Nike Lebron 17

lol @ People wanting Black people to save the world

Clown? Troll? Your response reeks of fear, cowardice. Say what you really mean, grow a pair.

What exactly do you want me to say clown? You fishing for some type of racist response. Stop being ignorant as my post wasn't about you. Its about Lebron being a hypocrite. What difference does it make if he's black, white, Mexican? I know these real world issues are way too complicated for your bird size brain. You should probably let the grown ups talk and go back to worrying about taking the perfect selfie at the gym.
We normally applaud athletes and celebrities for speaking up on injustices. Why is this different? Are you saying Morey should shut up and GM?
Putting words in my mouth...that's my tactic. Clever clever.

Morey needs to speak up and not hide behind his bedsheets. I will like see Morey be more than just his words. I'll like to see him in Hong Kong protesting against crimes against humanity.

But I doubt it, it just so much more convenient to have Twitter fingers and not live thru your words with action.

If your gonna start something, finish it!!!
Putting words in my mouth...that's my tactic. Clever clever.

Morey needs to speak up and not hide behind his bedsheets. I will like see Morey be more than just his words. I'll like to see him in Hong Kong protesting against crimes against humanity.

But I doubt it, it just so much more convenient to have Twitter fingers and not live thru your words with action.

If your gonna start something, finish it!!!
Man, you sound a lot like Fox News right now.


Morey should be able to have an an opinion without making the cause his life's work.
Man, you sound a lot like Fox News right now.


Morey should be able to have an an opinion without making the cause his life's work.
Everyone and anyone should have an opinion, but if your going open your mouth back it up with action. Daryl Morey decided to backtrack his opinion cause why?

It's fing up his position in the NBA and his money.

Money talks, BS walks.

Daryl Morey is epitome of how you talk the talk, but dont/afraid to walk the walk.
Everyone and anyone should have an opinion, but if your going open your mouth back it up with action. Daryl Morey decided to backtrack his opinion cause why?

It's fing up his position in the NBA and his money.

Money talks, BS walks.

Daryl Morey is epitome of how you talk the talk, but dont/afraid to walk the walk.
So everyone that's not as dedicated as Kaep, who was willing to give up his livelihood for his cause, should just stay quiet? I mean you can have your opinion but I'm going to strongly disagree with that.

Again, you sound like the Fox News "Shut up and dribble" lady.
So everyone that's not as dedicated as Kaep, who was willing to give up his livelihood for his cause, should just stay quiet? I mean you can have your opinion but I'm going to strongly disagree with that.

Again, you sound like the Fox News "Shut up and dribble" lady.
That's your opinion.

I'm just waiting to see if Daryl Morey is still going to speak and continue his support for Hong Kong or is he gonna backtrack and GM Everytime he does.

Support the cause but backtrack Everytime when your money/image is getting tarnished.

I'll like to see how he balances his act.
It’s always shut up and dribble until people who are not Black are in trouble.

It's not his responsibility to speak on everything.

I'd be cool if Lebron gave a "I'm not overly educated on the things going on in China so I'm not going to give a comment at this time." Even if that's a way to skip the issue bc of his money, I get it. But to say someone else should not speak up? Na, I can't support that. What he said last night was the equivalent of Fox News telling him to "Shut up and dribble." It was ****ed up when Fox News said that and it's ****ed up when Lebron said it. If Morey wants to speak his mind, he should do so and Lebron should support his right to do that.

Nah he shouldn't have said that Morey shouldn't speak up. If that's how he felt then say it and don't backtrack.

lol what? You probably have no idea, about the situation in Hong Kong. You’re sounding like “America first”:lol:

Lebron criticises Morey, while Lebron himself is committed to social affairs, free values and against discrimination in the USA.
And then he tells Morey not to speak about it? Just because it’s in a different country?

No I don't know what's going on in Hong Kong, I know that they're protesting. I heard it's for democracy but not really sure. It's not something I'm interested in. I also don't know what's going on in Tanzania. So I'm not going to speak on them.

If the NBA is in business with China, I imagine siding with HK might come across as "Siding with the enemy" or siding with something that they don't believe in. I could be wrong, but that's what it appears to be judging by China's response.

It’s political and he’s siding with silver due to economic loss in the nba. Guess that’s just how it is sometimes and I wouldn’t be surprised if silver asked lebron to maybe say something as a favor to him

No need to mess up the money over an issue that isn't yours.

Sheesh Lebron really screwed up. He shouldn’t have said anything

No he shouldn't have.

We wouldn't be here if Daryl Morey didn't say anything.

That's true, but Morey's been addressed. What Morey said was much worse, we're just speaking on Lebron's response.

We normally applaud athletes and celebrities for speaking up on injustices. Why is this different? Are you saying Morey should shut up and GM?

No, the NBA told Morey to "Shut up and GM"!

What in tarnation happened to this thread?!

Life is more than sneakers, and this thread is about Lebron and his sneakers.

Everyone and anyone should have an opinion, but if your going open your mouth back it up with action. Daryl Morey decided to backtrack his opinion cause why?

It's fing up his position in the NBA and his money.

Money talks, BS walks.

Daryl Morey is epitome of how you talk the talk, but dont/afraid to walk the walk.

That's your opinion.

