Nike Air Jordan 4 Retro "White/Cement" - The Aftermath - NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

I can already imagine the lines if any spots go fcfs. Im in san diego so i might only get one secured if the raffle gods bless me and pray for an online score.
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The definition of havin' it in...
Love the pic, except the red laces on the bred IV.


I know right salacious crumb salacious crumb , that's an extreme no-no. Maybe white or grey laces, but it's black or nothin' for me. It's not my pic though, I found it on Instagram.

that shape up there is not too bad 

Man oddandtwisted oddandtwisted , that shape is excellent compared to what we've been getting for like 10-15 years. Like I said, I pray to god that this is what the retail pair looks like. Two pairs will be mandatory.
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Not to rain on anyone's parade but the above pair is fake. Looks good though. Despite these early pairs being UA/GM/fake, it's unrealistic to expect the retail pair to look anything like the 99 or OG pair. I'm in for now although I may consider going after the ovo's or yeezys that may release all star weekend
i find it funny that certain individual keep posting random pics he found on the net as if they are the real deal and then proceed to complain about this and that of the shoes. 
Sold my 2012 pair as soon as wc4 was confirmed. They hurt soooo bad it was like wearing vise grips on my feet. These look truer in several ways to me. Color, na heel/sole/ insole, netting.
I still ache at the height, and toebox shape or toe cap to side stiching...
Come on February!!
sounds like an exaggeration. Vise grips? Really? 
. If these weren't announced, I'm willing to bet you would have kept those vise grip IV's
Not to rain on anyone's parade but the above pair is fake. Looks good though. Despite these early pairs being UA/GM/fake, it's unrealistic to expect the retail pair to look anything like the 99 or OG pair. I'm in for now although I may consider going after the ovo's or yeezys that may release all star weekend


Actually Aquamanjay_ Aquamanjay_ , we should expect them to look like the OG's, or '99s. It's what they said they were going to do, and It's what Jordan Brand promised. The problem is that, we've been buying shoes with BS quality for so long... We expect them to be crappy anyways, even if were paying more for a "Remastered" product...
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Actually @jaylaw15, we should expect them to look like the OG's, or '99s. It's what they said they were going to do, and It's what Jordan Brand promised. The problem is that, we've been buying shoes with BS quality for so long... We expect them to be crappy anyways, even if were paying more for a "Remastered" product...
I agree that we have expectations of the OG and the at least the '99. However, I expect based on pics JB has already shown us of the shoe as well as pics of the alternate 89 pair that they will not look like the OG or the '99 pair. JB has to sustain itself and the way they do that is to alwayys have their customers wanting and needed something else than what they get. I try to be optimistic, but its out of my(our) hands unless everyone stopped buying jordans. Which isnt happening any time soon 
Not to rain on anyone's parade but the above pair is fake. Looks good though.

And this is the unfortunate truth were dealing with today when it comes to JB Products. I remember back when the black/infrareds were suppose to drop in 14 there was tons of gm/fake pairs floating around that looked way better than the actual working boot retail pair . Kind of emberassing when you think about it
sounds like an exaggeration. Vise grips? Really? :lol: . If these weren't announced, I'm willing to bet you would have kept those vise grip IV's

Exaggeration? Nah . they were not comfortable for me. If these weren't coming up i still would've sold and just moved on and waiting until theyre reretroed.
Thanks though.


Actually Aquamanjay_ Aquamanjay_ , we should expect them to look like the OG's, or '99s. It's what they said they were going to do, and It's what Jordan Brand promised. The problem is that, we've been buying shoes with BS quality for so long... We expect them to be crappy anyways, even if were paying more for a "Remastered" product...

Stop posting these GM pictures, completely unnecessary. Anyone can access these pictures with a quick Google search
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I wore the heck out of mine until the netting yellowed...then I sold them. Can't complain since I got more than what I paid originally....but I really miss those shoes. I don't care too much for IV's or Jordans in general, but 10 or so that I do like....I really like.
But 99% of the pictures posted in here are fakes...

Completely agreed, but it's the same three people who keep doing this over and over again. Racing each other to see who can get it on first for multiple reps and e-cred
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