Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Its cool guys. I'm sure He really wanted to know our opinions on the matter. I was hoping He would tell me what He thought about what I found.

And wait a minute. Why do people take science as literal? I mean really. How can we actually be sure that the earth has been around for millions of years? What if its wrong? What if the tools science uses to prove itself isn't as accurate as some want to believe?
its much more likely for religion to be proven to be inaccurate than it is for science to be proven to be inaccurate
But see thats why I mentioned in another thread that being an atheist is a religion because even though the so called truth is right in front of you, it requires a level of beliefs and faith because everything that glitters aint gold.

Not believing is still believing in something.

IMO Science is nothin more than a ploy to discredit religion. The same science discredited Africa from bein the continent that has the longest history of civilization. Those that don't believe in a religion believe in the "religion" of science.
I have been thinking the same thing recently. But thats what people have been doing long before us. Back in the days before Christ there were people who wanted more of a answer than God or they wanted independence from God. But what makes me sour is even when we give them proof from our beliefs its still not good enough
. So its not worth fighting over for real. They are just looking to knock us down.

what proof from your beliefs do you speak of
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Its cool guys. I'm sure He really wanted to know our opinions on the matter. I was hoping He would tell me what He thought about what I found.

And wait a minute. Why do people take science as literal? I mean really. How can we actually be sure that the earth has been around for millions of years? What if its wrong? What if the tools science uses to prove itself isn't as accurate as some want to believe?
its much more likely for religion to be proven to be inaccurate than it is for science to be proven to be inaccurate
But see thats why I mentioned in another thread that being an atheist is a religion because even though the so called truth is right in front of you, it requires a level of beliefs and faith because everything that glitters aint gold.

Not believing is still believing in something.

IMO Science is nothin more than a ploy to discredit religion. The same science discredited Africa from bein the continent that has the longest history of civilization. Those that don't believe in a religion believe in the "religion" of science.
I have been thinking the same thing recently. But thats what people have been doing long before us. Back in the days before Christ there were people who wanted more of a answer than God or they wanted independence from God. But what makes me sour is even when we give them proof from our beliefs its still not good enough
. So its not worth fighting over for real. They are just looking to knock us down.

what proof from your beliefs do you speak of

OK first with this post. Dude asked us to explain dinosaurs. I didn't know what to say to be honest with you. I didn't even know there was even areference to them in the bible until earlier. But even when we post the scriptures to show our side we get clowned and everyone says "Oh thats b.s."or some other type of comment to shoot us down. With atheist I understand where your coming from but everytime I have debated/argued with one they come outthrowing shots under the belt and name calling. Atheist believe science backs them, I believe the bible backs us and science is back by God.

Over 6000 post
i always thought most if not all of the dinosaurs died during the flood cause i doubt noah wouldve been able to fit two of each of them on the ark
Originally Posted by ctdaprince

i always thought most if not all of the dinosaurs died during the flood cause i doubt noah wouldve been able to fit two of each of them on the ark

They wouldn't really fit into the current world lol. Cats would be messing around in the jungle and get broke off by some raptors

Now that I think about it. In school and basically life, science is taught as the truth. I can say first hand that the way its taught, its like school is thechurch for science
this thread is giving us non believers a bad name. no matter what you throw at them they will come up with an explanation just like we would. in the end youhave to let people believe what they want, neither side knows if what they believe is 100% fact nor will they for a long time.
Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are allwrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as ingravity from rotation around it...
For the simple minded of course.

I hate to see what yall bammas do when something drastic goes down, no faith havin....

No offense, but I find it ironic that you call us the simple minded with that crap you just posted. You do realize that a lot of the "evidence" onthat website relies on hindsight, right? First, there weren't any dinosaurs that could ever be around evolved humans in a society. Second, even if we givethem the benefit of the doubt that they found dinosaur bones, how do they deduce that it has scales? That it can breathe fire? We're not even 100% sure ofwhat makes up dinosaurs skin, and yet you're telling me that 2000+ years ago they knew it was made out of scales, just by looking at bones?
Many fossil dinosaur skulls contain unexplained, empty passages. Scientists have not been able to guess the reason for these passages. Would it make sense that some dinosaurs used these passages as "gas tanks" for the combustible mixture used to "breathe fire?" We believe it does.
Great logic...assuming what it sets out to prove. These people on the website are geniuses.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer[/color]
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer[/color]
Oh, and the best part, miracles occur everyday with each sunrise. Daylight = heaven. Nighttime = hell. It's dark, cold, and doesn't helpphotosynthesis in creation of food.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something.
Word...idk if you haven't heard...but a recent study has shown that 100% of people who follow a religion are deprived of emotional attachment.

The same study showed that 0% of people who don't follow a religion were emotionally sound.

I believe in a religion, but i'm far from religious. So I have a sort of in between unbiased opinion on this thread...and I think this thread blows. Justkeep your beliefs to yourself, and if you want to debate about religion with someone then this is NOT the place to do it.

