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Who do you think will win?

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  • Cavaliers in 5

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  • Cavaliers in 6

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  • Warriors in 4

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  • Warriors in 5

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  • Warriors in 6

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Srs question, do you guys the Cavs will make it to the finals next year?
I always pick/bet 2/3 teams to win it all before the season starts. 

Cavs will be one of those teams I bet on.

Last year I had Dallas @30/1 for $1000 and Memphis at 50/1 for $500. (just looked, it was $100 and $50)

Cavs won't be that good of odds but It will be good enough to lay some dough on

Only EAST team I would do this with is CAVS, all other picks will be, WEST teams.
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Srs question, do you guys the Cavs will make it to the finals next year?
I always pick/bet 2/3 teams to win it all before the season starts. 
Cavs will be one of those teams I bet on.

Last year I had Dallas @30/1 for $1000 and Memphis at 50/1 for $500. 

Cavs won't be that good of odds but It will be good enough to lay some dough on
Only EAST team I would do this with is CAVS, all other picks will be, WEST teams.

have you ever won?
Srs question, do you guys the Cavs will make it to the finals next year?

its possible...likely. but

healthy chicago (fool's gold until proven otherwise, of course)
healthy indiana (pg13 byke)
healthy washington (j.wall bruh bruh)
healthy boston (kelly going for the leg next time b)
healthy miami (if dwade stays and doesnt go to cLeaveLand)
Kyrie hasn't had a fully healthy season since 11th grade
Love may leave
Bron will be 31

Maybe not enough to stop to stop the Cavs, but surely slow them down and make them work.
Even if they make it out of the East, I fail to see how they'll win a championship without a gigantic overhaul.

Love and the Cavs are like oil and vinegar. The styles don't match.
Kyrie is Bob Sanders playing PG.
Andy is Bob Sanders playing C.
TT is going to get paid.

They need a lot of work.

This is true, but big picture, when we really analyze and think about things, how does anybody beat the Warriors in a 7 game series. West or East

By winning 4 games.

Magic tweet.
Too early to call it, depends on too many variables.

I have the Knicks .. Lmao

But then I wake up from my dreams.

I think if Dwade goes back and Bosh is healthy the Heat will be serious. They might do something in the off season ....

That be something, they bounce the Cavs ...
Srs question, do you guys the Cavs will make it to the finals next year?

There's too much that goes into making the finals. Having Lebby will always give them that opportunity, but will his age + minutes + fatigue finally start to show? Will Kyrie be healthy? Will Love stay? If he stays, will he start to fit in? Will they get role players that are worth a damn? Does Anderson Varejao have a healthy bone left in his legs?

Still think the best move for the Cavs to do is either S&T Love to Portland for LMA or let him walk and try and bring in LMA. He'd play great with LBJ.

Even tho it pains me to say that.
Well there you go....

Didn't know you banned someone. 

Serious question, is Lebron just not a likeable guy? My mom doesn't follow ball at all but she's heard of Lebron (who hasn't?). She still chose to root for GSW. In my experience most non-basketball fans I've run into chose GSW over Lebron and the Cavs.
It's different, random reasons for people that don't even watch basketball. My grandmother was rooting for Golden State because one of her friends told her my younger cousin looks like Steph. They're both light skinned and look like teenagers. My wife was rooting for the Cavs because she 'likes' LeBron and she only 'likes' him because I like the Lakers and Kobe is my favorite player of all time. She watched about 3 minutes total of the finals and those 3 weren't continuous. 

there's probs another reason she likes lebron b..
For real.

And why was JR sitting BEHIND Blatt when Blatt was addressing the team?

Unless he was back there getting worked on by the trainers, this is unacceptable and as a JR fan, I was disgusted.

I swear to God when I saw this, I knew it was OVER. 

The Cavs had checked out if that was the locker room feel.

OH well. Somebody has to lose.
that was the reflection in the mirror...... 
You sure? I don't think so man.
 have you ever won?
Not in NBA.

Twice in NFL though.
Cavs can make it to the finals on pure talent
its possible...likely. but

healthy chicago (fool's gold until proven otherwise, of course)
healthy indiana (pg13 byke)
healthy washington (j.wall bruh bruh)
healthy boston (kelly going for the leg next time b)
healthy miami (if dwade stays and doesnt go to cLeaveLand)
Kyrie hasn't had a fully healthy season since 11th grade

Love may leave
Bron will be 31

Maybe not enough to stop to stop the Cavs, but surely slow them down and make them work.

None of those teams have a shot, let's be serious. Wizards have the potential to keep getting better but Boston & Indiana, Hell No. Chicago, that continues to be an ongoing joke and Miami will be good but def not good enough.

Even if Love leaves (which I don't think he will)
Well there you go....

Didn't know you banned someone. 

Serious question, is Lebron just not a likeable guy? My mom doesn't follow ball at all but she's heard of Lebron (who hasn't?). She still chose to root for GSW. In my experience most non-basketball fans I've run into chose GSW over Lebron and the Cavs.
It's different, random reasons for people that don't even watch basketball. My grandmother was rooting for Golden State because one of her friends told her my younger cousin looks like Steph. They're both light skinned and look like teenagers. My wife was rooting for the Cavs because she 'likes' LeBron and she only 'likes' him because I like the Lakers and Kobe is my favorite player of all time. She watched about 3 minutes total of the finals and those 3 weren't continuous. 
there's probs another reason she likes lebron b..
how dare she? gonna have to sit her down when I get home......
For real.

And why was JR sitting BEHIND Blatt when Blatt was addressing the team?

Unless he was back there getting worked on by the trainers, this is unacceptable and as a JR fan, I was disgusted.

I swear to God when I saw this, I knew it was OVER. 

The Cavs had checked out if that was the locker room feel.

OH well. Somebody has to lose.
that was the reflection in the mirror...... 
You sure? I don't think so man.
yeah that was a mirror man. if it wasn't that was the most poorly constructed room I've ever seen. And Cleveland was backwards on his shirt. 
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IF Byron and Worthy don't get hurt in 91 they probably beat Jordan.

Duncan is 1 REBOUND away from being 6-0

I mean there's alot of IFS we can do.

The facts are:

Jordan is 6-0
Duncan is 5-1
Kobe is 5-2
Wade is 3-2
Lebron is 2-4.
Dirk is 1-1

Feel sorry for dirk and the mavericks. They got hosed in the 2006 finals

First time trying alcohol. He probably hung over right now.  
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