Niketalks obsession with racial threads inspired me to write... Another race thread

Apr 7, 2008
Lately, race topics have been trendy on NT General, so I figured I'd share my perspective on race and how I see it from a logical, non-bias perspective.

Growing up, I was taught by my parents that being black is beautiful and that I should date black women, but it was never to the point where it got hatefully racist. I always felt uneasy about the idea of dating within my "race" for whatever reason that I cant accurately put my finger on, but now I know exactly why, and the reason is there is only one race of people on this planet and that is the human race. That is seriously a painfully simple concept to understand with all the knowledge and information that is available to most people today, yet people still fail to realize that simple fact.

If you take the time to look up our history as a human race and why our skin color and hair texture on humans differ, you should gain an understanding that is, like I stated before, we are all fundamentally the same. Fundamentally, meaning the components that we are made of which are physically and mentally vital to our survival. If you accept the face that we all came from Africa (or even Adam and Eve) then you accept the fact that we all came from one and because of different changes such as climate, altitude, etc. we have a vital ability to adapt to different areas of our planet and survive almost anywhere here. So with that understood, why do so many race issues still exist in information rich places like America today?

Do people not realize that were ALL on this planet together and in order to survive, we all have to work TOGETHER, and not as a White/Black/Asian/Hispanic/ect group separate? When I think of our existence here, I tend to think further than just my city, state, country or even continent. I think from a broad perspective of time and space and in a time sense, this planet is limited. It will not be here forever. So will we go down with it, or will we as humans prove ourselves strong and survive the end of our galaxy and exist until the end of time with whatever other intelligent beings that have reached beyond their planet/galaxies?(I'm being serious by the way.)  Again, thinking from a much larger perspective than just your city/country/planet, who do you think intelligent life from other planets will want to communicate with if they were to communicate with anyone on this planet? Intelligent, respectful, peaceful people. They could probably care less about the color or that persons skin because it will get you absolutely nowhere without a brain. The reason I mention such a universal perspective is because that is the direction were headed in. Why do you think there is a International Space Station in space right now? Humans are headed to space to find new places to flourish because, obviously, resources here(and even our galaxy) wont last forever.

 To put it into a more worldly perspective, what if some huge disaster were to devastate Earth and wipe out more than 90% of people? How much will skin color matter at this point? What would matter to you? Does the skin color of the doctor that could save your life matter? If the answer is yes, the reason you would die is because of caring about something so trivial as that, and your death wouldn't be accidental. Intelligence is strong, lack of intelligence is weak, skin color is insignificant to the intelligent. (maybe I'm going too far off on rant. If I am, I apologise, but I'm getting my point across.)

Also, look at how primitive it is to have distinct separate "races". that only existed when the technology wasnt good enough to travel between countries/continents, and now were traveling interplanetary. As we travel, we mix "races" and the more integrated we become, the more intelligence is shown and less we focus on simple things like skin color. To put that in perspective, look at technology as it becomes more advanced. Would you rather carry around a calandar, watch, phone, calculator, phone book, etc or have it all integrated into one? See where I'm going?

I'm not claiming to have any sort of grand solution or better solution than any other, but it would be nice to see an intelligent discussion based on logic about this subject here for a change and I'd even like to see the usual racial "villians" here come in and share your opinion on my opinion as well.
Lately, race topics have been trendy on NT General, so I figured I'd share my perspective on race and how I see it from a logical, non-bias perspective.

Growing up, I was taught by my parents that being black is beautiful and that I should date black women, but it was never to the point where it got hatefully racist. I always felt uneasy about the idea of dating within my "race" for whatever reason that I cant accurately put my finger on, but now I know exactly why, and the reason is there is only one race of people on this planet and that is the human race. That is seriously a painfully simple concept to understand with all the knowledge and information that is available to most people today, yet people still fail to realize that simple fact.

If you take the time to look up our history as a human race and why our skin color and hair texture on humans differ, you should gain an understanding that is, like I stated before, we are all fundamentally the same. Fundamentally, meaning the components that we are made of which are physically and mentally vital to our survival. If you accept the face that we all came from Africa (or even Adam and Eve) then you accept the fact that we all came from one and because of different changes such as climate, altitude, etc. we have a vital ability to adapt to different areas of our planet and survive almost anywhere here. So with that understood, why do so many race issues still exist in information rich places like America today?

