NOPE - New Horror by Jordan Peele - 07/22/22

I wonder if cloned Lupita being a tethered was the reason the son was such a wierdo. Seeing how he was a half human half tethered .
Movie was decent. Not great, not trash.

I want to know why the boy clone mimicked everything the boy did, but the others didn’t..

I also wonder if he got swapped like the mom did. The last scene of the movie made it seem that way.
I wonder if cloned Lupita being a tethered was the reason the son was such a wierdo. Seeing how he was a half human half tethered .

I feel like he was swapped for the clone at some point, bcuz the daughter seemed fine.
He also didn’t seem afraid when the rest of the family was scared. He always remained calm.
Definitely need to watch a few more times.

Good movie. Solid 6/8. Get Out was like his Illmatic. He’d been working on that movie for his whole career and had a lot more to say.

I imagine with a few more views, a lot more will reveal itself.
I feel like he was swapped for the clone at some point, bcuz the daughter seemed fine.
He also didn’t seem afraid when the rest of the family was scared. He always remained calm.

That magic trick is what tells you he was swapped since he could do it last year but not this year. Honestly didn’t pick it up until reading it on another forum but it makes sense. He could’ve got switched when he was trapped in the closet because of tunnels or idk maybe they went to the same beach.
The fake Adelaide being hurt x trying to save the mask Jason before going into the fire was kinda a giveaway too, she knew that was her real kid and never hurt him throughout the movie.

The movie was alright at best, seeing lots of people linking the teather and nonteather to poor and rich people is heavy reaching is why I hate symbolism but eh it is what it is.
Master Zik Master Zik

I see that you said you will be going at 11am to watch.

Do you always go that early to watch a movie?

Is that the best time to go?

I like going to see movies that early sometimes just by myself because a lot of times going with people just ruins the whole experience. If I go with somebody and I look over and they’re on their phone or sleeping that **** just annoys me. If I’m with a chick and I gotta show her some attention during the movie then I’m not all the way zoned into the movie.
Look at graphic
Pay attention to the colors and the currently climate
Its crazy the southern states are red and slaves we kept at the bottom........

1. Government was doing cloning on people underground. That’s where they came from.

2. The guy on the beach was the clone of the guy who was holding that Jeremiah 11:11 sign at the carnival at the beginning of the movie and when the family first arrived at the beach and saw someone being wheeled into the ambulance. That was showing the clones have escaped and started killing. And yes he was wearing the red suit underneath his green jacket. His hands were bleeding because he just attacked the human version (the guy in the ambulance)

3. Hands across America was the memory Lupita had from that t-shirt she wore as a child so when she was devising her plan for revenge the whole time underground that’s the memory that stood out and she was able to communicate it to the clones.

4. That’s never explained why they mimic each other, they just do. He mimicked him when they were in the closet earlier in the movie so I guess that was foreshadowing.
it was mentioned in the movie really quickly that the clones and the originals may share souls and are mimicking the information shared across it

I liked the movie. Felt like a long violent episode of the twilight zone. Ready for his reboot of the show.
The movie was alright at best, seeing lots of people linking the teather and nonteather to poor and rich people is heavy reaching is why I hate symbolism but eh it is what it is.

Not a reach at all. They had direct commentary telling us that's what it is.

Waaaaay too many on the nose hints for it to be just a theory. Even the title of the movie.
Only small tiny gripe is he coulda been more subtle with the parallels. He was spoon feeding like the viewer is stupid :lol: Instead of juxtaposing the real vs. clone opening scene at the end, coulda just only showed the clone scene from the little girl’s POV.

I wonder at the end did Lupita and the other ones soul switch or something.

Also if the boys did as well

I didn’t get that. I thought the clone Lupita was just relieved that she doesn’t have to worry about the real one finding & killing her anymore. The boy was looking at her like he was doing because if you listen part of the fake Lupita’s battle cry after the murder sounded exactly like the noises the clones were making throughout the movie. He also saw her looking kinda off after she killed one of the twins.

Not a reach at all. They had direct commentary telling us that's what it is.

Waaaaay too many on the nose hints for it to be just a theory. Even the title of the movie.
“Heavy reaching” :lol: it’s like we’re watching two different films.

Mbaku asking them who they are. Lupita says “We’re Americans” Then repeating it AGAIN in her monologue at the end :lol:

Her very first lines comparing clone Lupita’s hot meals vs. her eating raw, live rabbit, the clone Lupita getting plush toys for Xmas vs. her “toys” being sharp cold & slicing her up when she played with them, clone Lupita meeting her prince, vs. her meeting clone Mbaku which sounded like damn near rape to me.
Only small tiny gripe is he coulda been more subtle with the parallels. He was spoon feeding like the viewer is stupid :lol: Instead of juxtaposing the real vs. clone opening scene at the end, coulda just only showed the clone scene from the little girl’s POV.

