Not Being a Father Unappreciation.

Dude it'a millions of kids out here with a biological father and no daddy. I see no reason to be jealous of these *&$ who just spreading seeds all over the place, who soon we'll have to invest ~31k a yr of tax payer money to imprisoning a large majority of anyways.

Are you married or in a similar long term relationship? If not, not having kids is better with less unneeded headaches.
I thought women were hard pressed to have kids...never heard dudes talk like this.
I'm only 17 but I'm planning to have my first by 28/29. Big families gotta start early.
im not as old, but i know i have a very special lady, and really would love to have babies with her...


sike naw i really do soo
Well I'm a young father. As many would tell you it has its ups and downs. I am 26 and my son was born 6 days after i turned 21. I'll be 27 in nov. you do the math. Its rewarding and tiring at the same time. I always though i would have a career and foundation (house money in the bank etc) before i had a child... well that didnt happen the way i originally thought, however i can honestly say he is the reason i put 110% in school(went back for engineering) and my why i even bother with my current job. I do it as well for my fiance(baby momma) but i when i see that little man and litterally he acts just like me... i know i want to give him the world..(or atleast try to)
point is i am not typing this to rub anything in, but maybe it just isnt the right time, and sometimes things dont work out as we plan or when we plan but when before it does happen i recommend to get everything else out of the way or taken care of before hand.. meaning career stability, household etc...because you would def want to spend some time with your child. 

I got an older brother who hasnt had a child yet and i think him and his girl may be trying... but i think the best way to calm that urge may be to baby sit a little, if anything it would atleast give practice.

Good luck, 

In due time my NT Brethren,

-Get At Me...
Originally Posted by Regis

No kids mouse, you still have time.

i'm saving my womb for DC when he's done acting up

like someone said you guys don't have clocks...

i dead @!+ felt the day my bio clock started ticking...monday after i turned 25


Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne a man, you shouldn't feel any obligation to have a kid just because the rest of your friends do....when you're ready you're ready. Same applies for marriage, I know couple who are happier together than married couples and they've been together just as long.

We don't have "clocks".

heck yeah fambs.. But Regis... that feel.. I don't know it at all.. PLEASE don't rush Alotta fellas would KILL to be in your shoes.. 


Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne a man, you shouldn't feel any obligation to have a kid just because the rest of your friends do....when you're ready you're ready. Same applies for marriage, I know couple who are happier together than married couples and they've been together just as long.

We don't have "clocks".

heck yeah fambs.. But Regis... that feel.. I don't know it at all.. PLEASE don't rush into nothing just to have babies. Alotta fellas would KILL to be in your shoes..
I got like 3 yrs before I hit 30 so Im not hitting that panic button just yet.
But after that I might just go for the best looking chicken head I could find looking for a quick come up to be my baby momma.

And It aint bout getting rushed by family or nothing. Its just something that IVE always wanted for own lil mans/princess.

DC - If I found out tomorrow I wasnt fertile, I think Id start the adoption process by 30.

Edit: Some of you goobers may be getting the wrong idea. It aint like da kid is moping around feeling alone in the world cause I dont have a kid. Im still clappin cheeks and poppin bottles at the club so its really nothing at this point.

Im simply stating that the years are slowly starting to creep up on me and its a tiny thought in the back of my head.

For the time being though, Im still enjoying life and doing hood rat things.

Itll happen when it happens, the last thing you want is to have a kid with the wrong girl just for the sake of having a kid

Im 31 and kind of felt the same a few years back when alot of my friends and peers were having kids

It was hard for us to have a kid at first too, some people can just get pregnant very easy and some can't,in time things work out tho, now we have a 2 year old madman son who tears up the house on the daily and just poured some ketchup on a fresh pair of Concords I got for him lol

good to see some grown man talk on NT
Dudes be having babies just outta boredom
Been wanting a son but I can't eem afford'em
Can I benefit from having a seed with no benefits?
Naw plus now I feel the world at my fingertips

In a world of unwanted kids, child custody hearings and abortions, I'm happy to see there are some folks out there that want to be parents

On that note, I am offering my services to any NT lady under the age of 40. I can guarantee our kids will be at least 5'11", have large feet, and depending on your skin color, a mocha to caramel complexion.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

im 28...thankful i dont have any kids

a kid at this point would suck all the fun out of my life...

Same, i want it all wife, kids et al, just not yet.  I wan't no regrets. Crazy going out with your dudes and half of them gotta dip early.
Child support is terrifying. Crazy baby mommas also.
Things are all gravy when you're together, but some people turn into a completely different person when you break up
Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne a man, you shouldn't feel any obligation to have a kid just because the rest of your friends do....when you're ready you're ready. Same applies for marriage, I know couple who are happier together than married couples and they've been together just as long.

We don't have "clocks".

heck yeah fambs.. But Regis... that feel.. I don't know it at all.. PLEASE don't rush Alotta fellas would KILL to be in your shoes.. 


yup, im 28..gonna be 29 in october...sure i think about it, but knowing who your having s kid with is just as important as having da kid itself....had i stayed with my ex me and her would've probably had kids

in a couple of years from now.....oh wells..just concentrate on yourself.
I feel wife and I just had a baby boy this year. I turned 34. I felt sad a times but things will come to you. Keep your head up homie.
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