Do people not realize that were ALL on this planet together and in order to survive, we all have to work TOGETHER, and not as a White/Black/Asian/Hispanic/ect group separate? When I think of our existence here, I tend to think further than just my city, state, country or even continent. I think from a broad perspective of time and space and in a time sense, this planet is limited. It will not be here forever. So will we go down with it, or will we as humans prove ourselves strong and survive the end of our galaxy and exist until the end of time with whatever other intelligent beings that have reached beyond their planet/galaxies?(I'm being serious by the way.)  Again, thinking from a much larger perspective than just your city/country/planet, who do you think intelligent life from other planets will want to communicate with if they were to communicate with anyone on this planet? Intelligent, respectful, peaceful people. They could probably care less about the color or that persons skin because it will get you absolutely nowhere without a brain. The reason I mention such a universal perspective is because that is the direction were headed in. Why do you think there is a International Space Station in space right now? Humans are headed to space to find new places to flourish because, obviously, resources here(and even our galaxy) wont last forever.

 To put it into a more worldly perspective, what if some huge disaster were to devastate Earth and wipe out more than 90% of people? How much will skin color matter at this point? What would matter to you? Does the skin color of the doctor that could save your life matter? If the answer is yes, the reason you would die is because of caring about something so trivial as that, and your death wouldn't be accidental. Intelligence is strong, lack of intelligence is weak, skin color is insignificant to the intelligent. (maybe I'm going too far off on rant. If I am, I apologise, but I'm getting my point across.)

Also, look at how primitive it is to have distinct separate "races". that only existed when the technology wasnt good enough to travel between countries/continents, and now were traveling interplanetary. As we travel, we mix "races" and the more integrated we become, the more intelligence is shown and less we focus on simple things like skin color. To put that in perspective, look at technology as it becomes more advanced. Would you rather carry around a calandar, watch, phone, calculator, phone book, etc or have it all integrated into one? See where I'm going?

I'm not claiming to have any sort of grand solution or better solution than any other, but it would be nice to see an intelligent discussion based on logic about this subject here for a change and I'd even like to see the usual racial "villians" here come in and share your opinion on my opinion as well.
I completely agree with you. Unfortunately you'll see why what you're advocating won't work anytime soon in this very thread
I completely agree with you. Unfortunately you'll see why what you're advocating won't work anytime soon in this very thread
Originally Posted by iAllan


color of skin doesn't matter, the only race is the human

summary : another pipe dream that won't ever in a million years become reality
Originally Posted by iAllan


color of skin doesn't matter, the only race is the human

summary : another pipe dream that won't ever in a million years become reality
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by iAllan


color of skin doesn't matter, the only race is the human

summary : another pipe dream that won't ever in a million years become reality

I'll give it 200 years before everybody is the same color.
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by iAllan


color of skin doesn't matter, the only race is the human

summary : another pipe dream that won't ever in a million years become reality

I'll give it 200 years before everybody is the same color.
Most def...but there is even a more broader view than whats mentioned above.
The homosapien isn't the only link to the chain here.
The celestial build of Earth is just as alive as you are.
Cowards never truly get a easy option, even when they back out or run away they must live with that decision forever.
Same goes for humanity.
There is no destroying the Earth and calling it a day, there is no outer species coming in and restoring order.
Were going to have to fix this or fall unto the hands of our own mastery in this eternal hell until we GOD up.
As far as interacting with alien lifeforms or drafting into other dimensions we can do the science, find all the clues and remains we want, but nothing
gonna fall in line for us until we get OUR s_ straight.
Most def...but there is even a more broader view than whats mentioned above.
The homosapien isn't the only link to the chain here.
The celestial build of Earth is just as alive as you are.
Cowards never truly get a easy option, even when they back out or run away they must live with that decision forever.
Same goes for humanity.
There is no destroying the Earth and calling it a day, there is no outer species coming in and restoring order.
Were going to have to fix this or fall unto the hands of our own mastery in this eternal hell until we GOD up.
As far as interacting with alien lifeforms or drafting into other dimensions we can do the science, find all the clues and remains we want, but nothing
gonna fall in line for us until we get OUR s_ straight.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Most def...but there is even a more broader view than whats mentioned above.
The homosapien isn't the only link to the chain here.
The celestial build of earth is just as alive as you are.
Cowards never truly get a easy option, even when they back out or run away they must live with that decision forever.
Same goes for humanity.
There is no destroying the earth and calling it a day, there is no outer species coming in and restoring order.
Were going to have to fix this or fall unto the hands of our own mastery in this eternal hell until we GOD up.
As far as interacting with alien lifeforms or drafting into other dimensions we can do the science, find all the clues and remains we want, but nothing
gonna fall in line for us until we get OUR s_ straight.

