NT, help me snitch on these jailbait hos without coming off as a perv myself

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

22 with 4 kids by 5 dudes
Thats amazing.

im sayin'...haha..no but on a more serious note..I agree with with you're doing now that I understand the situation a lot more...
While i agree girls these days have lost their damn minds, it troubles me that you would even take the time to involve yourself. Its not that your littlecousin doesnt need the help, nor that these girls should be locked in their rooms until their 18th birthday. The fact remains what they are doing is part oftheir growing up process. With out doing the dumb stuff that kids do its hard for some to truly grow up. Further more, getting involved will probably do theexact opposite of what you are trying to do, which is help. These kids will rebel even more, that you can take for as good as fact.

Now i have probably screwed up more then most people on this board, that said because of all my screw ups it has made me into the man i am today. I am almost30 and while i put my parents through hell, and put myself through hell in the process i know for a fact that i grew into the person i am today because ofeverything i have learned until this point in my life. Screwing up is simply the growing up process.

I have seen a lot in my 29 years on the planet but as adults the most screwed up people i see are the kids who grew up sheltered and didnt get themselves intotrouble and learn from their mistakes.

You are obviously going to do what you are going to do, but i hope you realize there is a very good chance you are going to make things worse. When kids areembarrassed the things they do become worse much of the time. Do what you have to i guess,, but i strongly disagree with what you are doing.
i would just use his phone to message then back some inspirational words.. no need to involve yourself in photos that may be illegal. thats just beyond stupid
Did it occur to you that the #'s attatched is the girls cell? you think when you tell them oh can i speak with your mother they wont say no?
screw being captain save a.....your like Admiral sav a generation....man its just part of the cycle of life....
well seems like your hell bent on the situation so go right ahead...sending the pics really that necessary though?
Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

Did it occur to you that the #'s attatched is the girls cell? you think when you tell them oh can i speak with your mother they wont say no?
So sending out nude pics at 13-15 is normal growing up now? I must've missed something. When I was that young if you were groping something,you were happy. Sure at that age I would've loved to have seen all my female classmates naked, but if/when that ever happened, believe it was the exceptionand not the rule. Ever consider things got this way because of the whole laissez faire, "it's just kids being kids, no big deal," approach? I canonly imagine what we'll be considering normal 10yrs from now. Hell, even now people don't even really bat much of an eye when they hear high schoolgirls are pregnant. Soon it'll be like 10 yr olds on Myspace naked and whoever has the nerve to be outrage will get lambasted with, "it's no bigdeal, stop being such a prude," and similar comments.

If I caught him like going to porn sites (which I have btw), I'd consider that far more normal and less of a risk than like sending naked pictures of youranatomy to girlfriends and classmates for the same pics in return. I mean, most that can happen from going to a porn site really is what, getting a virus onthe computer and blueballs. Sending your girlfriend naked pics, yea, I'm sure that's not headed anywhere potentially dangerous. But I'm just ahater. My dad should've given him daps and hand pounds when he found all those open condoms in his room and not gotten all upset. If I was him, Iwould've been like, "Hi hater!"

I hope you people never have kids and if so, please let me know so that I can keep them away from mine and make sure to cross the street when I see themapproaching.

And I'll just let his mom do it; totally different dynamic then. I believe she knows ol' girl's parents but if not, it wouldn't be hard to findout.
You can justify it all you want, you are still going to make the situation worse. And for the record when i was 13-15 i was straight getting it cracking too,so i dont think this is all that new.
one hand it sounds like you're doing the right thing, but it all really just feels hoish in itself.

man your heart is in the right place and i give u credit for that BUT this would not be the right move. just gotta let it go.
i dont necessarily know how you should approach it...but i most def agree with what you are doing. for those who dont...wait until you have daughters.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

You can justify it all you want, you are still going to make the situation worse. And for the record when i was 13-15 i was straight getting it cracking too, so i dont think this is all that new.
That doesn't even make sense and is a horrible approach to discipline. What if you came in and saw your daughter bent over the coach gettingit? "Well, it's ok. At least she's just getting it in the butt. If i told her not too, I might come back and she'll have 2 dudes in her givingit to her." Presumably, her parent(s) are just going to tell her stop sending naked pics, probably take her phone away for a while, maybe ground her, hellI don't know them.
I wouldnt even touch that situation homey... You're gonna get yourself deeper and deeper into some %!@ you definately dont want to be involved in. Youmay even be convicted for having that if the parents dont want to hear what you have to say. Trust me, you dont want to go down as some damn sex offender, soI wouldnt even touch it. Or at least dont say you have photos. Just say you have messages.
Be careful in what you end up doing. If you tell the girls parents they could end up getting the police involved. You nephew could be charged for receivingchild pornography and the girls charged with distributing it. Don't end up making the situation worse than what it already is.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by FeelMode

You can justify it all you want, you are still going to make the situation worse. And for the record when i was 13-15 i was straight getting it cracking too, so i dont think this is all that new.
That doesn't even make sense and is a horrible approach to discipline. What if you came in and saw your daughter bent over the coach getting it? "Well, it's ok. At least she's just getting it in the butt. If i told her not too, I might come back and she'll have 2 dudes in her giving it to her." Presumably, her parent(s) are just going to tell her stop sending naked pics, probably take her phone away for a while, maybe ground her, hell I don't know them.

Like i said in my first reply in this thread, what you are trying to do is commendable, problem is you are beyond naive if you dont realize what you would bedoing would worsen the situation. Like i said you gotta let these youngsters screw up, thats the only way they will grow past it. If i didnt suffer throughcertain consequences in my own life there is no way i could be the person i am today.

Im not going to speak on the meddling behavior because their are just some people in this world who do such things but its not very manly. Thats a discussionfor another thread though.
If it were my girl I would want to know. Do her parents a solid and let them know what is going on.
Originally Posted by i love nikes

"You should be guiding his !+$* not blocking it."


Dude stop. He looking out for his peoples and other peoples children and you talking about "stop snitchin"? Grow up for real dude. Heshouldn't be having sex and neither should they. Guide him? Isn't that what He's doing? Isn't He trying to help guide him away from trouble?
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