Nt gimme advise on having better skin

I initially had good results with Benzamycin and Doxycycline when I had acne, then after about 6 months it came back full force.  Antibiotics work great short-term, but they won't get rid of acne for good. In fact, it'll probably be harder to get rid of once they stop working.

At the end of the day, hormones play a huge role in acne and some people simply won't respond to most treatments.  If you've tried benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, and implemented lifestyle changes with no success then it's probably time to bite the bullet and take accutane (if you have the money, that is).  Accutane is essentially poisoning yourself with a mega-dose of Vitamin A, and your skin will look much worse before it starts getting better, but it's pretty much the only way to guarantee that acne won't be an issue for you anymore.

They used to only give accutane to people with severe cystic acne, but more and more people are doing long-term, low dose regimens with really good results.

So glad my days of having acne are behind me. That was a rough patch of my life. |I  

Been on minicycline for like 4 years now . Either I just don't have bad acne any more or the pills still work for me. Not sure which one lol
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I initially had good results with Benzamycin and Doxycycline when I had acne, then after about 6 months it came back full force.  Antibiotics work great short-term, but they won't get rid of acne for good. In fact, it'll probably be harder to get rid of once they stop working.

At the end of the day, hormones play a huge role in acne and some people simply won't respond to most treatments.  If you've tried benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, and implemented lifestyle changes with no success then it's probably time to bite the bullet and take accutane (if you have the money, that is).  Accutane is essentially poisoning yourself with a mega-dose of Vitamin A, and your skin will look much worse before it starts getting better, but it's pretty much the only way to guarantee that acne won't be an issue for you anymore.

They used to only give accutane to people with severe cystic acne, but more and more people are doing long-term, low dose regimens with really good results.

So glad my days of having acne are behind me. That was a rough patch of my life. 
Been on minicycline for like 4 years now . Either I just don't have bad acne any more or the pills still work for me. Not sure which one lol
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