Nike Air Jordan 4 Retro "White/Cement" - The Aftermath - NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

Not all joggers are skinny/nut huggers
true but the majority of people who rock em prefer em that way.all the current men's fashion trends are just ripped off from the 80's & 90's & made extremely feminine i may be wrong but i'm surprised capri pants like korean men wear hasn't caught on in the states
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true but the majority of people who rock em prefer em that way.all the current men's fashion trends are just ripped off from the 80's & 90's & made extremely feminine i may be wrong but i'm surprised capri pants like korean men wear hasn't caught on in the states

I agree. A lot of these fashions came back around full circle...although with a twist. A little different...sometimes a lot. ha
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Back then, the only fashion sense you had was what you seen on MTV or what you came up with yourself. If you lived in a community that was some what closed off, all you had was what you seen on TV, seen in a magazine or on a poster you had hanging on your wall.
No internet, so a lot of people wore the same fashion that their big bro's was wearing years before them.
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i think the baggy loose look today is not considered nice. now everything has to be taylored with a close fit now.  even sweatpants dont have that loose look anymore like they were in the 80's and 90' which is cool with me because you can wear them like pants.  it seems like the close fit is todays fashion no matter what it is..tshirts, jeans, joggers, sweats, hoodies, jacket.  big fit is a no no today..only time i see big fits is in the hood of san francisco or oakland...
I think that if you're wearing these with bootcut/relaxed/regular fit jeans you're doing yourself a disservice. That covers the entire beautiful my of the shoe
Yeah, my sweatpants and jeans are much more form fitting then they were 10 years ago...much more. Although, not tight or nothing like some of the fits today. To each their own, but when we get older, we just can't, nor should we wear some of that ish today. That stuff is for the kids/young adults.
I think that if you're wearing these with bootcut/relaxed/regular fit jeans you're doing yourself a disservice. That covers the entire beautiful my of the shoe

Which is why I've been going away from buying those kind of jeans, I'm not a skinny jeans person, been buying Slim Straight jeans from AE and those still cover to much of my sneakers to me so I bought Jogger Jeans from them 2 months ago and they're perfect.
this is how people who know what's up & actually experienced the '90s rocked em with track pants/warm up pants or NT denim looks way cleaner then the nut huggin joggers/wrangler cowboy fit this generation thinks is so cool this is the best on feet pic yet
Not all joggers are skinny/nut huggers

That's why I tried to explain and it ended with this long rant. Every generation can say they looked a fool at some point.
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these new fashion trends are a little too flamboyant for my taste the thing is most on here laugh about wearing that vick jersey & some relaxed/loose fit denim aka NTdenim but that is something i would still overall mind state is stuck in the '90s when it comes to clothing & things that still interest me.the 90's doesn't embarrass me at all it's the coolest time period in my opinion.even tho these little young bucks don't like to show respect or pay homage to the 90's era they don't realize how much they're still influenced by it.i wonder what this generation will think when they're grown & look back and realize they dressed like a whole bunch of little girls end of rant.

I think you're looking at social media too much. The majority of silliness you see is on social media.

I'm 41, so believe me, I was all about the baggy fit. It was comfortable and how we rocked jeans. But you adapt as you get older. I'd look like an idiot wearing loose fitting jeans now. Some people can still pull it off.

Nobody is saying you have to wear skinny jeans. But its not asking much to wear some tailored fitting jeans. You can do it without looking like you're wearing nut huggers. And being into sneakers, they just look so much better with proper fitting jeans.

You have some more growing up to do. One day, it will all make sense. I look at pictures from back in the day and think wow, what was i thinking. But i wouldn't change a thing. Thats what we did. The pic i posted with me wearing these back in '89, my pants were not baggy one bit. But that was few and far between. The baggy thing really did blow up right after that, from where I'm from.
On the scale of things I know this minuscule but has anyone else noticed that one shoe lace is shorter than the other?

I haven't measured the laces on all my J's but the ones I have one is always shorter, no matter the year or model. It's crazy how I find myself immediately buying new laces before I even wear the shoe but this urks the crap outta me! :smh:

Otherwise I'm happy with this purchase.
I think people complaining that slim fit or joggers are too feminine just are too out of shape to wear them. Yeah your 90s baggy jeans can cover your belly and lack of muscle definition. Styles and fads come and go, but to say the 90s era fashion was GOAT compared to the current "feminine" style is just being stubborn to change.
jeans covering the belly? Ain't nobody wearing their jeans like Urkel. If you're wearing baggy jeans, *** crack is being exposed.
Pick ups from last week, not sure which ones I like better but big thanks for shiekh for letting me win their raffle and letting me pick out the most flawless pair which I'm glad i did because the other shoes in my size were looking pretty bad.
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