And don't think that I'm only saying this thread sucks because it's against religions. I shared the same opinion on a thread that was actuallytrying to preach my religion.

Seriously OP...what do you hope to accomplish with this. All you're gunna do is get people heated with your arrogance and disrespect to religions (anopinion i'm basing on posts i've seen you make in the past.) You're not going to change anybody's mind, and nobody will change your's onthe matter.

If you want to debate about christianity, then don't you feel like the best place to do it would be with someone who has an extremely high level ofeducation on the matter. And I don't even mean a sheep who just follows it blindly, put a person who knows most of the religion inside and out, whether hebelieves in it or not.

Over here, the only responses you're going to get are people who support you, and people against you whose opinions you don't respect and probablyshouldn't respect since they most likely don't know what they're talking about.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer[/color]
Oh, and the best part, miracles occur everyday with each sunrise. Daylight = heaven. Nighttime = hell. It's dark, cold, and doesn't help photosynthesis in creation of food.
I totally understand that some people are just unable to have respect toward organized religions. I can see why...

but I really don't understand why people feel like they need to express these views in a way of mockery that they know will offend people. I mean damnit's one thing for you to talk about it among other people who don't believe in religions, and keep the thoughts in your head...but why would u shareit on this board when you know it's going to be found as offensive to some.

By the way...I'm not offended because the mocking was executed poorly and I don't really care about religion that much...but it had potential

EDIT: I think I'll try to be done with this thread because of the stupidity I'm reading on both sides of the argument.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer[/color]
Oh, and the best part, miracles occur everyday with each sunrise. Daylight = heaven. Nighttime = hell. It's dark, cold, and doesn't help photosynthesis in creation of food.
I totally understand that some people are just unable to have respect toward organized religions. I can see why...

but I really don't understand why people feel like they need to express these views in a way of mockery that they know will offend people. I mean damn it's one thing for you to talk about it among other people who don't believe in religions, and keep the thoughts in your head...but why would u share it on this board when you know it's going to be found as offensive to some.

By the way...I'm not offended because the mocking was executed poorly and I don't really care about religion that much...but it had potential
I'm not preaching... Hence I am not an OP. I posted my thoughts... I didn't know I had to put a spoiler or a DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILYOFFENDED... And good thing I didn't post this in another non-religion titled thread, I could be preaching or trolling...
just because the bible doesnt talk about dinosaurs dosent mean they didnt exist. however if you are talking about geographical dating that is another story.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...

Maybe all are partially wrong in a way. The longer this earth goes on, the more we as people astray from God. If the sun is your God then your God is weakcompared to the one true God. The true God is everlasting. The sun is a ball of heat that will extinguish. This isn't fully directed at you but anyone whopraises anything other than God. Scratch religion. To me they are branches of a bigger tree. Some branches extend further than others. Some have more leaves.But the one thing that connects them is the tree its self.

If we only praise what you see then aren't we truly blind?
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

just because the bible doesnt talk about dinosaurs dosent mean they didnt exist. however if you are talking about geographical dating that is another story.

True story..the bible begins with human history..as it is a book written by god for humans. Dinosaurs were long gone before humans were ever on theearth...Genesis tells us that in the beginning He created the Heavens and earth.. Does it say when he created flying creatures and animals in relation to man?No...Does it give the date the first crocodile was on the earth or the first Cat or lion? No... Would it be detrimental to faith in God if we knew that thedinosaurs existed and roamed the earth? No.. The End..
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer[/color]
Oh, and the best part, miracles occur everyday with each sunrise. Daylight = heaven. Nighttime = hell. It's dark, cold, and doesn't help photosynthesis in creation of food.
I totally understand that some people are just unable to have respect toward organized religions. I can see why...

but I really don't understand why people feel like they need to express these views in a way of mockery that they know will offend people. I mean damn it's one thing for you to talk about it among other people who don't believe in religions, and keep the thoughts in your head...but why would u share it on this board when you know it's going to be found as offensive to some.

By the way...I'm not offended because the mocking was executed poorly and I don't really care about religion that much...but it had potential
I'm not preaching... Hence I am not an OP. I posted my thoughts... I didn't know I had to put a spoiler or a DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED... And good thing I didn't post this in another non-religion titled thread, I could be preaching or trolling...
Regardless which side people are on about ANY debate, there's gonna be people shouting their idiocy makin their sides look bad
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...

Maybe all are partially wrong in a way. The longer this earth goes on, the more we as people astray from God. If the sun is your God then your God is weak compared to the one true God. The true God is everlasting. The sun is a ball of heat that will extinguish. This isn't fully directed at you but anyone who praises anything other than God. Scratch religion. To me they are branches of a bigger tree. Some branches extend further than others. Some have more leaves. But the one thing that connects them is the tree its self.

If we only praise what you see then aren't we truly blind?

