NOPE - New Horror by Jordan Peele - 07/22/22

My girlfriend thought he was actually f'ing Jordan Peele......

Never given anyone a harder side-eye in my life.
Just saw it, tbh I didn’t like it until I got out the movie and got hip to the break down of it after researching, then i appreciated it more, the twist wasn’t really a twist though, I knew from the get she had swapped....i just didn’t catch on the subtle hints, except for the very end when the clone choked the OG out and let out that primal scream....

So here is what sort of didn’t make sense, the OG knew she had been swapped and placed in the underground, why didn’t she reak havoc down there trying to make her way back up? Why go through the trauma of being the only one self aware for 20+ years?? Was there government guards keeping all these clones in check?...kind of reminded me a bit of that Cabin in The woods movie...
Just saw it, tbh I didn’t like it until I got out the movie and got hip to the break down of it after researching, then i appreciated it more, the twist wasn’t really a twist though, I knew from the get she had swapped....i just didn’t catch on the subtle hints, except for the very end when the clone choked the OG out and let out that primal scream....

So here is what sort of didn’t make sense, the OG knew she had been swapped and placed in the underground, why didn’t she reak havoc down there trying to make her way back up? Why go through the trauma of being the only one self aware for 20+ years?? Was there government guards keeping all these clones in check?...kind of reminded me a bit of that Cabin in The woods movie...

A lot of the movie is open ended so I am led to assume that the government program that started it was operating for while. Afterwards, she probably took time to plot. Also probably had somebody watching them because things got going once they went to the beach which was symbolic of course.
Perhaps a sequel where is explained how she lived down there all those years plotting her revenge? Although they could have taken 15 minutes and actually shown the rebellion, that would have been cool...yeah the movie is verrryyy vague...probably the reason I like it and in a weird way why I also didn’t really like it initially...also Dukes character was intentionally lame? Like at the end when the son was taken and Lupita took after them, my son just acted like it was another day at the many questions...lmao did the son figured out they were all still tethered? This is why he walked his clone into the fire?
Just saw it, tbh I didn’t like it until I got out the movie and got hip to the break down of it after researching, then i appreciated it more, the twist wasn’t really a twist though, I knew from the get she had swapped....i just didn’t catch on the subtle hints, except for the very end when the clone choked the OG out and let out that primal scream....

So here is what sort of didn’t make sense, the OG knew she had been swapped and placed in the underground, why didn’t she reak havoc down there trying to make her way back up? Why go through the trauma of being the only one self aware for 20+ years?? Was there government guards keeping all these clones in check?...kind of reminded me a bit of that Cabin in The woods movie...

But the tethered version was parallel
So she could have been down their just plotting until it was time
The old man that got killed was their green light
Did anyone else look up the meanings behind the names of the Tethered ? My mind is blown :wow: Peele is a psycho lol

-Umbrae = Shadow

-Pluto = Ruler of the underworld

-The tethered version of the old man (Alan) holding Jeremiah 11:11 is named ...Jeremiah.

- The Shinning reference. There's a character played by Duke Nicholson (Jack Nicholson's grandson) named Danny/Tony. In The Shinning, Daniel Anthony Torrace has an imaginary friend who "lives inside him" named Tony. In Us, Tony is Danny's Doppelganger.
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Another Shining easter egg is the way the bodies of the twins Becca and Lindsey Tyler are positioned just like the Grady twins.

The Lost Boys
“They’re filming something by the carousel,” Adelaide’s mother tells her father, as they stroll the boardwalk. “You should see if they’re looking for extras.” Joel Schumacher’s teen vampire hit The Lost Boys shot on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in 1986; Peele confirmed the connection to Uproxx.
That's a great article ^

Tho means rabbit in vietnamese? I officially hate this man :lol: EVERYTHING is an Easter egg in this movie.

There's one I haven't seen many people talk about though. The 'Get Out' Easter egg. When the Wilson's are at the home of the Tyler's after the showdown....did anyone else see what Jason was eating ? That was clever.
:ohwell:Just saw it and very underwhelming.
Sad that most dad/husband roles in today’s movies/tv shows are this corny me too’d Version of a male. :smh:
Saw the “twist” coming 15 min into the movie.
At least in get out the actors reacted somewhat logically.
Give it a 6.5/10. This has me worried about the upcoming twilight zone series now :ohwell:
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Also the little boy was the only one that controlled and bonded with his tether.

He was a weirdo because he understood. Plus him wearing the demon mask and being the first to say "it's US".

It's like he was more in tune.

Now that I think about it, the boy was switched too. The pic he drew of the guy at the beach was in third person. He was drawing from the perspective behind a boy with bloody hand man I'm front of him.
Just saw the movie, I expected more but it was decent movie. Didn’t hate it but I wouldn’t recommend it either.

Can somebody please explain to me why didn’t she just run back up the stairs to go back to the real world? Like I get that she was switched and shackled to the bed but once she got free why didn’t she just go back the same way she came in. What was holding her back? She wasn’t zombied out like everybody else there.

Mirrorworlds. After she was switched, Adelaide never came back to Santa Cruz. Once she returned she gave red power and the Old Man was the link essentially. The clones basically did what their upper world counterparts did. If adelaide had never gone to the house of mirrors than red would of never gone either.
Starting to think Jason was switched prior to the event of the film

I remember they we're saying he started acting different from when their grandma died

He was saying weird **** like the time at the dinner table and when they were in the car

Bruh didn't know how to snap his fingers. Couldn't do the magic trick anymore.

So I'm guessing Lupita had them swapped
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I don’t think Jason was switched, Adalene had repressed her memories, so she believed she was real and had never ventured to the mirror world, so she couldn’t have swapped him, also he wasn’t swapped at the beach because he was still pretty much himself afterwards and let’s not forget his tether had half his face burnt.

Also the dads demeanor annoyed me too, but once you accept his character is intentionally written as such, you appreciate it
Jason definitely wasnt switched. His clone would of had speech capabilities and the burn marks would of been recent af. His clone literally growled the whole time. I think he acted weird because his mom is a shadow person, so he's half shadow person. Meanwhile the clone acted almost human because his mom was the original adelaide, so he was half human.
i dont get why jason was weird but the sister wasnt... im thinking because he was the only one in the family to know that the mom was the clone and didnt know how to deal with it...
My girl was saying Jason may have been on the spectrum. That's why he wore a mask.
i dont get why jason was weird but the sister wasnt... im thinking because he was the only one in the family to know that the mom was the clone and didnt know how to deal with it...

I mean she was kinda weird too. Like when Jason wandered off and her mom was panicking and screaming. She didn't even care to say anything.
Although not to this extent I'd say the possibility does loom that there are discreet government and military facilities underground. I seriously doubt this nation would restrict all of its abilities to engineer underground to public transit, mining, commercial buildings and so forth.

What exactly is done down there is another discussion but dwellings like that certainly have to exist and maybe even in more abundance than is to be assumed.
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