NIKE Barkley Posite max

That is a good explanation, that I agree with, but it doesn't negate what I said. They price it at $235 drop the price a few weeks before release, confirm the information via there own website and social media accounts. Then a week before the release they say it was a mistake. $200 is the limit on a pair of shoes. So the shoes get more exposure to people who wouldn't have even looked at the original price.
these look nice only if they were authentic. 
The Way Fakes have been on point with colorways lately, i wouldnt be surprised if this is an authentic color coming in the next couple of months. I saw the Digital pic of them a few weeks back and they screamed fakes.
The inside tab with the sizes and the box kinda convinced me they could be legit. If only they were my size...
The inside tab with the sizes and the box kinda convinced me they could be legit. If only they were my size...
are yall serious??? look at the carbon and no splatter on air bubble is a dead give away :smh:
And that box! That label is a joke. Might as well read Air Randy Posite Max. Fake isn't even the word... :smh:
The inside tab on those fakes look real good, seen a pair of fake lebron x's the other day and was suprised by the qulaity, they're getting better
idk about these, they look good to me but on my feet i gotta c, then the price, already have the cloaks, dont really like buying multiple shoes in the same color, some are exceptions tho
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