Nike Park Updates (Stick to the Updates!)

SM fairview received 3 boxes of KB5. I were you im going to call them now coz I heard one of the staff saying that she has some of the pairs reserved already.
Originally Posted by evilways

jordan 1 with briefcase available in trinoma

Thanks for the heads-up man. Gonna check it out.
Too bad di ako dumaan kahapon dyan kasi na-Starstruck ako.
I'm here in trinoma right now, Park has chaos and w/ b/r cw or KBV,while planet sports has the BL/Chaos/Whte-Black-Red and the aways....
^ guys, expect no immediate answer or update for now, I'm sure NT peeps are now making their rounds of the stores for their Kobe Vs....and the rest of the kicks that just arrived yesterday...

ooops, Mon making a real time update from the store...hahaha, pre, have you copped your pair/s now? February is looking like a Kobe month, will expect Lebrons to take March on...
    Just got my pair of chaos...
gateway has BL and Chaos.. sorry double post...
Originally Posted by rudolfchua

guys just wanted to ask if there are still any CDP Pack available on nike park branches??

I think BHS still has the CDP 3/20 if I'm not wrong. Try calling them up.
g4 still has the cdp 5/18 also. i think cdp 3/20 is still available in bhs. i saw it last monday size11.
Just got my pair of kobe V aways!!!
aways, bruce lee and white/red/black CW are available.

Cagayan de Oro represent!

these shoes are incredible i'm gonna use them for balling tomorrow, can't wait! 
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