Nike 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” Campaign.

Man are you white? Why is it that mixed kids always got to prove their blackness. It’s like we’re to black for white kids and not black enough for black kids. Like wtf else we got to do. Is Kanye not black cause he thinks this way either? If your on the internet pretending to be something your not your just lame af. Like honestly I hope you keep this same energy when you out in the streets.


You guys keep calling me racist, but how can I be racist towards myself. I’m black and white, I have a privilege that almost none of you have, and that is to see both sides of the coin. I don’t even care about the trump stuff bc going in that argument is an uphill battle with anyone. It’s like I say what is going on in the black community near me and what we think and then they say I’m not black and a secret racist bc it doesn’t fit their agenda.

A. Don't say "you guys". I didnt call you anything. A lot of us haven't.

B. It's not about you being racist to yourself (..that doesnt make sense). They're calling you that because your comments match up with harmful/uneducated ideologies and talking points from people who are usually...*drumroll* racist.

C. You being bi-racial doesn't grant you this secret power of being able to see both sides. ANYONE, black, green, or turquoise can educate themselves (or be educated) in a way to see other viewpoints and sides from different races. Someone white who isn't even from the USA can understand better than you. (As we've seen in this very thread.)

I won't call you the R word, but I honestly think you need to educate yourself a bit more on race, politics, and everything else we touched on, outside of your own personal feelings and experiences. Then I think you'd understand why you're being called that.
A. Don't say "you guys". I didnt call you anything. A lot of us haven't.

B. It's not about you being racist to yourself (..that doesnt make sense). They're calling you that because your comments match up with harmful/uneducated ideologies and talking points from people who are usually...*drumroll* racist.

C. You being bi-racial doesn't grant you this secret power of being able to see both sides. ANYONE, black, green, or turquoise can educate themselves (or be educated) in a way to see other viewpoints and sides from different races. Someone white who isn't even from the USA can understand better than you. (As we've seen in this very thread.)

I won't call you the R word, but I honestly think you need to educate yourself a bit more on race, politics, and everything else we touched on, outside of your own personal feelings and experiences. Then I think you'd understand why you're being called that.

So wait are you telling me that as a black and white person my experiences or the experiences from others around me don’t matter. Honestly honestly.
A. Don't say "you guys". I didnt call you anything. A lot of us haven't.

B. It's not about you being racist to yourself (..that doesnt make sense). They're calling you that because your comments match up with harmful/uneducated ideologies and talking points from people who are usually...*drumroll* racist.

C. You being bi-racial doesn't grant you this secret power of being able to see both sides. ANYONE, black, green, or turquoise can educate themselves (or be educated) in a way to see other viewpoints and sides from different races. Someone white who isn't even from the USA can understand better than you. (As we've seen in this very thread.)

I won't call you the R word, but I honestly think you need to educate yourself a bit more on race, politics, and everything else we touched on, outside of your own personal feelings and experiences. Then I think you'd understand why you're being called that.

Stop entertaining him.

He's giving a clinic in low-level trolling.
Honestly I’ve understand what you guys were saying the whole time. Stay with me, African slaves and other minorities were brought here, and measures were created for them to remain in bondage. Once they were free, laws and institutions were created to still keep them in figurative chains. Throw Jim Crow, police policy, housing devoplements (red line), to the introduction of drugs into urban communities, to the killing of African American leaders. It was all done to keep the elite on top and that the colored people on bottom. Segration and other practices like the prison system were also created to ensure blacks would physically and mentally remain prisoners.

Fast forward to today where you got old white guys harpering back to the good old days of segration and Jim Crow. Fortunately with the advancement of technology we were able to call them on their bs. The poor are kept poor with their heads barley above water while the rich keep getting richer. Everything was done by design to keep the poor poor and the rich rich. But we as a people must stand together and fight back against the racist 1%. Similar to the show mr. robot. Everything that has lead up to this moment was done by design. Theirs a reason for black incarceration rates being high, gang violence, and teenage pregnancy through the roof.

Trump and his rhetoric goes back to a time when whites were the best and everybody else was whatever. America is no longer for rich old white men, but to every person who warrants a oppertunity.

I understand the protest by Kaep and by other groups like BLM and what they are aiming for. It’s not to say we are better than you, but we are tired of being treated as less.
Even though trump may have been better then Hilary. Voting him in was a direct retaliation to Obama getting office.

I understood everything the whole time and agree with like 95% of it, always have. Always wanted to get my troll on feels dam good, I can now mark that off the bucket list. Thanks guys and good night. This trolling has been brought to you be your resident Clayton Bigsby!
Idk it’s just crazy how I’m ostracized for liking trump, when I agree with you guys on a majority of everything else. It’s seriously like if you don’t have this cult mentality of the left then watch out for the witch hunt.

