NT black men come in sitdown and persuade me

just wait...in due time you will see that all women are the same. White women or any other race is really no different dude, may seem that way at first but wait until you really get to know them and their true colors come out.
They're all crazy but they can't help it, it's just the way they are. Whenever you find one and you can get past her crazyness then you're set. No matter what her race is. Women are women and I love them all
Spoiler [+]
except the fat ones
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Why if I speak on a issue I have with a large group of women in my ethnicity I hate myself and my people? How do you come to that conclusion? I am extremely proud of being black and if God asked me to do it again id ask to be black again. Maybe my problem isn't with black women but the paradigm of the 21st century black American mind frame. This obsession with materialism and false spirituality with a sprinkle of non unity unless its to bash someone who questions our realities head in. Id rather contemplate the stars, paradoxical realms and divinity then where lebron james is going to play basketball and whether or not someones butt is fake or no how about how fresh someones swag is......... I'm 25 going on 200 and the women are 25 going on 17.

And now white women don't gossip, but rather spend their time contemplating the stars, paradoxical realms, and divinity. You are really putting the ++@#% on a pedestal now, just setting yourself up for disappointment when you want to watch Discovery and she wants to watch "E!" and hear all about Lindsey Lohan's saga.
Originally Posted by 23soles

I'd personally like to know, why is that when (most) black men decide to date outside their race they have to "give up" on dating black women? OP writes that he's, "losing sight of the sistahs"... Not to give you a hard time but what kind of nonsense is that? Are you really "losing site of sistahs" or have you just happened to meet/get along well with the white women that you've been dating as of late? I ask this because "losing sight" or giving up on an entire race is incredibly STUPID in my opinion. However, liking a woman of a different race after dating mainly your own race is totally fine. It's like, black guys date black women until they're fed up then try to find something else/better... I'm all for interracial dating (My girlfriend is from Poland and I'm Black) but why can't we (black guys) date a diverse group of women from the beginning?? This way we can even the playing ground, avoid grouping women by race, and if/when we end up being happy with a white/asian/etc woman it's because we genuinely like them and not because we've eliminated the other races.

I've always hated the whole elimination thing. I'm in a quite serious relationship with my current girl and I get SO much heat from black women (friends, family, etc) about how I've given up on black women and I always end up arguing that I've given up on other women period because I've found the one woman that can keep me happy, color plays absolutely NO part in happiness.

All in all, OP I support your newly found appreciation for women of other races but why choose to shut out other races? What's the harm in leaving the option to date black women open? And also, if you've found that you you're happy with a white woman, why in the hell would you make a post for us to tell you to do otherwise?... It's all about what you feel man, if it feels good and you're happy then it's right.

Best post in this thread
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Why if I speak on a issue I have with a large group of women in my ethnicity I hate myself and my people? How do you come to that conclusion? I am extremely proud of being black and if God asked me to do it again id ask to be black again. Maybe my problem isn't with black women but the paradigm of the 21st century black American mind frame. This obsession with materialism and false spirituality with a sprinkle of non unity unless its to bash someone who questions our realities head in. Id rather contemplate the stars, paradoxical realms and divinity then where lebron james is going to play basketball and whether or not someones butt is fake or no how about how fresh someones swag is......... I'm 25 going on 200 and the women are 25 going on 17.

And now white women don't gossip, but rather spend their time contemplating the stars, paradoxical realms, and divinity. You are really putting the ++@#% on a pedestal now, just setting yourself up for disappointment when you want to watch Discovery and she wants to watch "E!" and hear all about Lindsey Lohan's saga.
Originally Posted by 23soles

I'd personally like to know, why is that when (most) black men decide to date outside their race they have to "give up" on dating black women? OP writes that he's, "losing sight of the sistahs"... Not to give you a hard time but what kind of nonsense is that? Are you really "losing site of sistahs" or have you just happened to meet/get along well with the white women that you've been dating as of late? I ask this because "losing sight" or giving up on an entire race is incredibly STUPID in my opinion. However, liking a woman of a different race after dating mainly your own race is totally fine. It's like, black guys date black women until they're fed up then try to find something else/better... I'm all for interracial dating (My girlfriend is from Poland and I'm Black) but why can't we (black guys) date a diverse group of women from the beginning?? This way we can even the playing ground, avoid grouping women by race, and if/when we end up being happy with a white/asian/etc woman it's because we genuinely like them and not because we've eliminated the other races.

