defying a threat from Britain to withhold aid from nations violating gay rights.

The bill by Africa's most populous nation calls for a 14-year sentence for anyone convicted of homosexuality. Anyone who aids or "abets" same-sex unions faces 10 years in prison, a provision that could target rights groups.It goes to the nation's House of Representatives for a vote before President Goodluck Jonathan can sign it into law.

"It would place a wide range of people at risk of criminal sanctions, including human rights defenders and anyone else -- including friends, families and colleagues -- who stands up for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people in Nigeria," Amnesty International said in a statement.
The bill passed Tuesday comes nearly a month after British prime minister, David Cameron, threatened to withhold aid from nations violating gays rights, sparking outrage in Africa where leaders interpreted it as "colonial" display of power.
Homosexuality is illegal in most African countries based on remnants of sodomy laws introduced during the British colonial era and perpetuated by cultural beliefs.
Punishments across the continent range from fines to years in prison.

"This is something we raise continually and ... we're also saying that British aid should have more strings attached in terms of 'do you persecute people for their faith or their Christianity or do you persecute people for their sexuality?" Cameron said in a statement.
"We don't think that's acceptable. So look, this is an issue where we want movement, we're pushing for movement, we're prepared to put some money behind what we believe."

Soon after his remarks earlier this month, a flurry of African governments released defiant statements accusing him of undermining their sovereignty and culture.
Last week, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, known for his anti-gay rhetoric, called the prime minister "satanic" for demanding gay rights.
"Do not get tempted into that (homosexuality) madness. You are young people. If you go that direction, we will punish you severely," state media quoted him as saying. "It is condemned by nature. It is condemned by insects and that is why I have said they are worse than pigs and dogs."
Mugabe's comments were the latest in a series of strident remarks by African leaders.
Ugandan government spokesman Fred Opolot described Cameron's remarks as "patronizing, colonial rhetoric," saying the nation is busy expanding its oil sector to reduce its reliance on aid.

"We are working hard to limit our reliance on foreign governments for this reason," he said. "Statements like the one Cameron is making are false. Our cultural norms and values don't accept homosexuality, but there is no policy against gay people."
In 2009, a Ugandan lawmaker introduced a proposal calling for execution of people convicted of homosexuality. The proposal sparked an international outcry and threats from some European countries to cut aid to the nation, which relies on millions of dollars from foreign nations.
Opolot said the proposal was the opinion of a sole lawmaker and did not reflect the government view. The legislation was eventually shelved, but regularly pops up in parliament and remains a simmering issue.
Ghanaian President John Atta Mills, a major western ally, applauded the benefits of foreign aid, but said the nation will not accept money that will undermine its interest.

"I will never initiate or support any attempt to legalize homosexuality in Ghana," he told journalists this month, according to state media. "As government we will abide by the
principles as contained in our Constitution, which is supreme."
Tanzanian officials decried the remarks, saying they "can lead to broken relations" between the two nations.
Cameron's statements also sparked a fiery debate among Africans on social media, where opinions were divided.

"At first, I was upset. I thought, how dare he treats us like this?' said Nigel Mugamu, 33, who lives in Harare, Zimbabwe.

"Then I thought about it," the businessman said. "The U.K. economy is struggling. They spend a lot of money on aid. Given what's happening economically. Maybe it's a nice way of saying -- we can't afford it?"

Mugamu said the threat should be an opportunity to open up a dialogue on an issue considered a taboo in African culture.

"Now is the time to talk about it ... to get our house in order. Lets use this opportunity to say, 'OK, if we didn't have aid, how would we survive?" he said. "Let's talk about gay rights issues. Let's turn this into a national -- African discussion."Others said while denying aid would be extreme, the continent has a long way to go when it comes to human rights."It would be ridiculous if that mentality -- pride from leaders on both sides -- got in the way of millions benefiting from aid," said Aida Mbowa, a Stanford University doctorate student who lives in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi.However, she said, the threat thrusts the issue to the forefront.

"We need minority rights in the continent. There's a part of me that knows this threat will not have much of an impact. But in a way, it's an achievement, however small. Despite the differences in opinion ... it has brought the conversation out in the open."

The Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya said while Cameron's remarks are a positive gesture, they risk turning homosexuals into targets. It urged the prime minister to instead consider directing some aid to community programs aimed at fostering dialogue and tolerance."Support national and regional human rights mechanisms to ensure the inclusiveness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in their protective and promotional mandates," the group said.
As the prejudices rage on, gays and lesbians in the continent lead fidgety lives, including forming underground movements that change locations regularly for safety issues.
Sexual violence against lesbians has become so common in South Africa, the nation has coined a new term "corrective rape" to describe it. South Africa -- one of the more progressive nations in the continent on the issue -- was the first African country to impose a constitutional ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Cameron said he does not expect a sudden change in mindsets, and admits it will take time.
I ain't even mad.

Let that Senate cook
lmao at the thought of 15 cops busting in on some lightskinned dude taking it in the booty and handcuffing him buttnaked

"You'll do alot of that in the penitentiary!"

But smh, I don't see why gays are so hated on, let them cook. I think most males automatically think "gay" means every male that a gay person sees, they want sexually take advantage of. Which is dumb, IDK about you, but I don't want to smash every girl I see.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

*Waits for Anton*

"Developing country bans gay marriage"-I'M SHOCKED

I'm not really sure why people are surprised. Nigeria also has a huge conservative Muslim population. 

I love how people on fb are quick to criticize Nigeria when only 5 states in this country have legalized gay marriage, we're no better than any of these "less progressive" third world nations in some regards.

On an unrelated note: Don't eat the poo poo.
Originally Posted by JPTHE3


you had an awkward homosexual encounter as a boy with you best friend in school and it haunts you till this day, so you have to put on a front as being the most antihomosexual human being on the planet.

reaction formation
lmao every homosexual thinks their a psychologist .

if you don't support the movement or showcase anything deemed homophobic

you aren't comfortable with your own sexuality...

gay is taboo though it is becoming more and more a part of society.

don't support em, aren't against them.

this bill however is obviously wrong and I'd lend my support as far as my mouse and keyboard travel
Originally Posted by BronLe

lmao at the thought of 15 cops busting in on some lightskinned dude taking it in the booty and handcuffing him buttnaked

"You'll do alot of that in the penitentiary!"

But smh, I don't see why gays are so hated on, let them cook. I think most males automatically think "gay" means every male that a gay person sees, they want sexually take advantage of. Which is dumb, IDK about you, but I don't want to smash every girl I see.

SMDH. I'm pretty much disgusted with the entire world. I pray 2012 is real.

(Yea there goes Dmoney82 saying something stupid again.)
Reading that made me sick but I'm not surprised.
What can we do to stop this?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

*Waits for Anton*

"Developing country bans gay marriage"-I'M SHOCKED

I'm not really sure why people are surprised. Nigeria also has a huge conservative Muslim population. 

I love how people on fb are quick to criticize Nigeria when only 5 states in this country have legalized gay marriage, we're no better than any of these "less progressive" third world nations in some regards.

On an unrelated note: Don't eat the poo poo.
Come on Anton. Being sentenced to 14 years of prison time for being in a gay marriage is not the same thing as gay marriages not being recognized in most US states..
people ridicule the south, and there is certainly a lot of work still to be done here in alabama... but i've never once worried that i might go to jail or be put to death.
Originally Posted by JD214

I ain't even mad.

Let that Senate cook

It's a shame that this is still an issue of discrimination, but it's even worse that people are still proud to show off their own ignorance.
Nigeria has bigger issues like corruption and poverty to worry about. They should put aside the irrelevant issues until they get their people's welfare in check
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