NT At what age did you first move out of your parent's house ?

17 straight to the marine corps, 4 years later......deployment to iraq in 07, afghan in october of 09 and goin back to afghan in june, alchoholic and cant settle down for nothin. lol im livin a great life though
17 straight to the marine corps, 4 years later......deployment to iraq in 07, afghan in october of 09 and goin back to afghan in june, alchoholic and cant settle down for nothin. lol im livin a great life though
Dudes who still live at home with their parents? Who gives a f…

I’m not talking about 30+ year old dudes, I’m talking about the younger ones 18-26 or anywhere along those lines. So what if he stills lives at home? I’m sure that says so much about him - not. Some men have actual priorities. Why waste your money on an apartment just to say you live on your own? What’s the point of having your own place if you’re struggling to make it and having your parents send money to help keep you on your feet? Some guys are in school getting an education and working their #!$%% off. There’s no need for added stress just to have your own place. You’re not mooching off of your parents, you’re playing your part. There’s no point in having your own spot when your parents pay all the bills and the rent and you drop off your laundry over there every week. Some guys are saving up for a house in their future, perhaps they’re paying their own tuition or car note. Like $*%!!, be cool. The girls who complain & have so much %@*$ to say about guys who live at home - ask where they sleep at night. Their parent’s house, so shut your beak. How do you expect a man to have certain things and be in a particular place in his life when you’re in the same, if not, a lesser position? Yeah, alright. Guys who live at home & who are actually doing something with their lives - God bless. Don’t worry about the bird @###*%$ who cluck about it, they aren’t %@*$. It’s the same @###*%$ Amy Winehouse sang about, so dust off your !#$* me pumps.
^Incredible Post!
I left my fathers crib when i was 22 years of age...i am 26 years old now and moved into my oldest sisters house in an expensive area here in VA and i am not even rushing to get my own spot right now. I love the neighborhood its just too expensive for me for the time being so i am just taking my time for the moment. I am still having fun i just miss having all of that space that i used to have to myself however its no biggie. When the time is right ill have my own spot again word to God.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Dudes who still live at home with their parents? Who gives a f…

I’m not talking about 30+ year old dudes, I’m talking about the younger ones 18-26 or anywhere along those lines. So what if he stills lives at home? I’m sure that says so much about him - not. Some men have actual priorities. Why waste your money on an apartment just to say you live on your own? What’s the point of having your own place if you’re struggling to make it and having your parents send money to help keep you on your feet? Some guys are in school getting an education and working their #!$%% off. There’s no need for added stress just to have your own place. You’re not mooching off of your parents, you’re playing your part. There’s no point in having your own spot when your parents pay all the bills and the rent and you drop off your laundry over there every week. Some guys are saving up for a house in their future, perhaps they’re paying their own tuition or car note. Like $*%!!, be cool. The girls who complain & have so much %@*$ to say about guys who live at home - ask where they sleep at night. Their parent’s house, so shut your beak. How do you expect a man to have certain things and be in a particular place in his life when you’re in the same, if not, a lesser position? Yeah, alright. Guys who live at home & who are actually doing something with their lives - God bless. Don’t worry about the bird @###*%$ who cluck about it, they aren’t %@*$. It’s the same @###*%$ Amy Winehouse sang about, so dust off your !#$* me pumps.

and those "independents" still take money from their parents

I live in the LES and none of those white trash hipsters have jobs but for some reason they have their own apartments, party out every night and own everything apple
dam trust fund babies
people care about their reputation way too much
Originally Posted by Lunchbox

Im 22 an will be goin to college either at the end of the year or beginning and wont be movin out until im done with it, eff living check to check

Smart move. I'll be out by 24. Check to check is terrible planning.
Im 19 and I still live with my parents.

As cool as it would be to have your my own spot, I am flat broke so it would be dumb for me to try and move out.

Hopefully Im out by the time Im 25 though. Even though I think 25 is kinda old.
19 and with rents.

Every time I'm asked this and answer with 19 and at home. I get


I see friends move out at 18, 19, 20+ Struggling. They end up moving back home months later.

Also I live in one of the most expensive places, British Columbia: Vancouver/Lower Mainland is a complete joke for prices.