We don't agree on the majority of everything else.

Anybody trying to defend Trump is trying to bridge the gap between what Trump is (his actions) and what he pretends to be (his words). The reason people can see through it is because the man himself can't pretend to be what he isn't for more than a day. The reason you can't see what is being shown to you is because you choose to stay ignorant for fear of breaking the image of the man you built for yourself.

Like many of his former followers, you will eventually understand who Trump is when his policies hit you where you expect the least. If there is one thing I have seen in this country over and over again, it's that conservatives turn very liberal when they get hit with cancer/pre-existing conditions that force them to liquidate their assets, their relatives get deported out of the blue, their daughters reveal they're pregnant and the father bounced, or they lose their kids to random shootings.
Cmon lets not like those 3rd world countries are great, wrong choice of words but isn't wrong. He wants to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL mexicans out, which everyone should be in favor of, seeing as the negative impacts that directly impact black and urban areas. Lastly he wasn't referring to the white supremacist at that rally, he specifically said that he believed there were good people there that weren't neo nazis. The guy has disavowed neo nazis repeatedly.

An egotistical dude, that throws temper tantrums, and has a foul mouth he is. However I don't think he's a racist. But no point in trying to defend him it willl just fall on deaf ears.
I feel like if you support Kaep or boycott Nike you're falling for the red herring. No brand ever does something for the greater good if it doesn't save them money now, or money in the future somehow. Kaeps suing the NFL > Nike sponsors the NFL > Kaep works for Nike. It's just a game to them. Kaep isn't the greatest player in the league and no one wants to bend over backwards to support someone whos making a mess of things so it's the teams prerogative to not pick him. Tons of NFL players quietly fade away, it happens.

The real issue could be the tariffs and the trade war going on with China/communist countries. This campaign is essentially an anti trump and he's the source of the tariffs. Here's a link to how much is on the line for Nike and similar companies.

The bottom line is that this is killing 2 birds with one stone, and possibly more. People think of Nike as a good person, or a bad person. Both good outcomes, because we don't think of it as an evil corp using slave labor of primarily women and children. The other is they get their slave labor goods over here at a good price if Trumps gone. Stop supporting evil companies, at least the ones where you know.
Classic example of a trump supporter been proven that the basis for his “opinions” are based on misinformation and right wing talking points, but then wants to somehow play victim because people won’t let him continue to push his views even after being proven wrong? Dude must be a troll

Edit: read his last post, confirmed troll
I have zero respect for dude as a human being. Instead of intelligent discussion and having thoughts on the actual topic, that grown man spent 2-3 days in here typing pages of a joke.

I love a good prank, but if you have that much time on your hands to derail an internet thread for're a weirdo. Definitely worth a ban in my eyes but, I don't make the rules.
I have zero respect for dude as a human being. Instead of intelligent discussion and having thoughts on the actual topic, that grown man spent 2-3 days in here typing pages of a joke.

I love a good prank, but if you have that much time on your hands to derail an internet thread for're a weirdo. Definitely worth a ban in my eyes but, I don't make the rules.
or this is his way of trying to not get shunned by NT. either way, its pathetic.
Let me throw in my 2 cents.

First, I'm white, and a corporate individual. I work for a Fortune 10 company and as 'white' as they come. But... I grew up in a racist household. I grew up listening to 'hatred' from my grandfather and by adulthood, naturally carried his beliefs and agenda. It wasn't until I went through college (originally for a Criminal Justice degree to pursue being a police officer) that I started to form my own beliefs, and later, moved to a decently sized city, and working for a major corporation. Who were my first friends? Minorities. Who did I find it more difficult to initially talk to? Whites.

It was honestly crazy for me to see that everything my grandfather had implemented into my head was the complete opposite in the real world. My favorite employees are the blacks, and my most *****y entitled employees are the whites. Maybe it's just coincidence, but bottom line- I believe minorities have been more accepting of me than whites since moving to a larger city. Politically, I'm actually a conservative, where as most of my black friends are liberals. But I believe in character. It's not about what color you are, where you came from, or what your beliefs are... it's about your actions that define you. And for those reasons, I've drastically changed my outlook that was implemented into my head growing up.

In terms of Kaepernick, I think he has a point. But HOW he used kneeling to the national anthem as a way to make this point, is what has upset conservatives (and the like). The anthem is especially important to everyone who has served, and many who have not. There are Americans who cherish the flag and our freedom, as much as we cherish our hobbies such as sneakers. The view of kneeling is looked upon as a sign of disrespect, so naturally, the conservatives will view Kaepernick's message as a sign of disrespect, when in reality, Kaepernick was trying to take a stance. There ARE bad apples in the policing community. But there are bad apples in every organization. Oppression is real in some cities, and in others, it may not.

