No soda July

For those struggling without soda, just get through those 30 days then it becomes habitual not to drink it. 

I only drink soda as a last resort.
Had a headache all day yesterday - the type that I'm sure would have shifted with a cold can of Coke. But I managed.
1 month no soda isn't a test. A full year is. I'll participate in that if there's a thread made for that.
Been on a Water and OJ rampage...OJ only in the morning...

My pops visited my apartment and brought a case of orange crush, and two 2 liters of Sprite last week and I havent even looked at them...fells good man!

How does NT feel about Minute Maid Fruit Punch tho? o_O Had ONE glass of that yesterday cause Arroz con gandules and BBQ'd ribs dont mix well with agua... =/
The fruit punch is just juice or are you looking to cut out all sugar heavy drinks?  Most are just focusing on cutting out soda.
Originally Posted by shogun

The fruit punch is just juice or are you looking to cut out all sugar heavy drinks?  Most are just focusing on cutting out soda.

I figure if im a cut soda might as well go all in and cut sugary drinks...
Isnt there a way where I can still drink my jugo but add water to kind of kill it down a little?
Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

Originally Posted by shogun

The fruit punch is just juice or are you looking to cut out all sugar heavy drinks?  Most are just focusing on cutting out soda.
I figure if im a cut soda might as well go all in and cut sugary drinks...
Isnt there a way where I can still drink my jugo but add water to kind of kill it down a little?
Just do half a glass of juice and half water.  Or more water if you want.  We still need some sugar intake though.  I made the mistake of cutting out all sugar for a few days and had no energy.
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

Originally Posted by shogun

The fruit punch is just juice or are you looking to cut out all sugar heavy drinks?  Most are just focusing on cutting out soda.
I figure if im a cut soda might as well go all in and cut sugary drinks...
Isnt there a way where I can still drink my jugo but add water to kind of kill it down a little?
Just do half a glass of juice and half water.  Or more water if you want.  We still need some sugar intake though.  I made the mistake of cutting out all sugar for a few days and had no energy.

Damn...maybe ill continue to keep going no soda and a lot of water and then the Juice at dinner or lunch. Appreciate it bro! Yall dont know how hard it was for me to turn down some sprite with Henny Tuesday....smh, i just started taking the henny straight cause I didnt have any apple juice or monster around.... Dedicated to this no soda *%!* 
Fourth of July was tough....but I stuck to water, I've been without soda for 3 months though so I'm gonna try and cut out all sugary drinks
i've been doing this for 3 weeks now. had a couple of cheat Sprites in between but not many. im down for the cause tho
Failed. I was so close too :smh:

But, this has been the least I've ever drank soda in my life. I guess that's a win in itself.
Still going strong. Cheated and had some Hawaiian punch but no soda all month so far :pimp:
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