The small 3 bed room town house the family bought for 185 thousand dollars 15 years ago is now worth 400,000+
  Unless I won the lotto or became a CEO of a large business there's no way I will be able to ever buy a house in my life time.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Dudes who still live at home with their parents? Who gives a f…

I’m not talking about 30+ year old dudes, I’m talking about the younger ones 18-26 or anywhere along those lines. So what if he stills lives at home? I’m sure that says so much about him - not. Some men have actual priorities. Why waste your money on an apartment just to say you live on your own? What’s the point of having your own place if you’re struggling to make it and having your parents send money to help keep you on your feet? Some guys are in school getting an education and working their #!$%% off. There’s no need for added stress just to have your own place. You’re not mooching off of your parents, you’re playing your part. There’s no point in having your own spot when your parents pay all the bills and the rent and you drop off your laundry over there every week. Some guys are saving up for a house in their future, perhaps they’re paying their own tuition or car note. Like $*%!!, be cool. The girls who complain & have so much %@*$ to say about guys who live at home - ask where they sleep at night. Their parent’s house, so shut your beak. How do you expect a man to have certain things and be in a particular place in his life when you’re in the same, if not, a lesser position? Yeah, alright. Guys who live at home & who are actually doing something with their lives - God bless. Don’t worry about the bird @###*%$ who cluck about it, they aren’t %@*$. It’s the same @###*%$ Amy Winehouse sang about, so dust off your !#$* me pumps.

True stuff. If your trying to do something with your life and still at home big props but for dudes just buying time in till there rents kick them out
25 years old. took me a while, but after long commutes to and from work (well they were like 35-45 minutes long depending on which way i was goin), i couldn't take it.
I live with my Ma at the moment.

As long as I get a real job as soon as I finish studying I'll be out just before I'm 23.
Originally Posted by dunnyy

I think dorming and moving out are two different things.

Anyway, I'm 19 and still live with my parents. Don't think I'll be moving out until I graduate in 2014.
Exactly.  I physically moved out of my parents house when I was 17 to go to college, but what we're really talking about - cutting off financial life support, that didn't happen until I was 22 (graduated college).  
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by RAWse

How did u guys move out at such an early age?

18 my parents got me a condo for my HS graduation present

thats dope. never understand how folks could like the lakers AND the cowboys.

for me, i didnt have a choice... i got kicked out. i had planned on moving to dallas and start school the fall semester, but issues with my mom and step-dad forced me to bounce a few months early. i had to have my sister cosign on the lease, because i wasnt 18 yet.

i sold drugs in high school, with the intention of using that money to get me started at college. which is what i did. after about 2 1/2 years of grinding and spending frivolously... i had managed to keep around $10k by the time i moved out. as you could imagine... that went real quick, with rent + bills + tuition.

after 3-4 months of living off savings and scraps, i got a job at champs. became an assistant manager after about 6 months and kept that job all the way thru school (26 months, straight semesters).

i wont front... i worked 45-55 hours a week and was taking 16-18 credits each quarter... it was rough. but in the long term, it was worth it. i experienced things by the age of 19, that some could only dream about. a lot of that had to deal with the life i was leading, but a lot of also had to do with the fact that i was alone in a big city.

that being said... when i got a job back in fort worth (where the fam lived) i moved in with my sis. even when i had issues with the fam, it was never really an independence thing. it was always out of necessity. right now... i dont NEED to have my own place, so why even stress it? and, its not like this isnt MY house. i pay rent.... i do what i want.

im 25 now, btw.
I'm 22 i don't want to move out. My mom and dad are divorced and its jut my mom and my sister. My sister is 24 should be out soon. Then i have to take care of mom. So its looking like an extended stay for me. My mom always says when i move i have to take her with me. She took care of me for 22 years time to repay the favor i guess...or until she gets remarried.

Yes i pay rent and chip in on cable and gas and electic.
Still @ home.. Turning 24 this year and I can easily afford an apartment, but I'm saving up my $$$ to but a down payment on a house

although i am doing ok. i kinda wish i had the opportunity to stay at home during college and maybe a year after. i would have at least one or two houses by now. do you know how much bread i could have save.....good golly.
Man, I'm 22 and still in their house. I just finished school, though and I'm itching to get out. But like a lot of people, I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck. I got a full-time and about to get a part-time, save up around 50-75K in 2-3 years and then move out.
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