NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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i noticed that some of the images are missing, even the recently submitted (at least this year) ones. avatar folders on our profiles are missing as well. are they coming back? tia
Yeah, they're being loaded in. As you might imagine, we had a LOT of images to import. (Over 4 TB, I believe.) It takes awhile for that all to get cached.

I'm glad to see that the reps transferred over in the move. I know Meth mentioned that the unique user accumulated points wouldn't be recognized on this new platform.
Points were carried over exactly, but the new platform calculates reputation points differently. One vote = One point. On the old site, there was a weighting system that made "thumbs up" from veteran users worth more.

How do we search within a thread?
Search this thread.jpg

Methodical Management Methodical Management any way to disable avatars?
Not at the moment, I'm afraid. You can hide user signatures right now, but the system doesn't have a way to hide all avatars.
If on mobile how do you switch to desktop version? I remember this use to be at the bottom of the page.
There are no longer separate desktop and mobile versions of the site. We have a unified, responsive design that adjusts automatically to fit your display.
Is this one of the alert settings?
The equivalent of the new post notifier only seems to activate while you're editing a post. It's not optimal behavior, and we'll look to improve upon it moving forward.
Did post counts go away?
No, they're under your username on desktop. On mobile they're visible when you tap a user's profile, but they don't show up before posts to keep things compact.
How do you delete a reply draft?

I had something typed out and then changed my mind. But it keeps showing up in the reply box.

I don't see a delete draft option tho
Delete Draft.jpg

It's under the diskette icon. Why there's an icon of a 3.5" diskette in 2017 is beyond my comprehension.

When we came back it was on mobile and I was like ehhh...i thought that was the layout lol. Switched to desktop and yea this is great. Very similar to the last one just better
We knew going in that people would be accustomed to the old site and we couldn't push too hard on the new design. It needed to be familiar, or many people would feel uncomfortable.

We also needed to unify the design, while taking into account the changing needs of users who now access the site from a wider range of devices and display resolutions than ever before.

The intention was to blend what we considered the best and most timeless aspects of the original NikeTalk site with the previous one - and update it for the modern era. If you try to do too much with a design, you make a hash of it. The users are the stars here, and a design shouldn't distract or take away from the content.

It's impossible to please everyone, so for those disappointed I will say that the new platform supports multiple themes and we're looking to add a new, light theme to the site at some point next year.

I was worried but this looks legit. S/o to all the staff that made this happen even amongst all of our grumbling.

The grumbling was expected and is understandable. As discussed earlier, we expected a resistance to change - and frustration with the disruption. If you go to the same gym every day, it's annoying for it to be shut down for a few days while they replace the flooring, paint the walls, and swap in new equipment. People come to count on certain things as constant, and when that changes it can be upsetting.

We did not undertake this arbitrarily. It was quite literally a matter of survival for the community. Our old platform was discontinued. We could either adapt or die.

We spent the better part of the year preparing for this, but it's virtually impossible to come out of something like this unscathed. Every site that has migrated thus far encountered difficulties, even those with far larger budgets than ours.

I'm glad to hear that you're pleased with the new site thus far, and hope that those who aren't will warm up to it in time.

We're committed to continually improving the experience, and I hope that will be made apparent in the days ahead.
Is there anyway to click on "your last post" like there was on the previous platform? It makes it easier to catch up on posts you missed.
Not sure if this is the best avenue to post suggestions, but I'd like to at least have the option to disable the ability to select the page number in a thread that I'm already on.

It just kind of ends up pointlessly refreshing and I've done that a few times now while lazily trying to move to the next one.

I'm glad imgur embeds work again though since it seems like 90% of the gifs on the internet were uploaded there.
There are no longer separate desktop and mobile versions of the site. We have a unified, responsive design that adjusts automatically to fit your display.

If u click "request desktop version" in the address on my looks very similar to the previous desktop version in layout
Can someone help me? I'm trying to make a post in the Dunkirk thread but having trouble finding it. Search isn't giving me any results.
Always felt like the marketplace here could be much better. Why not just have 1 marketplace with a checkbox to choose sizes, instead of separate forums by size ranges? Lots of potential for an active NT marketplace.

Also any way to have a bookmark logo/tab logo? Comes up as an empty icon right now

Screen Shot 2017-07-16 at 2.55.51 PM.png
Reminds me of when I was a child and we had to move. I liked the old house better, but I understand that it's necessary. Grateful to have this place.
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