I've always hated the whole elimination thing. I'm in a quite serious relationship with my current girl and I get SO much heat from black women (friends, family, etc) about how I've given up on black women and I always end up arguing that I've given up on other women period because I've found the one woman that can keep me happy, color plays absolutely NO part in happiness.

All in all, OP I support your newly found appreciation for women of other races but why choose to shut out other races? What's the harm in leaving the option to date black women open? And also, if you've found that you you're happy with a white woman, why in the hell would you make a post for us to tell you to do otherwise?... It's all about what you feel man, if it feels good and you're happy then it's right.

Best post in this thread
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

So my brothers let me start out by saying I love y'all. Uh huh hum........ so recently I have lost all faith in black women I mean I really can't find one that I'm physically attracted to and has a good head all the way on. So I've recently been dipping my feet in melanin less shores and oh my brothers the nectar that I've tasted has been so sweet! I mean first off natural beauty in terms of non fake hair,eyes,nails and lashes is great. No tattoes great. Not as much drama, attitude and hurdles to jump. A lot more well rounded culturally and open minded. Now the typical argument is brotha you ain't talking to the right ones trust me I talk to all of them. From dancers,singers, architects and even scientist. G.e.d. p.h.d. $*!% don't matter this women have some serious issues. Now please pull me back in. Market the appeal of the black women to me again because I'm losing sight of the sistahs!
Like Jessica White said on the TO Show. It's not even about getting a black chick. It's about finding someone who you like being with. 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

So my brothers let me start out by saying I love y'all. Uh huh hum........ so recently I have lost all faith in black women I mean I really can't find one that I'm physically attracted to and has a good head all the way on. So I've recently been dipping my feet in melanin less shores and oh my brothers the nectar that I've tasted has been so sweet! I mean first off natural beauty in terms of non fake hair,eyes,nails and lashes is great. No tattoes great. Not as much drama, attitude and hurdles to jump. A lot more well rounded culturally and open minded. Now the typical argument is brotha you ain't talking to the right ones trust me I talk to all of them. From dancers,singers, architects and even scientist. G.e.d. p.h.d. $*!% don't matter this women have some serious issues. Now please pull me back in. Market the appeal of the black women to me again because I'm losing sight of the sistahs!
Like Jessica White said on the TO Show. It's not even about getting a black chick. It's about finding someone who you like being with. 
i mean i just dont see good looking black chicks like that around my area

when i be down in ATL..........i was in awe at all the black beauty.

im from the northeast an mamis be killin around here.
i mean i just dont see good looking black chicks like that around my area

when i be down in ATL..........i was in awe at all the black beauty.

im from the northeast an mamis be killin around here.
as a black woman to sit and read OP say he needs his fellow "brothers" to persuade him to give us lowly women a second look is a huge slap in the face.
OP if u like dating outside of your race then do that but for you to assume ALL BLACK WOMEN are these dramatic ignorant materialistic argumentative creatures is just stupid.
no one should date someone because of the color of their skin or based on preconceived assumptions that a group of women are all the same, because i can attest that that simply is not the case.
as for persuading you to come back to "US" I'd sooner swallow glass.
so since you're happy with the lighter melanin.cool. get in where you fit in.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

I think the reason black chicks get a bad rep is simply because of the "hoodrats" there are more ugly and loud %!+#%$% black girls than there are beautiful and respectful ones but i think because of the mass number of hoodrats that are out there most dudes unfortunately ended up running into them and then thinking every black girl is like that but that's not the case

A lot of black guys are attracted to white girls because white girls are "know" to be soft and sweet in terms of personality and that type of personality is very attractive to black men and men in general