Indeed. And as we are right now we wouldnt make it anywhere but Earth.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Most def...but there is even a more broader view than whats mentioned above.
The homosapien isn't the only link to the chain here.
The celestial build of earth is just as alive as you are.
Cowards never truly get a easy option, even when they back out or run away they must live with that decision forever.
Same goes for humanity.
There is no destroying the earth and calling it a day, there is no outer species coming in and restoring order.
Were going to have to fix this or fall unto the hands of our own mastery in this eternal hell until we GOD up.
As far as interacting with alien lifeforms or drafting into other dimensions we can do the science, find all the clues and remains we want, but nothing
gonna fall in line for us until we get OUR s_ straight.

Indeed. And as we are right now we wouldnt make it anywhere but Earth.
great post, but in reality race relations will always be more complicated than this.
great post, but in reality race relations will always be more complicated than this.
Until the people who created and then maintain the rules regarding racial superiority are exposed as a fraud, this system will remain in place. With all of the info available about who created this system and then why, you still have "neanderthals" and their "offspring", those who fear evolution due to superstitions, are holding onto the racial superiority complex, then holding on for dear life.
Until the people who created and then maintain the rules regarding racial superiority are exposed as a fraud, this system will remain in place. With all of the info available about who created this system and then why, you still have "neanderthals" and their "offspring", those who fear evolution due to superstitions, are holding onto the racial superiority complex, then holding on for dear life.
Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...
Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...

Ahhh, but President Obama calls himself a Black man. He knows the significance of this acknowledgement, as he himself realizes the ramifications of calling himself "bi racial", and the message that sends to both White supremists and Black people alike.

I wish Tiger Woods were that smart.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...

Ahhh, but President Obama calls himself a Black man. He knows the significance of this acknowledgement, as he himself realizes the ramifications of calling himself "bi racial", and the message that sends to both White supremists and Black people alike.

I wish Tiger Woods were that smart.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...

Ahhh, but President Obama calls himself a Black man. He knows the significance of this acknowledgement, as he himself realizes the ramifications of calling himself "bi racial", and the message that sends to both White supremists and Black people alike.

I wish Tiger Woods were that smart.

He calls himself a black man for the general publics sake. Trust me, he's smarter than that, but I see exactly what you're saying.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...

Ahhh, but President Obama calls himself a Black man. He knows the significance of this acknowledgement, as he himself realizes the ramifications of calling himself "bi racial", and the message that sends to both White supremists and Black people alike.

I wish Tiger Woods were that smart.

He calls himself a black man for the general publics sake. Trust me, he's smarter than that, but I see exactly what you're saying.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Government knows wus up. Barack Obama is a prime example, and his presidency is a huge statement on this subject about skin color(not race, because when your multiracial like Barack Obama, what "race" would you categorize him as? Black simply because he's partially black? hmmm... Use your own logic there...) being as insignificant as the color of your shirt you put on this morning. I have my own theory about what the governments goal is, and it has nothing to do with what color your skin is, but that's for an entirely new post...

Ahhh, but President Obama calls himself a Black man. He knows the significance of this acknowledgement, as he himself realizes the ramifications of calling himself "bi racial", and the message that sends to both White supremists and Black people alike.

I wish Tiger Woods were that smart.

He calls himself a black man for the general publics sake. Trust me, he's smarter than that, but I see exactly what you're saying.
I agree, he most definitely embraces his humanity first, as we all should.

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