1) Yamb Evisceration
2) Increased energy and drive.
3) Decrease in social anxiety, increased confidence and self-esteem aka BECOME ALPHA 1/3
4) Increased focus and concentration. 
5) Increase in willpower. 
6) Deeper Voice aka BECOME ALPHA 2/3
7) Increase in testosterone BECOME ALPHA 3/3
8) Fall asleep more quickly & deeper sleep.
9) Re enabling of dopamine sensors = Increased life satisfaction.
And plenty more.
View media item 543128
I honestly believe fapping inhibits our evolutionary nature

There is no proof of this that I know of but it makes sense logically. I mean we as organisms are evolutionarily wired to do our best to pass down our genes. When you fap your mind thinks "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED", you are fooling the part of your mind that is in control of that. Your body/mind thinks you're passing your genes down, thus losing that inner drive that is pushing your competitiveness in passing those genes down.
I honestly believe fapping inhibits our evolutionary nature

There is no proof of this that I know of but it makes sense logically. I mean we as organisms are evolutionarily wired to do our best to pass down our genes. When you fap your mind thinks "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED", you are fooling the part of your mind that is in control of that. Your body/mind thinks you're passing your genes down, thus losing that inner drive that is pushing your competitiveness in passing those genes down.
Actually you're right bruh.. And there is proof.

See, although our lifestyles have changed DRASTICALLY homo sapiens as a whole hasn't really evolved for a very long time....

When you fap to completion with multiple tabs of porn open your brain really thinks you're smashing that chick (or dude, shouts to the LBGT community). Now here's where the problem comes in..... Pornography is present in the society of almost every developed country on this planet. That gives you access to a LIMITLESS supply of females. What do you think is going to happen when you're sitting there fapping, get done, and can just switch to a new flick and get excited all over again?

We aren't yet capable of handling the stress that puts on our bodies. It completely dulls out your dopamine sensors, and throws your brain associations all the way off to the point where the only thing that can excite you is a new chick on your screen.

It affects almost everything in your daily life, and the worse part is the effect is so subtle UOENO it until you bring yourself back into balance. I try to tell everyone, even my homies that pornography is the devil.. They call ducktales, but eventually they'll see. The world is better off without it.
I honestly believe fapping inhibits our evolutionary nature

There is no proof of this that I know of but it makes sense logically. I mean we as organisms are evolutionarily wired to do our best to pass down our genes. When you fap your mind thinks "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED", you are fooling the part of your mind that is in control of that. Your body/mind thinks you're passing your genes down, thus losing that inner drive that is pushing your competitiveness in passing those genes down.
View media item 595010
Actually you're right bruh.. And there is proof.

See, although our lifestyles have changed DRASTICALLY homo sapiens as a whole hasn't really evolved for a very long time....

When you fap to completion with multiple tabs of porn open your brain really thinks you're smashing that chick (or dude, shouts to the LBGT community). Now here's where the problem comes in..... Pornography is present in the society of almost every developed country on this planet. That gives you access to a LIMITLESS supply of females. What do you think is going to happen when you're sitting there fapping, get done, and can just switch to a new flick and get excited all over again?

We aren't yet capable of handling the stress that puts on our bodies. It completely dulls out your dopamine sensors, and throws your brain associations all the way off to the point where the only thing that can excite you is a new chick on your screen.

It affects almost everything in your daily life, and the worse part is the effect is so subtle UOENO it until you bring yourself back into balance. I try to tell everyone, even my homies that pornography is the devil.. They call ducktales, but eventually they'll see. The world is better off without it.

View media item 595010
View media item 595010
View media item 595010
View media item 595010
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Fapping defitnely y isn't good for you. I've recently been only doing it for once a week an even with just that I've seen an increase in confidence and sex drive. It's like you can just tell when a girl wants the d; like you can just smell the scent of yambs moistening in the air. I think it's like a sixth sense we naturally have but is taken away from watching too much porn

Also I read that fapping reduces this chemical in the brain. I forgot what it's called but it naturally increase your desire to get more females. That's why fapping decrease sex drive
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Been seeing that gif for years. Where is it from?
the wire
Question.. Its my first NF month (or two) in quite a few yrs and I know that substitution is inevitable. Asides from hitting the gym, reading more, yamb patrol, what else ? Esp online coz I know when power up my laptop, catch up on premier league, read the news and submit assignments, there's very little stopping me from typing tubegalore.
Question.. Its my first NF month (or two) in quite a few yrs and I know that substitution is inevitable. Asides from hitting the gym, reading more, yamb patrol, what else ? Esp online coz I know when power up my laptop, catch up on premier league, read the news and submit assignments, there's very little stopping me from typing tubegalore.
What kind of computer do you have? If it's a mac download an app called Self Control. It blocks websites for a set time period and not even turning your computer off makes it go away
Question.. Its my first NF month (or two) in quite a few yrs and I know that substitution is inevitable. Asides from hitting the gym, reading more, yamb patrol, what else ? Esp online coz I know when power up my laptop, catch up on premier league, read the news and submit assignments, there's very little stopping me from typing tubegalore.
You can get a blocker if you want too. But lets be honest... If that's the only thing keeping you from watching you'll eventually disable it once the month is over and fap again anyways.

You have want to stop, and will yourself to see it through.

That primal urge to bust dat nut is probably one of our strongest emotions and sources of motivation.. Think about it this way: Beat it, and you can do anything.
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What kind of computer do you have? If it's a mac download an app called Self Control. It blocks websites for a set time period and not even turning your computer off makes it go away
You can get a blocker if you want too. But lets be honest... If that's the only thing keeping you from watching you'll eventually disable it once the month is over and fap again anyways.

You have want to stop, and will yourself to see it through.

That primal urge to bust dat nut is probably one of our strongest emotions and sources of motivation.. Think about it this way: Beat it, and you can do anything.
No blocker. I'm gonna cold turkey it like Chuck.
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