Nike Foamposite Pro Solar: Released 4/25/14

That's what I'm saying. :lol:

What are the full time resellers going to do when the bubble bursts? Do they add, "I resold sneakers for a living" on their resumes when they re-enter the job market?
doubt the bubble will burst completely anytime soon and if you're pushing size runs weekly and put a little on the side you won't have to worry about getting a "job" anytime soon
  i really don't see them making enough to be stacking money like that on the side unless they're living at home with mommy and daddy, cause bills and rent/mortgage are a mofo 
 not to mention food, gas, and just the cost of every day living... o and i'm pretty sure they are still buying shoes for them self.. 
You'd be surprised, the top guys make paper. Guys that have been doing it for 10+ years and basically get all the pairs out of a few mom and pops every release make 1000s tax free each week
I can see why dudes resell but it's just not worth it to me to make as a full time job.

Give me an engineering job making 6 figures a year + benefits. And by helping people and making their lives better
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Benefits and 401k overrated?

Thats laughable. I'll just sit back and rack up money for retirement and for my children. More important things in life than kicks
yeah, this was just a quick discussion about it cause i was curious if they're really making money like that.. i' wasn't trying to argue or nothing like that. 

i stated before that my local jj is giving out guaranteed tickets tomorrow at 10:00 in the morning, but i just remembered it's spring break 
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That's what I'm saying.

What are the full time resellers going to do when the bubble bursts? Do they add, "I resold sneakers for a living" on their resumes when they re-enter the job market?
Essentially their hustlers, so they will find a new hustle?
Got a few females to enter a few raffles for me. I'll see how that goes. When it comes to these raffles my luck is slim.
Yea it is overrated. I don't need that crap and if ppl handled their money right they wouldnt either.
So let me get this straight. You don't need health insurance? 

Edit: no need to get the thread locked.
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So let me get this straight. You don't need health insurance? 

Bruh, you sounding real ignorant right now. Same thing as when you were talking about homosexuals. 
No I don't need it. What does that have to do with gays? What I said about those people is the truth, they are touched in the head and that is a medical fact. It's just covered up by the US as a means of population control.
No I don't need it. What does that have to do with gays? What I said about those people is the truth, they are touched in the head and that is a medical fact. It's just covered up by the US as a means of population control.
lets not go down that road. thats really going to derail the thread and get it locked.

so if you have a heart attack tomorrow, how you gonna pay for that surgery? straight cash? if you had kids and one of them was born with a disease, how would you pay for that.

my point is that you may not need it now but there are unforeseen circumstances that you cant control. 
Yeah Thats life there's nothing I can do about it. Even the wealthiest of individuals can drop dead out of nowhere and ain't no insurance gonna do anything about it. Nowadays you don't need a job for insurance though, I don't have a legal job, never did and I still have insurance.
Yeah Thats life there's nothing I can do about it. Even the wealthiest of individuals can drop dead out of nowhere and ain't no insurance gonna do anything about it. Nowadays you don't need a job for insurance though, I don't have a legal job, never did and I still have insurance.
Maybe we come from different walks of life my man. 

Me personally, my parent's have very good benefits from their jobs and that has saved my family a ton of money. A got a ton of people in my family who would otherwise be financially crippled if they didnt have good health insurance. 

Heart disease running in my famil FTL

But back to the shoes. Have you personally seen these in person yet? I know you got some connects. Wondering how they are in person
No I don't need it. What does that have to do with gays? What I said about those people is the truth, they are touched in the head and that is a medical fact. It's just covered up by the US as a means of population control.
What conspiracy theories have you been reading? Please share! 
Maybe we come from different walks of life my man. 

Me personally, my parent's have very good benefits from their jobs and that has saved my family a ton of money. A got a ton of people in my family who would otherwise be financially crippled if they didnt have good health insurance. 

Heart disease running in my famil FTL

But back to the shoes. Have you personally seen these in person yet? I know you got some connects. Wondering how they are in person
my family doesn't have those type of health problems at all. I don't have any connects :lol:, but I have seen the shoes and they look nice
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