Nike Restock Thread Vol Your Appeals Have Been Heard

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I think the majority of new age shoe collectors are missing the point.

It's not "our info".  

I think most people assume that lurkers/new members are here simply to resell/leak info, but I would bet my shoe collection that a good portion of posting members do the same.  If the person with the info wants to pass this onto friends/specific so...don't announce publicly that you're doing it.

/end rant.

I hear you but I disagree a little bit. I think when someone heard a huh is "hoarding info" they automatically jump to the conclusion he's only sharing with an exclusive NT clique when in most cases they are only trying to keep lurkers in the dark. Any member is free to the info
The animosity in this thread 
 lock this up bigj.
I've been buying jordans for almost 25 years.  Pre-internet age beginning with my folks and graduating to myself making the money and doing the deed.  In some cases, I have succeeded thanks to this website.  But if I do not get a pair then I don't.  If I can help, I will.  If people want to share information they will.  If they don't, they won't.  Once they release, whenever the hell that is, we are all just hogs in the pen squeezing and squealing to get through the gate and at them goodies. 
The animosity in this thread 
 lock this up bigj.
its not even about being for or against what we're talkin about. i was fine when dudes were running off at the mouth. i just have a problem when someone directs shots about keeping all the info for everyone when they dont do that in other places.
Same people wanting to have a thread are the ones that complain when I lock it.

Want to keep info secret? Cool but that young pm sent crap can be left out.

We all learned something from nt and the people that contribute. Now we too good to share info with the undeserving?
Get out of here with that hot garbage.

I hear where your coming from but I feel the sneaker culture is a little different than it was 3 to 5 years ago and this site is a great haven for information on all things Nike. And since it's open to the public anyone is privy to this information, including those that would capitalize on that info at out expense so I think that's why certain members choose to keep some of the tricks and tips to pms because they rather just members feast with that knowledge. At least that's how I look at it. I can't speak for anyone else but I'm for the NT community prospering cuz like you said I've learned a lot from some of you guys and want to give back in a way that won't come back to haunt me cuz I accidentally tipped off a lurker on how to get a shoe I want and am now paying double retail off the information I gave him lol

But it's ok to use info from people that don't seen worthy correct? Hypocrisy.

Let's keep it to ourselves and take what the unworthy provides.
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