nt confession thread vol. let it out before 2010

I used to care to much for these women .. until my first college girl freshmen year showed me how dirty this game is and i didnt smash something until the nextyear
-ive gained 10 pounds since the summer
-i havent had decent sex since i broke up with my ex, by decent i mean i would put myself through that again
-i barely show up to work, my manager manually punches in my hours. i think he's in love with me.
-im passing 3 of my 4 classes with straight As, the other one ive gone to almost every class and havent turned in a single assignment.
-im actually really tired of being single, i enjoyed it this past year but i want a bf already
-it kind of bother me that my ex is having a more successful love life than me even though i broke his heart.
-i think ive ruined every man ive ever dated.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Went to final to turn in 3 essays I did in one night and turns out the subsitute left 5 minutes before I got there so so far I got a F for final and my teacher is getting her hip replaced...I feel hella pissed off and #%!+%#...
Also my girl won'tlet me dump her so I don't know what to do, I hope she finds interest in someone else
lol huh?

its tough man...i know
Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by Late80s

-i think ive ruined every man ive ever dated.
How's that?
my ex went from a faithful devoted boyfriend to a player, he has a nice guys finish last mentality now.

another ex is impotent and whenever we hang out now he turns into a sniveling child.
Originally Posted by Late80s

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by Late80s

-i think ive ruined every man ive ever dated.
How's that?
my ex went from a faithful devoted boyfriend to a player, he has a nice guys finish last mentality now.

another ex is impotent and whenever we hang out now he turns into a sniveling child.
U must got some good vjj to make em do a 180
- i hate that my ex has my dog && that i still love him.
- school sucks, i study and get good grades for my degree but i don't know if that's what i want to do with my life in the end.
- sometimes i feel like i haven't accomplished anything in life.
- i'm waiting for some sort of sign to see if everything i'm putting up with is all worth it.
my girl won'tlet me dump her so I don't know what to do, I hope she finds interest in someone else

If you do end it, just don't go back. Trust me.

Also, good to see I'm not alone.
My Baby momma talks bad about my parents

I have thought about murkin her while she sleeps on several occasions because of it

I even packed a bag with my passport the other night
Originally Posted by Late80s

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by Late80s

-i think ive ruined every man ive ever dated.
How's that?
my ex went from a faithful devoted boyfriend to a player, he has a nice guys finish last mentality now.

another ex is impotent and whenever we hang out now he turns into a sniveling child.
Wow. Was infidelity involved in either of those relationships?.......if you don't me asking.
Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by Late80s

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by Late80s

-i think ive ruined every man ive ever dated.
How's that?
my ex went from a faithful devoted boyfriend to a player, he has a nice guys finish last mentality now.

another ex is impotent and whenever we hang out now he turns into a sniveling child.
Wow. Was infidelity involved in either of those relationships?.......if you don't me asking.
is not really an answer?
  • I don't like my job, but it's a family run business.
  • I have so much freedom at work, until the boss comes in the office; my dad, who is an impatient ###++#* 90% of the day.
  • As much as I get along with people, and as much as people like me to be around, I'm becoming more and more of an introvert; I have no problem with this either.
  • I honestly feel that I'm smarter than at least 90% of the people I come in contact with. This is all due to my abstract thought and because i was reading newspapers at age 3, amongst other things.
  • My best childhood friends aren't really doing much with themselves. I only say this because they aren't really preparing for the future and they probably won't be going to college.
  • They also just show up at my house at random times and get upset because i don't conform to their basic %%@, spontaneous ideas.
  • I don't like that +@@*.
  • My laziness ties into EVERYTHING I do, but I'm still more successful than alot of people.
  • My potential is ridiculous.
  • My finances and not currently having a girlfriend (or any chicks for that matter lol) are the only thing that separate me from having a hand up on most folks. However, I'm self-actualizing and don't really value these things.
  • I'm just too ambitious for (or compared to) many of the people in my life.
Originally Posted by Late80s

-ive gained 10 pounds since the summer
-i havent had decent
sex since i broke up with my ex, by decent i mean i would put myself through that again
-i barely show up to work, my manager manually punches in my hours. i think he's in love with me.
-im passing 3 of my 4 classes with straight As, the other one ive gone to almost every class and havent turned in a single assignment.
-im actually really tired of being single, i enjoyed it this past year but i want a bf already
-it kind of bother me that my ex is having a more successful love life than me even though i broke his heart.
-i think ive ruined every man ive ever dated.
-This has been one of the best and worst years of my life...
-I often wish people could think like me...
-I fear I'm turning bitter because of recent hurts...Working hard not to...
-I don't want anything for Christmas...
-I really like funny toe socks
at the past posts.... I guess I'll name a few of mines, I don't care.

1. Sometimes, I think I'm bi-polar.
I can go from real happy, and then i'll turn into this deep dark depression mode.
2. I kind of blame my father for the way i tend to treat guys.
3. This summer, i got a call from my father side of the family saying he was on his death bed, and i immediately had this "oh, well attitude".
4. Being a "good girl" is a %#^% gift & a curse sometimes.
5. I'm kind of depressed/frustrated because I just graduated and the job market sucks. IM A $%# engineer, HIRE ME!!!!!
6. I let my guard down and finally opened my heart to my current guy, which is scary...and i kind of regret it. LIES, LIES, LIES!!! smh
7. Sometimes I feel like an only child. I have an older bro, but all he does is work and smoke weed all day. -_-
8. Each day he smokes, i can feel us drifting farther apart. I dislike people that smoke. All I can do is pray tho. Everyday I pray that he stops.
9. Last one, I still have my V-card too.
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

After past relationships, I'm starting to think I just lust over women more than actually care. I haven't shown any actual commitment to any of them (except one ex) and I often BS about breaking up with them like it was all their fault. I Don't know, I know i'm a senior in HS and it's still my young ages, and I haven't met that "One" girl, but it doesn't look like it's gunna happen.

another confession: I actually wrote that looking for some help in this post
. But seriously I'd appreciate if somebody could help me out with whats going on.
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