Lmao yall not understanding what this really means. No Vanessa doesnt give AF about money or estate or whatever. She gives AF about US. The real Kobe fans. She is upset how they are handling the releases and making everything super limited and trying to turn them into Travis Scotts. This is her way of threatening Nike. Either you make enough Kobes for everyone or you will never make any Kobes ever again.

If I can’t have Kobes anymore, at least the resellers can’t either. I’m actually happy about this. I’d rather nobody have kobes than have nike and resellers keep disrespecting a dead man

The fact that you think Vanessa cares about you is Hill Larry Us
I’m not buying another Kobe shoe if it isn’t with Nike. Kobe played in Nike‘s and the memories associated with them can’t be replaced.
This is precisely the issue with Vanessa starting a new line, if she did. I really don't see her having a real option other than Nike, but she definitely can hold out as long as she wants. The cards are all in her hands.

And as for Adidas, they got what? 3 Kobe models was it?

Nike: Do Vanessa and the family right, and give her what she wants.
The fact that you think Vanessa cares about you is Hill Larry Us
Obviously I’m speculating but why else would she not renew the contract? What do you think she cares about? If it was all about money she would have renewed it like multiple people here have said. But she didn’t, so therefore it’s not all about money.

just trying to explain why all the “why would she do this, she’s losing out on so much money” takes don’t make sense. because it’s not about money
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Obviously I’m speculating but why else would she not renew the contract? What do you think she cares about? If it was all about money she would have renewed it like multiple people here have said.
It could be about more control, or even having a VOICE in the decision making. Vanessa gets hammered after every Kobe release due to the many # of complaints from fans who can't cop. We've seen Vanessa just recently attempt to "release" pairs for fans. But even that was limited stock.

So it could be that: she wants a voice. She wants control. She wants to be able to dictate stock #s/units.
Doesn't mean another deal with Nike doesn't get worked out. But this could be a good thing because a new contract worked out with Vanessa could be her urging Nike to up the # of pairs since it's clear it's not reaching Kobe's fans' hands. Yea resellers can try and bulk buy pairs or get multiples on RD, but if stock numbers get passed a certain point, resell will be nonexistent. Also I'm sure she wants to continue Kobe's memory/legacy for the fans so she'll do what she thinks is right for that
If this is the end of the Kobe/Nike era, that would suck. I remember my first ever Kobe shoes. My grandmother took me to footlocker and I copped the Huarache 2k5s. I had no clue they were Kobe's until later on . I was always a Tracy Mcgrady fan, and with their rivalry I always rooted against Kobe. It didn't matter who he played I rooted against Kobe lol. I remember cleaning up my shoes and seeing Kobe across the tongue of the Huarache's. I was like "WTF, I'm wearing Kobes!?" I was a kid so, I made it a big deal lol. With rooting against him, I always had high respect and admiration for his greatness and that only grew as I got older. I've purchased many Kobes over the years and they are by far my favorite Nike Basketball shoes. I hope this isn't the end.
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