Nike LeBron 19 - Disco Season

If anyone still has their fruity pebbles receipt photo they used for the promo code, message me.
Now I wanna see someone do that to all the pairs

The 19 would have been worth $220-250 if you could remove it and put it back on. May have saved some of these weak *** colorways lol
Now THIS is how you do simple elegance 😍

Checking the DSG calendar that are "scheduled" to drop during April and early May.

Interested in seeing what the "Resort & Spa" and "Photobooth" lows look like, though I think the former are the Hawaii joints.

Also according the calendar the black/red lows will finally drop on May 3rd. *crosses fingers*
^ I really want that color.

didn't see this posted but the white/blue pair had restocked a full size run on NDC as of yesterday afternoon.
It’s crazy how these gonna come and go lol.

By May/June they gonna be teasing the 20’s

I just want at least one pair of the model but they making it hard wit these colorways lol.
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