It's hilarious to read about all the people that missed out on Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook because they "played by the rules" and sat in front of their computer screens F5-ing Pepsi's page for an hour like good little boys and girls, instead of spending that time probing for Amazon links. 
Probably because they lead normal lives and don't have time to get involved in that type of lifestyle, everyone doesn't have the thirsty tendencies for material items that moves people to find hacks for every thing.
I don't know about you guys but I do expect Amazon to ship BEFORE 12/26. I think that date was just a safety net without committing to anything too soon.
Probably because they lead normal lives and don't have time to get involved in that type of lifestyle, everyone doesn't have the thirsty tendencies for material items that moves people to find hacks for every thing.
I don't disagree but with the reviews on amazon coming in, you'd think these people thought amazon would add it to their carts and give it to them for free as well. For as much salt as these people are feeling, you'd think they would do anything they could to get one.
I don't know about you guys but I do expect Amazon to ship BEFORE 12/26. I think that date was just a safety net without committing to anything too soon.
That seemed pretty deliberate to me, actually - it was prominently featured on the Pepsi site.

Think they may even ship later, like January. They just want to reinforce that you won't get them in time for Christmas.
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There are def plenty of people who have zero idea what buying stuff that sells out instantly online is like, so they took the L. It's no fun for them bc they feel like they got screwed when they just didn't understand how the game was. I honestly feel like some people are gloating bc they feel "superior" to those complaining.

Hell just look in this thread to see people complaining about how Nike's auctioning off the Mag and when they take Ls on limited releases, it's the exact same thing except the complaints in here are from people who know what they're getting into.
Exactly, a little legwork was all anyone needed. Just twitter search "pepsi perfect" and watch it live for about 2 seconds, and someone provided the amazon link on there.
Found the link at exactly 9 and sat there for 3 minutes with one in the cart before I decided it wasn't worth it for me.
Give these people a raffle option, and see them complain when they still don't get picked. They'll say "this should have been available only to people who saw Back to the Future in the theater in1985, only to people who dressed up like Marty for Halloween, who bought the new Blu Ray set, and donated to MJF's charity".
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I think it's cuz Amazon Normally has inventory on their site

and people are used to being able to purchase something from them with Ease...  Except Pepsi Perfect!
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Give these people a raffle option, and see them complain when they still don't get picked. They'll say "this should have been available only to people who saw Back to the Future in the theater in1985, only to people who dressed up like Marty for Halloween, who bought the new Blu Ray set, and donated to MJF's charity".
Dang ya'll weren't lying about the orders on the bay.  Lol.  Preorder joints already selling.
Probably because they lead normal lives and don't have time to get involved in that type of lifestyle, everyone doesn't have the thirsty tendencies for material items that moves people to find hacks for every thing.

I don't disagree but with the reviews on amazon coming in, you'd think these people thought amazon would add it to their carts and give it to them for free as well. For as much salt as these people are feeling, you'd think they would do anything they could to get one.
Normal people don't know about hacks for websites or participate in threads that post them, you're making it seem like they're abnormal when in fact it's us that ain't normal.
Probably because they lead normal lives and don't have time to get involved in that type of lifestyle, everyone doesn't have the thirsty tendencies for material items that moves people to find hacks for every thing.
That's not exactly a valid excuse. They wasted far more of their time than the people who actually purchased one. They simply didn't work smart.
Probably because they lead normal lives and don't have time to get involved in that type of lifestyle, everyone doesn't have the thirsty tendencies for material items that moves people to find hacks for every thing.
That's not exactly a valid excuse. They wasted far more of their time than the people who actually purchased one. They simply didn't work smart.
Work smart? If I didn't buy shoes I wouldn't know about atcs or bots, it's nothing to do with being smart. Remember the only reason we have bots and atcs are because of resellers, most of these people don't need to sell items online to make a living.
[thread="583348"]agree w/ <a data-huddler-embed="href" href="" style="display:inline-block;">@The7onius</a>
, the average internet user has no clue about the concepts of atc or early links. if you're unaware of these methods, how are you going to look for them? to them, we look like we're using cheat codes for the internet, which would of course make them salty. it's not so much an entitlement issue, but an outside-looking-in thing.[/thread]
Normal people don't know about hacks for websites or participate in threads that post them, you're making it seem like they're abnormal when in fact it's us that ain't normal.
Again, I don't disagree with you, of course we're the abnormal ones who come up with bots and atc's. I just feel like a lot of the people complaining about it on amazon are the same who got burned the first time, so you'd think they would do something to prevent it, with prior knowledge of how it went. People on amazon complaining about how the links went live too early the first time, well then put some effort into finding out how they dropped and get on board with the reasonable expectation that it could happen again and be ready, that's all. They didnt have to be on NT to find the links, I found it on twitter just by searching Pepsi Perfect, by the time I checked out, I came on here and it was being shared as well.
Work smart? If I didn't buy shoes I wouldn't know about atcs or bots, it's nothing to do with being smart. Remember the only reason we have bots and atcs are because of resellers, most of these people don't need to sell items online to make a living.
Yeah, but this one really wasn't about bots or ATCs. If you twitter searched, you would've seen the link tweeted right at 9am and been able to cop.
Normal people don't know about hacks for websites or participate in threads that post them, you're making it seem like they're abnormal when in fact it's us that ain't normal.

Again, I don't disagree with you, of course we're the abnormal ones who come up with bots and atc's. I just feel like a lot of the people complaining about it on amazon are the same who got burned the first time, so you'd think they would do something to prevent it, with prior knowledge of how it went. People on amazon complaining about how the links went live too early the first time, well then put some effort into finding out how they dropped and get on board with the reasonable expectation that it could happen again and be ready, that's all. They didnt have to be on NT to find the links, I found it on twitter just by searching Pepsi Perfect, by the time I checked out, I came on here and it was being shared as well.
But the first time they just released early, that was a mistake on Walmart and Amazon's part. There was no way to anticipate an early link if you know nothing about early links.
Work smart? If I didn't buy shoes I wouldn't know about atcs or bots, it's nothing to do with being smart. Remember the only reason we have bots and atcs are because of resellers, most of these people don't need to sell items online to make a living.
Were they living in a cave the first time the Pepsi Perfect dropped? It was clear afterward that direct product links could be found prior to the announced drop date. Were they expecting something different this time? If they had a half a brain, they would have anticipated direct product links to get out again. 
eh idk, i don't think searching twitter for an amazon link while the site is crashing is really rocket science or inside knowledge - that's just the natural thing that a smart person would do.

atc's, coding, etc. is different
that's bc you know what to look for. quickstrikes, twitter only links, surprise drops - things of this nature has become part of the niche community we're in. normal consumers have no idea about this.
that's bc you know what to look for. quickstrikes, twitter only links, surprise drops - things of this nature has become part of the niche community we're in. normal consumers have no idea about this.
I mean, I'd normally agree with you, but this set of consumers should have been aware b/c the exact same thing happened with the first Pepsi Perfect release. That makes them lose the benefit of the doubt.
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