Niketalk brethren: I quit my job to travel across North America.

Really would not mind doing this at all
Sounds pretty awesome. Something I would definitely like to do, but I could never see happening. I also agree with you on one part. There is so much we haven't seen here in our own land, so we should explore what we have to offer here FIRST. I am dieing to go to Europe, but I'd also like to see every state in the US.
...i did the same thing last year...i did a month across america and 3 months throughout asia.

felt great.

don't really have a job
Nice man, I recommend you check out couch surfing websites if you're up for it. Helps you get a place to stay or even free while meeting new people wherever you go.
This is one thing i would love to do ... props to you good sir.

cant wait for the website.
what city are you starting out at? and just wondering how old are you? this is dope stuff though. props to you brohamm
My cousin and his boy drove from Oregon to VA... they didn't stop anywhere fancy, just stopped to sleep for a lil.

My cuzzo snapepd some dope pics
Originally Posted by richiecotite

props for real.

one thing to look into is a Nat'l Park Service America the Beautiful pass. For $80, you get into any national park for free (some parks charge entrance fees, some don't)
You already know I got that my man
can't wait to get out west and hit up Glacier National Park, Grand Tetons, etc.
Nice man, I recommend you check out couch surfing websites if you're upfor it. Helps you get a place to stay or even free while meeting newpeople wherever you go.
A friend of mine put me on to that. Definitely going to try it out, but very selectively (i.e. super-progressive, hippie areas where my chances of getting robbed are minimal.)
what city are you starting out at? and just wondering how old are you?
I'm 24 and I live in Chapel Hill (NC), so that's my starting point. Going to come up the Appalachians first and camp for a couple days. My first destination is actually on the coast of Maine (Rockland.)
My uncle oversees a boatyard and he offered me a gig working on a lobster boat
random I know, but I'm gonna give it a shot for a few weeks just for the experience. Plus it's money in my pocket and a free place to stay.
so you don't have a route planned out?
Not a day-by-day itinerary or anything, but I have a general idea of the course I'm going to take. Pretty much going to stay east of the Mississippi until after the holidays, then I'll go along the Gulf coast and hit up the Southwest, drive up the coast of Cali, on up to the Pacific NW. I could see myself spending a lot of time out West. Just so much to see out there, and I've lived on the east coast my whole life.

I'm pleasantly surprised with the feedback so far. I love this place

Will most definitely keep you dudes updated.
dude thats awesome! i wish i could do something like this, even if its only for like a month out of the summer or something like that.
be safe, take LOTS of pics (invest in a decent camera lol), and have fun!
Good luvk bro.

How do you think this pilgrimage will effect the rest of your outlook on life once you're done traveling?
if you come out to nyc shoot me a pm.

I think you could compile a bunch of stories/adventures by meeting NT'ers from places you visit.
Check this out op. Goodluck tho, im going to be doing one of these trips in the coming years tho, south fl to cali and from cali to ny.
i would definitely use this thread (or a new one) to chronicle your adventures. you'll get more exposure/feedback than a blog would.
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