@nikestore tweeter bot

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Enough w/ the PM.   Here's the free scripts...just add it before any "function addtocart" on your desktop script file.  This should bypass the Nike new layout format. 

Copy and paste.

while (1<2) {


didnt do anything for me. it opens a new blank tab and leaves the nike page stuck on a loading screen.

var size_i_want = "8";

var how_many = 1;

while (1<2) {



function addToCart() {

is that correct? for where it should be placed
Well well.....more gloating and acting like children in a sandbox....

I tried PMing cats for help to update my auto add to cart and just keep this secret. I got no replies because of greedy beasts....

Out of all the forums I've ever been on(GSXR forums, corvettte forums, dodge forums, honda forums, mountain biking forums, ford forums, and even the viper forums!
) ....NT is turning to be the ONLY one where cats refuse to help good members out.


I'm purchasing the updated auto add to cart and twitter link grabber software this weekend...

It will be posted for everyone to use......
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Well well.....more gloating and acting like children in a sandbox....

I tried PMing cats for help to update my auto add to cart and just keep this secret. I got no replies because of greedy beasts....

Out of all the forums I've ever been on(GSXR forums, corvettte forums, dodge forums, honda forums, mountain biking forums, ford forums, and even the viper forums!
) ....NT is turning to be the ONLY one where cats refuse to help good members out.


I'm purchasing the updated auto add to cart and twitter link grabber software this weekend...

It will be posted for everyone to use......
damn... i was straight up about to hook you up until that last line

FOH with that garbage.

Nothing wrong with people wanting to profit off their work.
damn... i was straight up about to hook you up until that last line

FOH with that garbage.

Nothing wrong with people wanting to profit off their work.

Not about that at all! I understand if you have a completely new bot or something totally different. All i want is the extra code required for my auto add to cart. NOT ONE PERSON said here's the one line you need to add/edit....

They just gloated about it and told people to step....FOH WITH THAT

I respect getting paid for your work. If I was asking for the whole thing I would completely understand....
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Also let me tell you something you probably could care less about.....


it will ALWAYS get you no matter what you do....

Always do the right thing....

Not about that at all! I understand if you have a completely new bot or something totally different. All i want is the extra code required for my auto add to cart. NOT ONE PERSON said here's the one line you need to add/edit....

They just gloated about it and told people to step....FOH WITH THAT

I respect getting paid for your work. If I was asking for the whole thing I would completely understand....
you're talking about buying the new bot and sharing it out...

not cool..

this thread is nothing but trollville anyway
Someone asked me if my bots came with customer support.


Then I asked myself - do I really want to deal with nuances of another Nikestore CSS change?  

Nope, no longer willing to sell any code.
you get what you pay for...
sadly no. the guy that sell for 30 use the same thing as the guy that sell for 10. but instead he's only giving people one single size. when you're suppose to get every size. you get what you pay for doesn't apply in this deal but i get what you meant in reality.
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