I didn’t get that. I thought the clone Lupita was just relieved that she doesn’t have to worry about the real one finding & killing her anymore. The boy was looking at her like he was doing because if you listen part of the fake Lupita’s battle cry after the murder sounded exactly like the noises the clones were making throughout the movie. He also saw her looking kinda off after she killed one of the twins.

“Heavy reaching” :lol: it’s like we’re watching two different films.

Mbaku asking them who they are. Lupita says “We’re Americans” Then repeating it AGAIN in her monologue at the end :lol:

Her very first lines comparing clone Lupita’s hot meals vs. her eating raw, live rabbit, the clone Lupita getting plush toys for Xmas vs. her “toys” being sharp cold & slicing her up when she played with them, clone Lupita meeting her prince, vs. her meeting clone Mbaku which sounded like damn near rape to me.

Exactly. And to pick up at your gripe...this is why he had to spoon feed the viewer :lol: look how many people missed the obvious drops.
I feel like he was swapped for the clone at some point, bcuz the daughter seemed fine.
He also didn’t seem afraid when the rest of the family was scared. He always remained calm.

He did say, he left the magic trick at the beach house last summer
That magic trick is what tells you he was swapped since he could do it last year but not this year. Honestly didn’t pick it up until reading it on another forum but it makes sense. He could’ve got switched when he was trapped in the closet because of tunnels or idk maybe they went to the same beach.
The fake Adelaide being hurt x trying to save the mask Jason before going into the fire was kinda a giveaway too, she knew that was her real kid and never hurt him throughout the movie.

The movie was alright at best, seeing lots of people linking the teather and nonteather to poor and rich people is heavy reaching is why I hate symbolism but eh it is what it is.

Thats not reaching at all. It's obvious. Parallel their lives and it's right in your face thats the message of the film
I feel like he was swapped for the clone at some point, bcuz the daughter seemed fine.
He also didn’t seem afraid when the rest of the family was scared. He always remained calm.

I don't think so because of the moment where he tricked the other one into moving into the fire.
Only small tiny gripe is he coulda been more subtle with the parallels. He was spoon feeding like the viewer is stupid :lol: Instead of juxtaposing the real vs. clone opening scene at the end, coulda just only showed the clone scene from the little girl’s POV.

I didn’t get that. I thought the clone Lupita was just relieved that she doesn’t have to worry about the real one finding & killing her anymore. The boy was looking at her like he was doing because if you listen part of the fake Lupita’s battle cry after the murder sounded exactly like the noises the clones were making throughout the movie. He also saw her looking kinda off after she killed one of the twins.

“Heavy reaching” :lol: it’s like we’re watching two different films.

Mbaku asking them who they are. Lupita says “We’re Americans” Then repeating it AGAIN in her monologue at the end :lol:

Her very first lines comparing clone Lupita’s hot meals vs. her eating raw, live rabbit, the clone Lupita getting plush toys for Xmas vs. her “toys” being sharp cold & slicing her up when she played with them, clone Lupita meeting her prince, vs. her meeting clone Mbaku which sounded like damn near rape to me.

They even had the visual juxtopositions when they kept alternating between how the clones lived and how the normal humans lived in that scene where clone Lupita and real Lupita was talking.

:lol: if anything was obvious in the film, it was definitely the overall message
Saw it. I liked it but it wasnt great.

This was more on the predictable side of a scary movie.

Lupita definitely carried this. Winston was good and to me was intended to be a corny dad the entire time. I chuckled here and there.

Definitely not trash but not an amazing movie. Nothing confused me. Would've liked some more sci-fi exposition on the process, plan and the tethering though.

No reason to compare this to Get Out. It simply didnt hit in the same way.

The haves and have not symbolism/theme is clear as ****.

It's a bunch of duplicates living in the tunnels like crazy ppl with a connection to their other selves living better lives as they mimic them.
the tethered climbing up from the bottom to only to just stand there and hold hands is akin to climbing the ladder from poverty only to end up working for someone else because someone told you that's what people do. Red told the tethered that they could organize, break free, and then gave them the end goal of holding hands because as a kid she saw the commercial for the hands across America charity as the ultimate challenge and thing to reach for. She doesn't even understand why it's important, just that it looked important. So I see the movie as perhaps saying that when you're in the least privileged class, you receive messages about what you should be doing to get to the top but you don't really ever get the opportunity to self-actualize and be all you can be. An example would be people who go through the motions of attending to college and getting the right job but have no real goals or passions related to any of the things they're doing. They're just doing what they've been told to do to be successful.

Throughout the movie Jeremiah 11:11 is shown. In the bible Jeremiah was a leader who was able to set his people free or something like that, which is what Lupitas tethered character was supposed to embody.
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