Strangely, it was an NP BHS staffer who told me about this. I think he also said only the smaller sizes were still available late this afternoon.
And yes, someone needs to start a new thread. We're way out of topic.
So there is a possibility that the chaos would pop out at other spots, right? because if not they ar egoing to be more limited than the SJs
hahaha. baka next week proline na
). i have to check out some toby stores here in south. I'll inform you asap.

No way NP wont release the 2k10(away) here.
tobys southmall has no chaos
hehe unless nasold out kaagad...

Southmall Park store manager said that Kobe Vs RD is almost sure to be bump off to next week. only a miracle could happen and delivery would be later thismorning...they have lots of stocks of the new yellow kobe shirt. lets hope for the miracle!
i was showing around a family friend from boston some of our outlets and nike stores
hehe good excuse for me to go shoe hunting
he is a shoe buff dinkse. but mostly south area lang muna. maybe north later next week...
Toby's might have a different supplier as Park (and Stadium) that's why they got the first crack at the Kobe Vs. If you remember Sports Central werethe first ones to release the Kobe IV Philly colorway late last year. You won't find it in any Park outlets but it was there in SC Megamall. For surelimited quantities per size yan sa Toby's and the usual sizes are gone by this time
^different supplier? I don't think so.. Even the stores in cartimar and cash and carry gets there supplies now from Nike
PI. It has been that way for a few years now. Gone are the days where stores source their merchandise from abroad and sends them here thru balikbayan boxeswith regards to shoes and Nike in particular. The most probable scenario that happened here is that the guys
from Nike PI made this release exclusively for Toby's.
Originally Posted by ballerdoc23

^different supplier? I don't think so.. Even the stores in cartimar and cash and carry gets there supplies now from Nike
PI. It has been that way for a few years now. Gone are the days where stores source their merchandise from abroad and sends them here thru balikbayan boxes with regards to shoes and Nike in particular. The most probable scenario that happened here is that the guys
from Nike PI made this release exclusively for Toby's.
I'd like to know what you think would be the reason behind that.
Originally Posted by jmoney45

Originally Posted by ballerdoc23

^different supplier? I don't think so.. Even the stores in cartimar and cash and carry gets there supplies now from Nike
PI. It has been that way for a few years now. Gone are the days where stores source their merchandise from abroad and sends them here thru balikbayan boxes with regards to shoes and Nike in particular. The most probable scenario that happened here is that the guys
from Nike PI made this release exclusively for Toby's.
I'd like to know what you think would be the reason behind that.
What I know is Nike PI gets their supplies from Nike Singapore. I was thinking Toby's might have gotten their supplies from another region.But in any case, Toby's is the winner this weekend for releasing the Chaos. And from the info on different boards looks like the Aways and BLs are the nextrelease. So parang exclusive nga ang dating sa Toby's ng Chaos.
or maybe just like the lights out thing that happened with Proline where-in they just ordered the sku number and nike just delivered. they dont look at theorders of diff stores naman. mostly its sku numbers that is used in ordering not by shoe name...for those who work in nike pi and other stores could youconfirm if this is the system? tia
@jmoney: as for the reason why Nike PI did this kind of release with the chaos, I also don't know but I'm pretty sure that this marketing strategy isplanned. And IMO it is also fair that the other stores that Nike supplies
to get some exclusive releases
not just Park and occasional Stadium releases.

@jeyps: with regards to the possibility of Toby's getting from other region is impossible if you ask me. Because Nike has a marketing arm here in thecountry , just like any product that has exclusive distributing arm in any country , every client is required to get their merchandise from that certaindistributor and in this case Nike PI. And Toby's is under the jurisdiction of Nike PI , so any activity with regards with their Nike merchandise ismonitored by Nike PI and any merchandise that has Nike trademarks that are being sold by Toby's should come from them , and if Toby's tries to get fromother region they should be diverted back by that certain office to Nike PI otherwise there will be encroachment on the territory and it is illegal.
Nike Park Updates only please!

Toby's got you all in check.


Please start a new thread for the said store.

Maybe some official retailers are complaining because people would rather buy Nike Shoes from Nike stores and not from them because of the VIP discounts and soall they gotta do is to go on sale. That's why probably they're now asking for some exclusives so their sales would be up as well.
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