NT Confessions Thread......vol 2009 will bring better luck

The photos came out GREAT. I'll post pics when the magazine drops
. Now if you'll excuse me, I got me a dino of greenage and a 5th of smirnoff totend to...

BTW, I stole this 5th from somebody very close to me. I'm so ashamed that I won't even confess who it was. It's been on their counter for at leasta year.... but still....
... I only did it to save money/gas so I wouldn't have to go to the state line to cop on a Sunday.

I'm one srsly #*%#%$ up individual man
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

The photos came out GREAT. I'll post pics when the magazine drops
. Now if you'll excuse me, I got me a dino of greenage and a 5th of smirnoff to tend to...

BTW, I stole this 5th from somebody very close to me. I'm so ashamed that I won't even confess who it was. It's been on their counter for at least a year.... but still....
... I only did it to save money/gas so I wouldn't have to go to the state line to cop on a Sunday.

I'm one srsly #*%#%$ up individual man

can u make a thread with updates to your everyday life i think it would be classic cause u killin me in this thread but things will get better
Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

- Been smoking way too much piff
- Skipped WAYY too many classes god damn! (im in grade 11 btw)
- been beatin a grade 9 girl
(im in grade 11)
- OD'd on shoes this year. all those countdown packages

- Stole $300 from my cousin w/o telling anyone
- been stealing wayyy too much %@*+/robbing ppl

damn... seeing that makes me think of how fun this year actually was. %%!! it. im not changing anything haha im still here aint i? im doin good. so im straighT!!!!
karma is comin for you real soon i hope u ready to feel the rath
People always talkin bout karma. but i could care less. i dont believe in karma. Bad stuff happens to you because thats what happens nothing to do with what you have done.

and bro you sayin you didnt do nothin bad this year? just let it out instead of tryna front like you been good all year.

u should atleast stop robbing people. u mite try 2 rob sum1 u shouldnt n u done.
Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

- Been smoking way too much piff
- Skipped WAYY too many classes god damn! (im in grade 11 btw)
- been beatin a grade 9 girl
(im in grade 11)
- OD'd on shoes this year. all those countdown packages

- Stole $300 from my cousin w/o telling anyone
- been stealing wayyy too much %@*+/robbing ppl

damn... seeing that makes me think of how fun this year actually was. %%!! it. im not changing anything haha im still here aint i? im doin good. so im straighT!!!!
karma is comin for you real soon i hope u ready to feel the rath
People always talkin bout karma. but i could care less. i dont believe in karma. Bad stuff happens to you because thats what happens nothing to do with what you have done.

and bro you sayin you didnt do nothin bad this year? just let it out instead of tryna front like you been good all year.
robbing people isnt cool and when someone robs you i hope u dont complain
Been awhile..

- I hate my job

- I despise xmas and refuse to celebrate it(against my personal beliefs) but I still give my parents xmas money out of respect for them cause they celebrateit.

- I hate the fact that the holidays are forced on me on so many levels

-Im going through the most difficult transitional periods and i cannont even discuss it due to the depth of it and no one around me can relate

-Only things that bring me joy at this point is conversation with my woman and quite time

- I go to the movies by myself all the time and i find it to be relaxing

thats all im willing to reveal

-i really dislyk lesbians that dress lyk guysimage

co sign I think who they lay down with is thier personal decesion how ever dont expect no sense of comradery from me if u start talking about thick a girl islike we boys or im suppose to have guy talk to with u cause u like women....I been in that situation before .. Im just not compelled
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

-I heard this chick at my job is feeling the kid.
she is
but she is 28 and has a kid
I'm not too sure if she'll be down with some no strings attached fun though

-These 2 hose are dying for me to beat and claim that I'm scared of the P because I'm so hesitant to hit. They are both trollops though

-This good looking gay guy (pause) tried to bag me yesterday. I was flattered and disgusted at the same time.

That fourth line is an indirect confession. As an African American male, I only date White women. After past experiences I can't bring myself to dateanother black female.
Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

- Been smoking way too much piff
- Skipped WAYY too many classes god damn! (im in grade 11 btw)
- been beatin a grade 9 girl
(im in grade 11)
- OD'd on shoes this year. all those countdown packages

- Stole $300 from my cousin w/o telling anyone
- been stealing wayyy too much %@*+/robbing ppl

damn... seeing that makes me think of how fun this year actually was. %%!! it. im not changing anything haha im still here aint i? im doin good. so im straighT!!!!
karma is comin for you real soon i hope u ready to feel the rath
People always talkin bout karma. but i could care less. i dont believe in karma. Bad stuff happens to you because thats what happens nothing to do with what you have done.

and bro you sayin you didnt do nothin bad this year? just let it out instead of tryna front like you been good all year.
i admitted to cheating and thats bout it for me this year robbing people isnt cool and when someone robs you i hope u dont complain

man.... nobody gon rob me. even IF they did they would get it back in the end. i wouldnt be complaining i would take it and bring it back to them.simple.

and that dude with the 4some and 1 chick. i did it with my boy once and even that wasnt that sick. it was mad funnny but if i was gonna slam a girl i wouldwanna do it jus me n her. but wiht ur boys its mad funny esp if piff and drinkin is involved
Here's another one:

I SERIOUSLY think Amerie is ugly as @*%# rightnow. +*+#* is atrocious. SMH for me even likin her THIS long...

Try again, sucka...I ain't EVER gon stop lovin this woman. Quote somebody else, girly man.
Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

and that dude with the 4some and 1 chick. i did it with my boy once and even that wasnt that sick. it was mad funnny but if i was gonna slam a girl i would wanna do it jus me n her. but wiht ur boys its mad funny esp if piff and drinkin is involved

until you stick something in the wrong place
Spoiler [+]
this is no confession i just found out how to make one of these spoiler things and i was testing it out
In the last 24 hours Iv'e used the report button twice.

