Nike Foamposite - ParaNorman - Teaser pics

I entered a pic of myself on twitter yesterday but how's the judging suppose to work? The weirder the better? Seems really random. Plus, I don't have a lot of weird pics to begin with. Haha.
I don't really care about foams that often, but I have a seemingly endless supply of weird pics from when I was a kid. Gonna have to bring a stack to the office tomorrow to scan so I can keep entering every day. These are pretty cool.
Wait, So The Entry For These Is Already Closed?

I Never Saw It Posted Anywhere When The Actual Cutoff For Entry Was..............?
so you guys been tweeting them once a day? did the contest just start or has it been running for a couple of days now? kinda late to the party....... :smh:
I just entered a picture of me as a little kid being held by Mikhail Gorbachev, last head of the Soviet Union... Hope that's weird enough!
Man i would love for these to be my frist pair of Foams, I would pay 2 bills for these. gotta find some weird kid pics.

Not really into Foambs(Really loving these though) but, isn't the retail for them "2 bills"? :lol:

I always knew those pics my dad took of me and my little sister naked in the basement would come in handy Oh Yeahhh.:nerd:


i thought they picked in two weeks?????? or am i trippin???

I bet if your Avy was really a pic of you, you'd win for sure!

Some clown has them up on eBay for close to 7k. :smh::x
WTF qualifies as weird to them? Haha.. I'm bout to just throw a naked flick up of myself... Got tons of those from when I was a kid.
I just went through the rules going to have to go through my parents old pictures and scan the best of the best this weekend to make sure I stand a decent chance. My first entry alone should have gotten me in.

Here's a break down of how they're doing the prizes though

Contest Day Judging Day Number of Available Prizes
August 15th August 16th 25
August 16th August 17th 25
August 17th August 18th 50
August 18th August 19th 100
August 19th August 20th 100
August 20th August 21st 100
August 21st August 22nd 100
August 22nd August 23rd 150
August 23rd August 24th 150

and the rules about what they're looking for and what will get you disqualified

Content Restrictions:
The Submission must not contain material that violates or infringes any rights of any other party, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or any other intellectual property rights;
The Submission must not disparage Sponsor or any other person or party;
The Submission must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous;
The Submission must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
The Submission must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations of the United States or of any jurisdiction where Submission is created;
The Submission must be consistent with the image and values of Sponsor and be consistent with and satisfy the purpose of the Contest.
What I'm not clear on is if you need to submit using their website (which has a click through agreement for the rules) or if you can just use the hashtag and submit on your own.
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