But people not just black men need to understand that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT just because the girls you meet are not attractive or is a hoorat don't mean every black woman in the whole world is the same because that's not true period

MY Advice

Get the stereotypes out your head and give black girls a chance ,stop assuming every black girl you meet is ghetto and actually talk to them and get to know them if there are no black girls your interested in your area GO SOME WERE ELSE to find some if you so please to do so but stop this foolish idea that black girls are not attractive and ghetto and loud and aggressive because the reality is NOT every black girl is like that just like not every black man is ghetto or a thug
I like this, very good
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

I think the reason black chicks get a bad rep is simply because of the "hoodrats" there are more ugly and loud %!+#%$% black girls than there are beautiful and respectful ones but i think because of the mass number of hoodrats that are out there most dudes unfortunately ended up running into them and then thinking every black girl is like that but that's not the case

A lot of black guys are attracted to white girls because white girls are "know" to be soft and sweet in terms of personality and that type of personality is very attractive to black men and men in general

But people not just black men need to understand that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT just because the girls you meet are not attractive or is a hoorat don't mean every black woman in the whole world is the same because that's not true period

MY Advice

Get the stereotypes out your head and give black girls a chance ,stop assuming every black girl you meet is ghetto and actually talk to them and get to know them if there are no black girls your interested in your area GO SOME WERE ELSE to find some if you so please to do so but stop this foolish idea that black girls are not attractive and ghetto and loud and aggressive because the reality is NOT every black girl is like that just like not every black man is ghetto or a thug
I like this, very good
as a black woman to sit and read OP say he needs his fellow "brothers" to persuade him to give us lowly women a second look is a huge slap in the face.
OP if u like dating outside of your race then do that but for you to assume ALL BLACK WOMEN are these dramatic ignorant materialistic argumentative creatures is just stupid.
no one should date someone because of the color of their skin or based on preconceived assumptions that a group of women are all the same, because i can attest that that simply is not the case.
as for persuading you to come back to "US" I'd sooner swallow glass.
so since you're happy with the lighter melanin.cool. get in where you fit in.
Do whatever floats ya boat chief.

When lookin at the Black woman, look into her background more. Look into the environment she was forced to live in. Was her father there, was her mother there, were they strugglin to survive/eat/keep a roof over their head? These things believe it or not affect all minorities for the most part and even some whites. Many whites, men and women, don't know what it is to struggle and have dreams deferred. With that said, I'm not making excuses because u do have some Black women, scratch that, WOMEN in general who are just...just....(fill in the blank)

I've noticed that women without the lack of paternal parental support, mainly Black or Latina women, tend to be more of a "handfull" when dealing with relationship wise because of that. This leads them to be warped into believing that certain men are the good catch when they aren't and by the time u deal w/ em, they done dealt w/ a bunch of lame, thristy, dudes.

My advice, don't be narrow-minded when it comes to Black women, be open minded and like whomever u like, whether she's Black,White, Latina, Asia, Indian, Panamania, Green, Blue, Purple, etc.
Do whatever floats ya boat chief.

When lookin at the Black woman, look into her background more. Look into the environment she was forced to live in. Was her father there, was her mother there, were they strugglin to survive/eat/keep a roof over their head? These things believe it or not affect all minorities for the most part and even some whites. Many whites, men and women, don't know what it is to struggle and have dreams deferred. With that said, I'm not making excuses because u do have some Black women, scratch that, WOMEN in general who are just...just....(fill in the blank)

I've noticed that women without the lack of paternal parental support, mainly Black or Latina women, tend to be more of a "handfull" when dealing with relationship wise because of that. This leads them to be warped into believing that certain men are the good catch when they aren't and by the time u deal w/ em, they done dealt w/ a bunch of lame, thristy, dudes.

My advice, don't be narrow-minded when it comes to Black women, be open minded and like whomever u like, whether she's Black,White, Latina, Asia, Indian, Panamania, Green, Blue, Purple, etc.
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