Nintendo Thread: Nintendo Direct Mini 03/26/2020

Which Pokémon game will you be buying?

  • Let's Go Pikachu!

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • Let's Go Eevee!

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Both!

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • None!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • O.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hey.. are you able to download gamecube/wii games on the wiiu? How many gbs are they?

And how many gbs is the wiiu? I haven't play Zelda:TP, WW, SS yet and looking to get those this xmas.
Hey.. are you able to download gamecube/wii games on the wiiu? How many gbs are they?

And how many gbs is the wiiu? I haven't play Zelda:TP, WW, SS yet and looking to get those this xmas.

I'm assuming you don't have the original Wii, but you can play all of the Wii games on the Wii U. This includes Zelda Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. You can get the Zelda Wind Waker HD remake in October for the Wii U.

As for the Virtual Console... Below is a list of the games so far available through that service on Wii U. More will come including Gamecube games. The games all support off screen mode with the gamepad. If you have a Wii you can transfer all of your old Virtual Console content over to the Wii U. Sizes vary from game to game, but they are relatively small downloads. The deluxe Wii U offers 32 GB of memory, but you can add an external hard drive for more storage.

  • Balloon Fight
  • Punch-Out!!
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Excitebike
  • Ice Climber
  • Mega Man
  • Pac-Man
  • Solomon's Key
  • Xevious
  • Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Ghosts'n Goblins
  • Spelunker
  • Mega Man 2
  • Mega Man 3
  • Mega Man 4
  • Yoshi
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That's EXACTLY what it is. Nintendo has the stereotype of being labeled the kiddy system but if you grew up playing video games in the mid 80's to mid 90's your first video game was a Mario game, I promise you. I mean Nintendo is the only game company that will literally make you buy there system for one game and that alone will have them win everytime. My cousin is 32 and I remember going to his house over the weekend when we were younger and playing super Mario kart and super Mario all-stars like there was no tomorrow. He considers himself a mature gamer now and worships his PS3 and all his uncharted games. I always tried to get him on board with the wii and he's always telling me how Nintendo has fallen off and they're not what they used to shoulda saw his face for that Mario kart 8 trailer. It was like we were 10 years old all over again. Nintendo-the king of nostalgia

I've heard this so many times from people in my circle, but then they'll ask to play Mario Kart when they're at the crib. To all the people who say Nintendo fell off, to me, they're the ones who have changed. As you get older your tastes change and you want to experience more. For a lot of people Sony and Microsoft offered them something new, but at the end of the day Nintendo continues to make great games with iconic franchises.

I don't really consider Nintendo a nostalgic brand or king of nostalgia because they are very relevant today... similar to Nike/Jordan brand. Most people fell in love with the company back in the 80's/90's and still purchase their iconic retros, but they are very still considered trendsetters in their industry. And for that reason I feel Nintendo are the trailblazer and trendsetter for gaming . They continue to innovate and move the industry forward while staying true to their roots.

Do they make mistakes, sure... but throughout the years they've demonstrated that they are all about quality (something I wish Nike still did) and great experiences . If you grew up with the NES or SNES and you've played a Playstation or an XBox you eventually long for those quality experiences you once had as a child when you first started gaming. You begin to realize it isn't about the characters or graphics, its the passion Nintendo puts into their IP's. They know how to make fun games. That is the only thing that matters.
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I've heard this so many times from people in my circle, but then they'll ask to play Mario Kart when they're at the crib. To all the people who say Nintendo fell off, to me, they're the ones who have changed. As you get older your tastes change and you want to experience more. For a lot of people Sony and Microsoft offered them something new, but at the end of the day Nintendo continues to make great games with iconic franchises.

I don't really consider Nintendo a nostalgic brand or king of nostalgia because they are very relevant today... similar to Nike/Jordan brand. Most people fell in love with the company back in the 80's/90's and still purchase their iconic retros, but they are very still considered trendsetters in their industry. And for that reason I feel Nintendo are the trailblazer and trendsetter for gaming . They continue to innovate and move the industry forward while staying true to their roots.

Do they make mistakes, sure... but throughout the years they've demonstrated that they are all about quality (something I wish Nike still did) and great experiences . If you grew up with the NES or SNES and you've played a Playstation or an XBox you eventually long for those quality experiences you once had as a child when you first started gaming. You begin to realize it isn't about the characters or graphics, its the passion Nintendo puts into their IP's. They know how to make fun games. That is the only thing that matters.

EXACTLY! People are so caught up on the extra bull a system can do. I don't care about Skype on a system that's what my laptop is for. I don't care if I can talk to my system, I talk to Siri on my phone but when I want to have fun with a video game Nintendo never disappoint. I mean my most memorable video game moments have something to do with a golden eye all nighter on my N64 with 3 other friends. That's a real gaming experience
I always felt like if Nintendo really wants to step it up

They would license super smash bros and other in house franchises to other systems...

And on that note...Today's "gamer" confuses me. A lot of Sony/Microsoft fans say they want Nintendo to go 3rd party or to license their franchises. Why don't they just buy the damn system to play Nintendo's games. I just don't get it. It seems as if people secretly wants to play Nintendo games, but don't wanna look uncool by purchasing Nintendo hardware.

