Nike Air Jordan 1 "Chicago" - May 30, 2015. (LEGIT CHECK IN 1st POST)

How many pairs will you be copping?

  • "1" is all I need.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • 2. One to rock, One to stock.

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • 3+. I need to hoard for no valid reason.

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • 0. No OG Box? PASS.

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters

Crazy video in clevland

This is sad. This is why I try not to buy in store. 
 I hope homie who was jumped is doing okay.
it looked like the dude in red had the gun...wasn't he the one getting robbed?

i saw robber with gun, dude getting jump trying to grab or push away robbers gun in the process

var p = new anv_pl_def(); p.config = {}; p.config.width = 640; p.config.height = 360; p.loadVideoExpressV3('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|1000011|SPS');
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I'm not confident Nike has any intention to fix the bot issue. They understand even if they build a 100 man team to constantly try and combat bots, they are still outnumbered 1000 to 1.

The cancellation was nothing more than a PR move to try and act like they care about the real Nike customer.

They aren't going to do phone order only, they aren't going to send all the pairs to Nike stores. They also aren't going to do anything like pre orders etc that would stop their own hype train.

As you all have said, part of the fun is the thrill of the chase and winning. And knowing that not everybody else won.

They like that you are camping overnight for shoes. They like that they have people waking up like clockwork on saturday when the same people cant wake up to get to their job on time.

Just my two cents on all of this.
i saw robber with gun, dude getting jump trying to grab or push away robbers gun in the process
ok. I saw the opposite. It's a sad situation...i'm just desensitized.
This is sad. This is why I try not to buy in store. 
 I hope homie who was jumped is doing okay.
Yeah. I feel for the dude.

A couple employees at fox hills got robbed for gammas one year, and breds the year before. 
I would also give the "wear your shoes" speech... but 1s last forever so maybe this is just his vault of timeless kicks that won't crumble?
Thanks bro I appreciate you not judging me. Some of these have been worned but Im not here to justify what I wear and dont wear Im just sharing a photo. Im out this thread is depressing now smh...
yea i def cant relate to what u guys are talking about. 

i dont line up. i dont go for raffle tickets. i dont preorder. i dont cop from resellers.

man i wish i could be like yall

It's really not about that.. It's about people living in the past expecting things not to change with time. Prices go up and so does wage. Then you have those who think being an OG makes you entitled to purchase and not the new generation of consumers who were not really a part of that time. It's important for the younger generation to learn about the history to keep it alive. It's simple, you either cop for retail or pay today's prices on the market or don't cop at all.
If people preordered "Guaranteed"  pairs ,seller didnt deliver  and just refunded (because he decided to make more $) .

I would never ever buy from him again and i would make sure to also make others not buy from him again.

Reputation is worth a lot more $  in the  long term. 

And :rofl:  at people who give Business advice ,about what NIKE should do ,while nike is #1 billion $  sneaker company and all.

here's where reputation doesn't matter though. For every dude that got an order refunded, there are 10 guys ready to take his spot. These small time resellers don't need the reputation. If all that was out there was NT, than yeah, i can see where we could damage someones reputation.

But it just doesn't matter if shoegawds is canceling on people. He doesn't need that lost customer since he has others lined up willing to sub.

and dudes like Memphis talking about I'm not going to lose any money so tough. It just shows you that people like 23penny is completely opposite. He would never cancel on people and then re-list at a higher price. He would honor every order, but raise the price if he came across some more pairs.
It's really not about that.. It's about people living in the past expecting things not to change with time. Prices go up and so does wage. Then you have those who think being an OG makes you entitled to purchase and not the new generation of consumers who were not really a part of that time. It's important for the younger generation to learn about the history to keep it alive. It's simple, you either cop for retail or pay today's prices on the market or don't cop at all.
Wages haven't not risen at the same rate of shoe sales and at the end of the day there's no correlation between the two.

We don't get cost of living increases.

@instagram  got you pegged and you just reply with non-sense. Be like us old folks, take your L, and move on.
You beat me to it! 

Always enjoy seeing your photo sessions.

I'm just waiting for the right lighting.  Think I'll go long lens for this shoot.

Reps when I get them back.
Thank you ! Thank you ! 

Are you planning to conduct the photoshoot outdoor? 

Long lenses would definitely be great ! I love those lenses with them f/1.8 Aperture, giving such buttery bokeh ! 
that video was definitely disturbing.

I had an "escape" rout when i went to pick up my shoes from Shiekh in Fox Hills. I had the get away car ready right out front. It was completely harmless though, but you just never know when people gotta eat and feed the family.
Wages haven't not risen at the same rate of shoe sales and at the end of the day there's no correlation between the two.

We don't get cost of living increases.

 got you pegged and you just reply with non-sense. Be like us old folks, take your L, and move on.

Wages don't go up, so you're still making the same from 15 years ago? Then find another career. Don't need to take an L, I'm already winning.
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You beat me to it! 

Always enjoy seeing your photo sessions.

I'm just waiting for the right lighting.  Think I'll go long lens for this shoot.

Reps when I get them back.
Thank you ! Thank you ! 

Are you planning to conduct the photoshoot outdoor? 

Long lenses would definitely be great ! I love those lenses with them f/1.8 Aperture, giving such buttery bokeh ! 
Indoor and outdoor.  

