This thread is actually more tame than the majority of race threads here on NT. There's civil discourse from opposing sides without getting too nasty. (And compared to a lot of places on the internet regarding this topic, this thread looks like paradise. We have all seen way worse.)
Sure, some users got a bit chippy, but its slightly understandable given your stances. Throughout the thread you've been speaking from a place of your opinion instead of facts, opinions that a lot of racist and bigots share (not calling you one). And when speaking on topics like these without being knowledgeable...it comes off as ignorant ...and its frustrating.
@snkrfollower (and myself in one post) have been presenting you with FACTUAL information debunking your "opinions" and false information throughout the entire thread. Each time you've either back peddled, danced around it, or ignored it. I respect you for being mature and hearing the other side, but you're not exactly innocent here.
All white people aren't evil racists, and if you want to support Trump, that's your Ameircan right. But for future references, if you want to have conversations like this, PLEASE educate yourself a little more on topics you wish to discuss. (Like defending Trump ...make sure he doesn't make you look stupid, before saying he's not "XYZ".)