Which emphasizes my simple point. I said all religions are wrong. Or none of them are right. I never said I did worship the sun. But it would make most senseto worship the sun. It provides sunlight and warmth. Something I can see and feel everyday... I'm not saying it's right, but it's logical.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...

Maybe all are partially wrong in a way. The longer this earth goes on, the more we as people astray from God. If the sun is your God then your God is weak compared to the one true God. The true God is everlasting. The sun is a ball of heat that will extinguish. This isn't fully directed at you but anyone who praises anything other than God. Scratch religion. To me they are branches of a bigger tree. Some branches extend further than others. Some have more leaves. But the one thing that connects them is the tree its self.

If we only praise what you see then aren't we truly blind?

Which emphasizes my simple point. I said all religions are wrong. Or none of them are right. I never said I did worship the sun. But it would make most sense to worship the sun. It provides sunlight and warmth. Something I can see and feel everyday... I'm not saying it's right, but it's logical.

Love is something you can feel and see and not feel and not see. To those who don't know love its not logical.

If one praises science or himself to explain the non existence of God then you are placing an idol over the one true God. For humans who thing they are God,you are imperfect in every stretch of imagination. We lack the basic understanding over things such as love. We just know its a emotion. Why does one feel thislove. How was a feeling such as love implanted in us from nothing? God is love.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer[/color]
Oh, and the best part, miracles occur everyday with each sunrise. Daylight = heaven. Nighttime = hell. It's dark, cold, and doesn't help photosynthesis in creation of food.
I totally understand that some people are just unable to have respect toward organized religions. I can see why...

but I really don't understand why people feel like they need to express these views in a way of mockery that they know will offend people. I mean damn it's one thing for you to talk about it among other people who don't believe in religions, and keep the thoughts in your head...but why would u share it on this board when you know it's going to be found as offensive to some.

By the way...I'm not offended because the mocking was executed poorly and I don't really care about religion that much...but it had potential
I'm not preaching... Hence I am not an OP. I posted my thoughts... I didn't know I had to put a spoiler or a DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED... And good thing I didn't post this in another non-religion titled thread, I could be preaching or trolling...
i don't see the relation in preaching and being an OP but ok

and when did I ever say you were preaching? actually the word preach isn't even found in that entire quote.

all i'm saying is that you should be more respectful to a person's belief system since. I don't think it's difficult for any non-mentallychallenged atheist/agnostic to be able to comprehend why religion would be a sensitive issue to discuss for people who do believe in a religion, and that whendoing so it's best to do it with respect.
True story..the bible begins with human history..as it is a book written by god for humans. Dinosaurs were long gone before humans were ever on the earth...Genesis tells us that in the beginning He created the Heavens and earth.. Does it say when he created flying creatures and animals in relation to man? No...Does it give the date the first crocodile was on the earth or the first Cat or lion? No... Would it be detrimental to faith in God if we knew that the dinosaurs existed and roamed the earth? No.. The End..

Actually, Genesis does tell us when God created animals in relation to man. Sea creature, then land creatures, then humans.

Cyprus Sinner II

So because none of us are physicists or scientists who can competently explain those theories, it means they are wrong? There are people who can explain thosethings to you, even if we can't.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

My man! Thank you posting this. It called me to do research and I found something.


I looked up Tanniyn and it says its a dragon like figure. I think Behemoth is for brachiosaurus and Leviathan is for kronosaurus.

I got this from a this site I found...

Behemoth has the following attributes according to Job 40:15-24
  • It "eats grass like an ox."
  • It "moves his tail like a cedar." (In Hebrew, this literally reads, "he lets hang his tail like a cedar.")
  • Its "bones are like beams of bronze,
    His ribs like bars of iron."
  • "He is the first of the ways of God."
  • "He lies under the lotus trees,
    In a covert of reeds and marsh."
Sounds like a plant eater right?

Leviathan has the following attributes according to Job chapter 41, Psalm 104:25,26 and Isaiah 27:1. This is only a partial listing-just enough to make the point.
  • "No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up."
  • "Who can open the doors of his face, with his terrible teeth all around?"
  • "His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal; one is so near another that no air can come between them; they are joined one to another, they stick together and cannot be parted."
  • "His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning lights; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke goes out of his nostrils, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth."
  • "Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail; nor does spear, dart, or javelin. He regards iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones become like stubble to him. Darts are regarded as straw; he laughs at the threat of javelins."
  • "On earth there is nothing like him, which is made without fear."
  • Leviathan "played" in the "great and wide sea" (a paraphrase of Psalm 104 verses 25 and 26-get the exact sense by reading them yourself).
  • Leviathan is a "reptile [a] that is in the sea." (Isaiah 27:1)
    [a] Note: The word translated "reptile" here is the Hebrew word tanniyn. This shows that "Leviathan" was also a "tanniyn" (dragon).
Daytona thank you.

they're gonna whip out some verse in the bible that talks about "giant beasts" and claim that's mentioning dinosaurs
Like atheist use science to disprove our beliefs.

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