Like 3 months ago I tried to get banned by talkin +#+# to a mod.
-I strongly dislike one of my boys GF. He used to be a wild party animal...I just hate seeing my dude give up his player card to a chick who's below his physical standards. I know she's smart and all but she's DUMB antisocial.

But if he's happy why should it matter how you feel about her?
Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

The photos came out GREAT. I'll post pics when the magazine drops
. Now if you'll excuse me, I got me a dino of greenage and a 5th of smirnoff to tend to...

BTW, I stole this 5th from somebody very close to me. I'm so ashamed that I won't even confess who it was. It's been on their counter for at least a year.... but still....
... I only did it to save money/gas so I wouldn't have to go to the state line to cop on a Sunday.

I'm one srsly #*%#%$ up individual man

can u make a thread with updates to your everyday life i think it would be classic cause u killin me in this thread but things will get better

I'll do you one better, I'll make an album
Originally Posted by I R Andre

-My 'ex' girlfriend is my therapist/best friend rolled in one. I still love her the same as when we were together. I just hope we can be together in the future when its more practical. I can't imagine her not in my life in one way or another. I really can't see myself with any one but her, I may try and date next semester but I don't really see that going any where. When you feel like you found the one person that truly reflects every aspect you want in a woman its hard to downgrade.

I feel the same way. I broke up with my ex a year ago b/c i wanted to do me, and concentrate on school/starting a career to set myself up for the future. Ididn't wanna be the guy who gave up on a lot of opportunities for a girl and then when it doesn't work out in the future, regret everything. So a yearlater, I've graduated 2 quarters early, got the job i wanted, set myself up for a successful future, and yet i've come to realize that what willultimately make me happiest is if i'm surrounded by good people. Even if I end up achieving all the goals I set for myself in the future careerwise, I knowI won't be happy if I have no one to share it with
because we ALL dont like her.

history's proven in my life that if no one likes your mate, you might wanna reconsider them. esp a cat like me...i'm friendly but this chick is justweird.
someitmes i dont want to go out with people so i make up excuses (YES MAN haha)
I hate spending money when it comes to food but i spend $100's on shoes
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

and that dude with the 4some and 1 chick. i did it with my boy once and even that wasnt that sick. it was mad funnny but if i was gonna slam a girl i would wanna do it jus me n her. but wiht ur boys its mad funny esp if piff and drinkin is involved

until you stick something in the wrong place
what do you mean. ?
- i like gettin drunk to where im almost blackin out then fightin at functions
- ive gotten away with attempted murder twice
- last sat i had this breezy dam near naked in the club straight boppin
- im lowkey feelin this chick hopin shes not a rat but she probably is time will tell
- i only give this one chick the D when HER payday comes around
- i wanna go back to school but idk how im gonna juggle two jobs and school all at the sametime
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Here's another one:

I SERIOUSLY think Amerie is ugly as @*%# right now. +*+#* is atrocious. SMH for me even likin her THIS long...

Try again, sucka...I ain't EVER gon stop lovin this woman. Quote somebody else, girly man.
-I like college but my first semester was a rough start
-not coming along socially for various reasons
-didn't budget well at all, at least I don't have any debt
-I hate having to depend on my parents for money
-It's been way too long since Ive had a GF

-I ended up giving my EX a ride home for the holidays after my parents $#*%%#$ me out about not reaching out to her since we've been in school (my dadknows hers)
-^^^Good thing is karma MIGHT reward me, or I might end up disappointed, or I might be able to build a relationship, IDK what to expect. I'll make a threadabout it when the time comes.(I'm not referring to my ex but a similar situation with much more upside.)
-I'm surprised my parents haven't drug tested me since I've been back for the holidays


-If I had a job most of my paycheck would go to good and clothes
-Kind of alone since I've moved out the house, but I've been constructive at the same time. Now I have goals, and what I think is a legit general planto achieve them.
-I want money so I can develop this general plan into my reality.
Originally Posted by Leebuttahz

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

-I heard this chick at my job is feeling the kid.
she is
but she is 28 and has a kid
I'm not too sure if she'll be down with some no strings attached fun though

-These 2 hose are dying for me to beat and claim that I'm scared of the P because I'm so hesitant to hit. They are both trollops though

-This good looking gay guy (pause) tried to bag me yesterday. I was flattered and disgusted at the same time.

That fourth line is an indirect confession. As an African American male, I only date White women. After past experiences I can't bring myself to date another black female.
lol. im the other way around , after dealing with so much bull from white chicks and there parents. i will never mess with a white girl again

and i can't stand fat white chicks
stay away
Everytime I get out of the shower I do the Santana Moss, first down pose.

My favorite cousin was shot 6 times by abother cousin. I've seen the other cousin(shooter) a couple times around the city, and I've had the urge tomake him feel how he made my favorite cousin feel. But my cousin said he wants the whole situation deaded.

My girl isn't as kinky as I want her to be.

Xmas eve finally smashed this chick and her sex game was on point. I mean 69 for about 15 minutes and sexing for about a hour and half. I wanna smash again butI don't want to come off as some of the dudes, she's always telling me about.

-i finally got ^^^this chick to leave my crib around 10 a.m. And my girl arrived at my spot around 10:30, I had just enough time to wash my balls. Didn'tchange the sheets or nothing.
shady I know.

-ive had over 4 ogry while I was in college.(groupie love ftw) Now im dying for another one, but events like these are hard to come by in the real world.

- im scared about my physical health now, bc I don't play ball anymore and I eat like crap.

- I hate the fact that people are now picking my Panthers to win the SB, bandwagers are so annoying.
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