I'm just waiting to see if Daryl Morey is still going to speak and continue his support for Hong Kong or is he gonna backtrack and GM Everytime he does.

Support the cause but backtrack Everytime when your money/image is getting tarnished.

I'll like to see how he balances his act.
Yep, you sound just like the "YEA BUT WHAT ELSE IS KAEPRNICK DOING?!?!?!" crowd. Not a good look.
Yep, you sound just like the "YEA BUT WHAT ELSE IS KAEPRNICK DOING?!?!?!" crowd. Not a good look.
Right..... cause I'm supposed to be worrying and waiting kaep is doing for my community, when I myself can do something to help myself and my community.

I'm not Daryl Morey I would never say something and then not live thru it by action. Instead i'll just hide under my GM desk, for causing a toxic environment till this blows over.
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^I think the financial situation was already messed up before bron said anything because of Morey. The way I see it is silver can’t say what lebron said because he wants to protect the freedom of speech that the owners/players/ league have but he wants some sort of statement made to the nba pretty much saying don’t say anything if it’s gonna ruin financial relationships, and lebron was his guy to do that
Asking Morey to protest in person huh, thats basically a ticket to be fired and prob blacklisted from the league. Losing money /= losing a job. He has more to lose. Meanwhile Lebron though I dont blame him and Harden before him are bowing to the Chinese.
Right..... cause I'm supposed to be worrying and waiting kaep is doing for my community, when I myself can do something to help myself and my community.

I'm not Daryl Morey I would never say something and then not live thru it by action. Instead i'll just hide under my GM desk, for causing a toxic environment till this blows over.
No offense, but your "Go and protest on the front lines or **** and stay in your lane" is a really ******* ignorant stance. It's the same **** racist whites have said to blacks for decades. It's a way of brushing off his opinion. It's ignorant and you're doubling and tripling down on it.
What exactly do you want me to say clown? You fishing for some type of racist response. Stop being ignorant as my post wasn't about you. Its about Lebron being a hypocrite. What difference does it make if he's black, white, Mexican? I know these real world issues are way too complicated for your bird size brain. You should probably let the grown ups talk and go back to worrying about taking the perfect selfie at the gym.
More name calling, right? That is how you deal with your own cowardly existence, afraid to speak your mind and you call people names. I am cool with that, because it tells everyone that you wet your pants when the time comes to be real.

At least LeBron hasn't done that. You, are the phony.
No offense, but your "Go and protest on the front lines or **** and stay in your lane" is a really ****ing ignorant stance. It's the same **** racist whites have said to blacks for decades. It's a way of brushing off his opinion. It's ignorant and you're doubling and tripling down on it.


BIG clown energy in this thread.
I mean, he literally did. When someone spoke up about an injustice that messed with Lebron's money, Lebron told him to shut up and GM.
Wrong, the info is out there.

There was a confrontation between Adam Silver and LeBron, where LeBron stated that if a player were to do as Morey did? He'd be reprimanded beyond repair. So LeBron's comments were about the double standard, not the issue in another country.
Got these the other day, the quality is A-1. The box design is also dope. These do fit snug, but a good type of snug. They definitely fit perfect length wise, which is my true size 11.



No offense, but your "Go and protest on the front lines or **** and stay in your lane" is a really ****ing ignorant stance. It's the same **** racist whites have said to blacks for decades. It's a way of brushing off his opinion. It's ignorant and you're doubling and tripling down on it.
So I'm a racist? That's what your saying?
cause not for once did i bring up race?
I'm bring up the subject of how Daryl Morey and his characteristics of being a coward.

Like i'll keep saying it's EXTREMELY EASY for someone to say something, but EXTREMELY HARD to back up their words with action.

He gave his opinion and immediately backtrack cause he knew he screwed up business relationships and his own money.

I believe you fail to see the big picture here. Daryl Morey doesn't care about what's actually going on in china and hong kong he still trying to dig himself out his grave for fing up his own money.
Wrong, the info is out there.

There was a confrontation between Adam Silver and LeBron, where LeBron stated that if a player were to do as Morey did? He'd be reprimanded beyond repair. So LeBron's comments were about the double standard, not the issue in another country.
That's not true though. Silver let's player speak on anything they want. He encourages it. The NFL blackballed Kaep for kneeling while Silver encouraged the I Can't Breathe tees. The NBA is very supportive of their players speaking out on anything.
So I'm a racist? That's what your saying?
cause not for once did i bring up race?
I'm bring up the subject of how Daryl Morey and his characteristics of being a coward.

Like i'll keep saying it's EXTREMELY EASY for someone to say something, but EXTREMELY HARD to back up their words with action.

He gave his opinion and immediately backtrack cause he knew he screwed up business relationships and his own money.

I believe you fail to see the big picture here. Daryl Morey doesn't care about what's actually going on in china and hong kong he still trying to dig himself out his grave for fing up his own money.
I'm not saying you're racist. I'm saying you're using the same lines that white nationalists use. Do with that what you want. I'm just pointing out what you're doing.
I can bet some of you NT'ers wasn't talking or aware about what's going on china and hong kong before this daryl morey tweet.

I will say honestly i've been well aware of the situation in china and hong kong. As if the human right violations people in china and hong kong happen a month ago, this been going on for YEARS!!!!

But i guess it takes a tweet and some public figures to get people to notice the issues of the outside world.

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