But what I can't understand is this: as a conservative, why can't we all just get along? Quit the racism, quit the hatred, learn from each other, and SUCCEED. There is much good that can come from one another, yet we see so many only focusing on the bad... and thats what I just can not understand. As a conservative corporate white guy, why must we continue to follow old trends from decades ago, for no other cause than inherited ignorance that we can't make our own decisions from?
Let me throw in my 2 cents.

First, I'm white, and a corporate individual. I work for a Fortune 10 company and as 'white' as they come. But... I grew up in a racist household. I grew up listening to 'hatred' from my grandfather and by adulthood, naturally carried his beliefs and agenda. It wasn't until I went through college (originally for a Criminal Justice degree to pursue being a police officer) that I started to form my own beliefs, and later, moved to a decently sized city, and working for a major corporation. Who were my first friends? Minorities. Who did I find it more difficult to initially talk to? Whites.

It was honestly crazy for me to see that everything my grandfather had implemented into my head was the complete opposite in the real world. My favorite employees are the blacks, and my most *****y entitled employees are the whites. Maybe it's just coincidence, but bottom line- I believe minorities have been more accepting of me than whites since moving to a larger city. Politically, I'm actually a conservative, where as most of my black friends are liberals. But I believe in character. It's not about what color you are, where you came from, or what your beliefs are... it's about your actions that define you. And for those reasons, I've drastically changed my outlook that was implemented into my head growing up.

In terms of Kaepernick, I think he has a point. But HOW he used kneeling to the national anthem as a way to make this point, is what has upset conservatives (and the like). The anthem is especially important to everyone who has served, and many who have not. There are Americans who cherish the flag and our freedom, as much as we cherish our hobbies such as sneakers. The view of kneeling is looked upon as a sign of disrespect, so naturally, the conservatives will view Kaepernick's message as a sign of disrespect, when in reality, Kaepernick was trying to take a stance. There ARE bad apples in the policing community. But there are bad apples in every organization. Oppression is real in some cities, and in others, it may not.

But what I can't understand is this: as a conservative, why can't we all just get along? Quit the racism, quit the hatred, learn from each other, and SUCCEED. There is much good that can come from one another, yet we see so many only focusing on the bad... and thats what I just can not understand. As a conservative corporate white guy, why must we continue to follow old trends from decades ago, for no other cause than inherited ignorance that we can't make our own decisions from?
because that type of change would mean for a specific type of people to give up the power they have long used to oppress.

and please read more into the act of kneeling. the narrative from the "conservative" side says it is a protest "against the flag". the act of kneeling was suggested to Kaep by a military man as a way to both protest but honor fallen military. the protest is against the brutality of police delivered unto people, specifically young black men. It was never a protest against a flag or an anthem.
because that type of change would mean for a specific type of people to give up the power they have long used to oppress.

and please read more into the act of kneeling. the narrative from the "conservative" side says it is a protest "against the flag". the act of kneeling was suggested to Kaep by a military man as a way to both protest but honor fallen military. the protest is against the brutality of police delivered unto people, specifically young black men. It was never a protest against a flag or an anthem.

I will definitely research that for my own knowledge and I appreciate you mentioning it.

I appreciate the guidance and education you have given, but it also goes to show how people take things at face value and develop their own opinions. It also will show you, that within protest or agreement, people tend to follow other people. Flag kneeling may have a root definition as a way to protest while honoring fallen military, but you have to ask yourself, does everyone know this? Sure, the easy answer could be that this education should be the responsibility of every American- but reality is, most people probably don't know this. They simply see a flag and an individual kneeling to it as a sign of disrespect which is the cause of so much controversy.
Ibut reality is, most people probably don't know this. They simply see a flag and an individual kneeling to it as a sign of disrespect which is the cause of so much controversy.
I've been on this earth for 35 years and of all the time ive been on it i have never seen kneeling as a sign of disrespect. sitting, turning your back, drinking beer, keeping your hat on. those things yes. not until Kaep kneeling was it a sign of disrespect. When a white man, "a not good qb" did it a few years ago, people applauded it. one was seen as prayer. why?
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Jesus... The misogyny and racism is so strong in some of the people in this thread. Gonna unsubscribe. Don't need to read this negativity in my life. The users that are clearly hateful I'ma keep note of y'all so I know not to help y'all with anything in the future.
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