The only game I care for is if they release a new Zelda for wii-u, but I don't know if that's enough for me to buy the system. It'll just collect dust after I finish that game. My wii was covered in dust until we started using it to watch Netflix. I think I liked Gamecube better than that system but I spent most of my time playing Metroid and RE 6 on it. I'm not a fan of all this motion control stuff from Nintendo or from the other consoles.
I always felt like if Nintendo really wants to step it up
They would license super smash bros and other in house franchises to other systems...
And on that note...Today's "gamer" confuses me. A lot of Sony/Microsoft fans say they want Nintendo to go 3rd party or to license their franchises. Why don't they just buy the damn system to play Nintendo's games. I just don't get it. It seems as if people secretly wants to play Nintendo games, but don't wanna look uncool by purchasing Nintendo hardware.

The only game I care for is if they release a new Zelda for wii-u, but I don't know if that's enough for me to buy the system. It'll just collect dust after I finish that game. My wii was covered in dust until we started using it to watch Netflix. I think I liked Gamecube better than that system but I spent most of my time playing Metroid and RE 6 on it. I'm not a fan of all this motion control stuff from Nintendo or from the other consoles.
I had the chance to buy a wii u with gift cards but opted for 6 pairs of 501's instead. I extremely enjoy the big N's developed games and in the past have purchased their hardware for one or two games like shogun said as well. I bought a wii at launch just for twilight princess. After that it collected dust and when it did get some run once every year or so, it just felt really dated.

If there's anything I've learned about nintendo hardware going forward, it's to pick it up towards the end of it's life cycle so you can get it in a cool color along with 5 or 6 amazing games for a couple hundred bucks. The wait between Nintendo games is rough.
This is why I love Nintendo... I think its so cool to see the CEO of Nintendo of America just randomly stop in a address the fans.

Animal Crossing is quietly taking over the world!!
i think i already had you added mcflyy :lol: haven't seen you on though. anyone else on animal crossing? i need more friends on my 3ds to get the full-worth out of these games. :rolleyes esp. when smash bros come around.
i think i already had you added mcflyy :lol: haven't seen you on though. anyone else on animal crossing? i need more friends on my 3ds to get the full-worth out of these games. :rolleyes esp. when smash bros come around.

:lol: yeah, I thought the name was familiar. I'm not on as much though, I play it here an there during my commute to work or sometimes during lunch.
:lol: yeah, I thought the name was familiar. I'm not on as much though, I play it here an there during my commute to work or sometimes during lunch.
same here. some days i'm able to play for a good amount of time but on most weekdays its only for a few mins unfortunately. i'll catch you whenever you're on one of these days though.
Project X Zone finally drops tomorrow!! :smokin

It's already sold out on Amazon & Best Buy; resellers want $60+ for copies
Nintendo Direct Mini that happened out of nowhere yesterday.


2 more weeks until this releases and the Wii U revitalization begins.

I was reading that in Japan (where it already released) it sold half of it's stock in 2 days and it almost tripled Wii U hardware sales (which weren't much before anyway). Maybe the same success can happen here in the west like it has over there.

Also, select Gamestops are having a Pikmin even tomorrow & Sunday where you can demo the game and if you pre-order the digital version, you can play it a day earlier.
August is looking to be a pretty packed month for Nintendo with releases of Pikmin 3, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, and Pokemon Rumble U.

Rumble U is gonna be very hard on wallets, it's gonna be the first game to utilize NFC and they'll be releasing 18 figurines that you can use in the game that will cost 3.99 each.

The thing is, the toys will be in a capsule so you won't be able to see what you're getting, you'll either have to buy a whole bunch, try to find them on ebay, or trade with people IRL.

I can see Nintendo making so much money on this game if they release all of the Pokemon. Gamestop is gonna be making money off of this since the toys are exclusive to them :smh:
Project x zone is so ill! Still haven't unlocked zero and X yet...

I was thinking of getting it based off of the 2 demos I played and from what my co-worker has told me but I ended up buying SMT IV. Maybe i'll get it later on, I am building such a big backlog of games and not enough time to play them all :smh:
I was thinking of getting it based off of the 2 demos I played and from what my co-worker has told me but I ended up buying SMT IV. Maybe i'll get it later on, I am building such a big backlog of games and not enough time to play them all :smh:

Same here. Still haven't beaten fire emblem awakening yet smh
About to cop me a Wii U I was on ign and I dont see many games to get as of now im guessin in 2014 most the titles gonna drop?
About to cop me a Wii U I was on ign and I dont see many games to get as of now im guessin in 2014 most the titles gonna drop?

Yeah, there aren't that many key games out right now but starting on August 4th when Pikmin 3 drops, Nintendo will release a major game every month.

August - Pikmin
September - Wonderul 101
October - Windwaker HD, Wii Party U
November - Donkey Kong
December - Mario 3D world, Wii Fit U

So I would recommend buying a Wii U whenever your preferred game comes out.
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