NT I am homeless and need someones help in the Bay Area

A Lot of judging on here, op do you. Your plan isn't the most practical, but life slaps practical on the face anyway. I like your plan, I would just save up double what you have. That should give you a few months to get situated while you're there. I am not in the restaurant business, but next to ny sf is second to none. Good luck op, I lived in sf for school and loved every bit of it.
If you haven't already.. setup a google voice and sipgate account. that way you can receive calls and voicemails. you can check em at your convenience
I wasn't trying to bash at all. I hope you can pull yourself up OP. But why not sign up for the military for 4 years, get some income, a place to live and the G.I. bill?

You don't have to sign up for the Army or Marines. There's the Navy and Air Force too...
Originally Posted by rich82

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Yep, & to keep it funky, u need to stop acting like a scorned *%%@# & Talk to your mother...thats ur mom above all else.

The last thing I heard out of my mothers mouth was "I was wrong for keeping you and I hope you die you piece of !%@%"... this was after I questioned her why she didn't pay my car insurance after I gave her the money for it (we were on the same coverage) I discovered I had been dropped from the coverage after the officers informed... she jacked my money for 4 months... this is the same women who claimed to my elementary school that I had a learning disability in order to get a tax cut... naturally the school listened because I did/do have a speech "disability" and one of eyes is pretty bad...

Ok, i was on the talk to you mom boat and i still am.  Even if you don't like her you have to be strategic her and think long term, you will be busy anyway.  Moving to Cali with no savings and more importantly no plan is a recipe for long term tragedy.  My recommendation, is to  apologize (for nothing) to your mom and say that you would like to talk to her.  Explain to her your situation and that you would like for the two of you to have a good relationship because you love her.  Save up your money, Build a financial model planning money to the cent.  Minimize expenses and find employment in Cali.....Then hopefully you will have repaired your relationship with your mom, and you can start your new life with reserves for emergency situation!  You cannot afford to think short term right now....You are young as hell man....And even better enroll in JUCO beast, get a scholarship to a 4 year (with your socieconomic status you will quallify for all kinds of grants)...i don't know just be creative.  Ok i actually thought about this because i care about you man, i don't even know you but i care about you.  Do as you wish but be strategic and think long term...please. 
Great advice right there...
NT has some great people.  
 to you sir. 
I'm one of those people the service is just not for... its not something I would ever consider... I have no desire to have my freedoms taken away and to be told what and when I can do something for 4 years... and that's not even anything to do with my political views on this country or anything along those lines
Like everybody else said, join the Navy. You don't have to worry about seeing combat as a chef. You travel to places you thought you would never go to. You get connections and amazing benefits, and most importantly, you get a job. It's an easy decision.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

I'm one of those people the service is just not for... its not something I would ever consider... I have no desire to have my freedoms taken away and to be told what and when I can do something for 4 years... and that's not even anything to do with my political views on this country or anything along those lines
Sometimes you have to sacrifice to make your life better...well...most times you have to sacfrice to make your life better.  While your freedom is somewhat stripped away, you get to travel the world, meet so many people, make some money, get your school paid for and the benefits are crazy.  I mean, its completely up to you, obviously, but you should give it some thought. 

one thing i would advise you to do is to be open minded about the job thing.

at this point (if you make the move), you should take whatever you can get. you dont hustle, you dont eat

again, best of luck
If you're eye is pretty bad as you put it you might not even get medical clearance from MEPS.
you can't afford san francisco.  
btw are you some type of illegal immigrant or something? 
Good luck OP, all I can add is that whatever you do, just do it and don't look back. If you're indecisive at a time when it matters most, you could mess up some important opportunities that you don't want to miss. If you have your heart set on leaving your area, then pick up your stuff and leave, don't second guess what you do, and when you get there start grinding right away. If you start regretting your moves and wishing things didn't happen the way they happen and you'll wreck yourself.

I don't know what else I can tell you. Make smart decisions and live by them, even if they don't work out. I don't have any real way I can help you but I can talk with you and help you weigh your options if need be.
Let this man live, sounds like he knows what he wants and is making a move to atleast enjoy his life more. All he asked for was a little help from his nt brethren so he can make his move with a lil extra $ in his pocket, seems he's already made his decision so hopefully someone who sees his post will help him out. If u wanna come to dc bro I will hook u up no problem no advice no bs. Good luck in your journey and hopefully u find what you're lookin for.
Texas is where it's at, mainly Dallas though. We're not as bad as Houston...
Plenty of jobs, and housing!
There's a lot of busses, you should think about it!
Reasons why you have to be smart about every decision you make. I'm praying for OP but man, talking about weed/alcohol, really dude? If you were serious & committed to getting your life straight you wouldn't give 2 ##+$@ about either of those. Comes a time when you have to be a man & grow up...& this is coming from a 19 year old man.
Your situation must not be that bad if your CHOOSING not to do military. Entering the military is something i would never choose to do because i have a choice not to. But if i were in your shoes, I would do whatever I had to do to survive whether i liked it or not.

Survival > preferences
OP, just know that in life, there is ups and downs. Trust me, I have been on a HUGE down before. As long as you know what you want in life and work to get there, you will always have a brighter future.

With that said, it breaks my heart to hear about the situation you are going through, I hate hearing about anyone being homeless. If you want to move to San Fran, I found some cheap rooms you can rent there off of Craigslist. I would definitely just rent a ROOM, and find a STABLE job, legitimate and NOT under the table. Please, for goodness sake.

1. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/roo/2512806526.html -- affordable, this one has no lease or deposit required.
2. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/roo/2512723429.html -- affordable

Alternatively, I'd also recommend Seattle, as there are lots of affordable places to live here, and lots of job openings everyday. I'm sure you could find something up here. I'm just not sure you'd like the weather, as right now of this typing, it is raining in late July SMFH.

Good luck and I wish you the best.
I wish I could help, but I'm in NY. If you need any help out here, shoot me a PM.

Good luck and go hard, its the only way you'll survive.
I hate to say it but the SF job market is horrible. You will not be doing yourself any favors coming over here. People with college degrees can't even find anything.
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