NT, explain this female situation to me.

Jan 19, 2005
I started a new job about 3 weeks ago and was paired with this girl that showed me around on the first day. We hit it off, I got her BBM and she proceeded to text me non-stop the next two days. We agree to go out on the 3rd day, have some fun, makeout for over an hour. I tried to smash several times but she kept saying no so we just continued kissing. I drop her off home, more kissing. The next night she asks me to join her friends at a club but I didnt want to be in that situation so I made up some excuse. The day after she texts me and asks me to call her, which I do about an hour later but she gives me the busy signal. Since then, this chick has not sent me a text, called, etc. We talked at work a few times, I called her once and she's been pretty much unresponsive to texts. Da #!*+? Is she playing hard to get? Turned off by my ultra aggressive nature? Maybe just busy? Maybe attraction was lost along the way? Seasoned womanizers of NT, please explain.
if a woman ask you to come meet her friends and you dont consider all ties or anything you had going on over with it.
Y'all kissed for an hour though...?

...For what?
You didnt go meet her friend, she saw your "strictly trying to jump her off" plan and cut ties... Count yourself lucky though, messing with girls from your job is a major no no
She told me she's not looking for a relationship though. I forgot to mention she previously had a 4 year relationship so maybe she's insecure and doesnt want to get hurt.

Oh well, I was only trying to smash anyways.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

hope this is just a job and not a career type job

It is a career job but we work in different departments, have different colleagues and managers, and rarely ever interact during the work day.
Originally Posted by MEL LASTMAN IS GOOD

Originally Posted by Al Audi

hope this is just a job and not a career type job

It is a career job but we work in different departments, have different colleagues and managers, and rarely ever interact during the work day.
Everyone always thinks that this makes you safe, it doesnt. Leave it be bro.
Originally Posted by Iceberg Slim

You didnt go meet her friend, she saw your "strictly trying to jump her off" plan and cut ties... Count yourself lucky though, messing with girls from your job is a major no no
You should've went, man. Why would you not go see a chick you're trying to smash get drunk? She gets tipsy, she gets loose, and guess whos there complete the night?

Yea, you slipped on that one youngster.

seriously I can't stress or emphasize enough the importance of pics. NT ain't gonna give you advice for free, we have to get something in return.

"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost" - Alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange
1) make out for a hour no smash?
2) should have just went to meet her friends atleast fake interests.
3) dont mess with shorties at your job especially a career.
4) pics?
she was feeling you for something a little more serious, and saw you were just tryna smash and not show her any type of affection or what have you. so she cut her losses. just be happy she cut her losses before you guys @%%%%$ and she got all crazy obsessive
man this is why I hate dealing with girls.

They throw this crazy mixed signals b.s.

Trying to find a regular down to earth woman is so damn hard to find these days.

OP you probably were too aggressive and she took it the wrong way because she doesn't like the idea that she's would be considered a j.o. if she let you in.
lol dude did treat her usuing J/O protocol and she saw right through you.
Son this a W tho, go back to being cordial, since all you wanted to do was smash anyway. None of that messy crap that comes with smashing coworkers.

Making out for hours?
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