Unfortunately I don't have THAT FAST of a long lens.  I would though if I wasn't pumping so much money into sneakers.
I'm not confident Nike has any intention to fix the bot issue. They understand even if they build a 100 man team to constantly try and combat bots, they are still outnumbered 1000 to 1.

The cancellation was nothing more than a PR move to try and act like they care about the real Nike customer.

They aren't going to do phone order only, they aren't going to send all the pairs to Nike stores. They also aren't going to do anything like pre orders etc that would stop their own hype train.

As you all have said, part of the fun is the thrill of the chase and winning. And knowing that not everybody else won.

They like that you are camping overnight for shoes. They like that they have people waking up like clockwork on saturday when the same people cant wake up to get to their job on time.

Just my two cents on all of this.

I kinda agree. Yes it was a power move, but I do believe they have the resources and know how to stop certain bots. I just dont think it will last long. Once dudes figure out how and what they use to stop them, they will find a way around it, the circle will continue.
here's where reputation doesn't matter though. For every dude that got an order refunded, there are 10 guys ready to take his spot. These small time resellers don't need the reputation. If all that was out there was NT, than yeah, i can see where we could damage someones reputation.

But it just doesn't matter if shoegawds is canceling on people. He doesn't need that lost customer since he has others lined up willing to sub.

and dudes like Memphis talking about I'm not going to lose any money so tough. It just shows you that people like 23penny is completely opposite. He would never cancel on people and then re-list at a higher price. He would honor every order, but raise the price if he came across some more pairs.

It matters, because you can't keep canceling orders on people and think that it's going to be kosher. Eventually nobody is going to use you, because you've flaked on so many of your past customers. It cuts in to your customer base. People will move on to another pre-order site. The average person isn't going to pre-order anyway. The people who pre-ordered from them this time and got their orders, do you think they'll use them again if there's is canceled next time? And pre-orders are a way for them to make money on the front end to pay for releases. Nike is already making less in demand limited releases, which hurts resellers.

All this losing money talk Memphis is talking. They're not losing money. They might have left money on the table, but there's also something to be said about building a solid reputation and having lower or competitive prices for the future.

Dudes aren't going to be driving a Bentley selling sneakers. I think some have this get rich quick scheme.
Wages don't go up, so you're still making the same from 15 years ago? Then find another career. Don't need to take an L, I'm already winning.
he's talking about the national trend and discrepancy of "cost of living" and "inflation" skyrocketing at an absurd pace vs the national wages moving slower.

but u keep winning dwight howard. at the end of the day, youre still a chmapion
I'm not confident Nike has any intention to fix the bot issue. They understand even if they build a 100 man team to constantly try and combat bots, they are still outnumbered 1000 to 1.

The cancellation was nothing more than a PR move to try and act like they care about the real Nike customer.

They aren't going to do phone order only, they aren't going to send all the pairs to Nike stores. They also aren't going to do anything like pre orders etc that would stop their own hype train.

As you all have said, part of the fun is the thrill of the chase and winning. And knowing that not everybody else won.

They like that you are camping overnight for shoes. They like that they have people waking up like clockwork on saturday when the same people cant wake up to get to their job on time.

Just my two cents on all of this.
I kinda agree. Yes it was a power move, but I do believe they have the resources and know how to stop certain bots. I just dont think it will last long. Once dudes figure out how and what they use to stop them, they will find a way around it, the circle will continue.
I can see NDC experimenting on a couple of releases before they put the Chicago 1s back online.

Remember when the countdown timer first appeared? Think it was for the Kobe 9 Philippines, which was right before the AJ6 Carmines I believe.  

Everyone was confused with that timer thing, just ask MexicanSneakerHead!

EDIT: Then people wised up, got used to it process and tried to find ways to exploit it.  Nike should constantly change up the process in order to keep those trying to exploit the systems on their heels.
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he's talking about the national trend and discrepancy of "cost of living" and "inflation" skyrocketing at an absurd pace vs the national wages moving slower.

but u keep winning dwight howard. at the end of the day, youre still a chmapion
Dwight Howard has a big *** house and a Rolls Royce though.
he's talking about the national trend and discrepancy of "cost of living" and "inflation" skyrocketing at an absurd pace vs the national wages moving slower.

but u keep winning dwight howard. at the end of the day, youre still a chmapion

do research. then come back. 
. Don't need to.. And the salt continues. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji].
It matters, because you can't keep canceling orders on people and think that it's going to be kosher. Eventually nobody is going to use you, because you've flaked on so many of your past customers. It cuts in to your customer base. People will move on to another pre-order site. The average person isn't going to pre-order anyway. The people who pre-ordered from them this time and got their orders, do you think they'll use them again if there's is canceled next time? And pre-orders are a way for them to make money on the front end to pay for releases. Nike is already making less in demand limited releases, which hurts resellers.

All this losing money talk Memphis is talking. They're not losing money. They might have left money on the table, but there's also something to be said about building a solid reputation and having lower or competitive prices for the future.

Dudes aren't going to be driving a Bentley selling sneakers. I think some have this get rich quick scheme.

no doubt. If these resellers kept canceling than yeah. But what we saw here isn't typical.
Dwight Howard has a big *** house and a Rolls Royce though.
lol did u see his quote? the context of it i mean. Dwight said even if he lost, he's still a champion.

does he have a big house. yes

rolls royce. yes

high schoo gfs. yes

NBA champion. lol nahhhhhh
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