NT I am homeless and need someones help in the Bay Area

U could move to Wyoming, I've been stationed out here in Cheyenne, and they hiring out here like crazy. Wyoming may not be the greatest place to live but the cost of living is cheap and easy to find a job out here. Also i go to Denver (2 Hours away) and Fort Collins (45-1hr away). Which is always fun on the weekends. Just some options if u would like a better situation than the one u in now.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

If OP was really struggling he wouldn't be talking all that mess about "the navy is not for me " and "i can only cook" because when your struggling preferences go out the window and you grab on to anything to survive.

beggars cannot be choosers.

Originally Posted by 940sicc3

im starting to think OP is trolling.......

Originally Posted by shoediniDC

Let this man live, sounds like he knows what he wants and is making a move to atleast enjoy his life more. All he asked for was a little help from his nt brethren so he can make his move with a lil extra $ in his pocket, seems he's already made his decision so hopefully someone who sees his post will help him out. 
 @ joining the Navy/Military like it's the way out for every situation and for everyone. 
i'ma pray for u, bruh. ppl underestimate the power of prayer. if everyone who has commented in this thread will say a genuine prayer for this man, that would do wonders for u!

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

join the military, i think its really one of the great options for you right now.



i know OP put himself in this position by airing out all his personal business, but let's try not to be so judgemental. i mean, it's easy to talk %+@* from behind a pc about a situation that most of us know nothing about.

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

i'ma pray for u, bruh. ppl underestimate the power of prayer. if everyone who has commented in this thread will say a genuine prayer for this man, that would do wonders for u!

 @ thinking prayer will do anything for him. 

i see i need to pray for u as well.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

i'ma pray for u, bruh. ppl underestimate the power of prayer. if everyone who has commented in this thread will say a genuine prayer for this man, that would do wonders for u!

 @ thinking prayer will do anything for him. 
Man I'm not sure if you serious...but if you are, I might send you some money when I get paid fam. PM me or somethin and we can talk. I'm all about helpin people who wanna help themselves.
Thanks to the people showing support... I really appreciate the people not judging and have actually read the thread... for those saying I'm a drunkand only moving for weed, read what I post cause some of you sound real ignorant...

And to whomever said I have my mind made up, he's right I do... Im thankful for those throwing out other ideas about where to go and what to do... but going out to SF is what I'm going to do... I simply have no desire to stay where I am anymore... I rarely do impolsive things and its taken me all the here, so *%$$, it can't really get any worse IMO...

Also people, relize that being homeless, in Portland Maine anyways, is not a hard way of life... shelter is open from 7-7 and 3 meals are served a day... there are many here that are very happy being homeless... they comfortable... you are not out on the streets... they are not starving... to be perfectly honost, I've never had 3 square meals a day till I was homeless... whomever used the word survival, its not really used correctly here... a lot of these people get checks and foodstamps so you'll see bums eating pints of B& J and shrimp platters all the time...
Could there be another reason why OP wants to move to SF that hasn't been listed yet? 

But good luck though bruh, optimistic thoughts and positive energy will take you a long way.
 The military would be a great opportunity for him but he already stated that he doesn't want to do it, although he's homeless he may still not want to potentially lose his life in the military.
Being homeless and losing your life are not equal....

Its very possible to get out of the rut you're in OP, you have no where to go but up.

San Francisco is a goal for you... that's a good thing that you're still trying to move up but the price of living is ridiculous there like previously stated. 

Keep that goal and hold on to it but instead of rushing to it now why not prepare for it and then move under better circumstances?

You have enough in your pocket to not be homeless, move to the south.. Georgia has some really cheap places to live and would be a good starter.

Go to school! with a degree in what your passion is anything is possible! you're going to be as qualified as anyone else in the world to grab what you want!

Leave all of the excuses at the door...  Not saying they aren't valid but it's just extra baggage and you have to learn to let it go.

Oh and stop smoking weed it just doesn't help you at all in your situation, if you really like to smoke weed then work to get to a place where you can afford the habit then you can smoke all the Cali bud
 you want
And the military might not be this man's best bet right now. When I joined, I still had to wait three months before I shipped to basic. Might be longer now that the war is supposedly drawing down. Dude could possibly be waiting around for 6 months or more to leave if he joined. Just a heads up.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Only read the first 2 pages, but...
Where you posting from OP?

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

I am using my phone posting at the library jacking Wi-Fi... don't have service... killed that off a while ago
I dont get this thread. OP is homeless, evidently works, dont want to do the military and he is wanting to move to SF. Not sure if srs.
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Could there be another reason why OP wants to move to SF that hasn't been listed yet? 

I thought this exactly but didn't want to get banned for putting what I thought, could explain animosity with his mom.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

I wasn't trying to bash at all. I hope you can pull yourself up OP. But why not sign up for the military for 4 years, get some income, a place to live and the G.I. bill?

You don't have to sign up for the Army or Marines. There's the Navy and Air Force too...

ask the troops that have done multiple tours over in iraq and afghanistan, fighting a war that is a LIE, killing and watching other young americans kill and lose their lives so the billionaire 1% of this country can get more rich and continue spreading terrorism if they'd they recommend he join the military.
it's sad to see the brainwashing and programming runs so deep and is still so affective!! at this point, anyone who truly believes the military is a good option for ANYONE is a complete idiot, flat out (yeah, i said it). not to thread jack, open ur eyes ppl.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

I wasn't trying to bash at all. I hope you can pull yourself up OP. But why not sign up for the military for 4 years, get some income, a place to live and the G.I. bill?

You don't have to sign up for the Army or Marines. There's the Navy and Air Force too...

ask the troops that have done multiple tours over in iraq and afghanistan, fighting a war that is a LIE, killing and watching other young americans kill and lose their lives so the billionaire 1% of this country can get more rich and continue spreading terrorism if they'd they recommend he join the military.
it's sad to see the brainwashing and programming runs so deep and is still so affective!! at this point, anyone who truly believes the military is a good option for ANYONE is a complete idiot, flat out (yeah, i said it). not to thread jack, open ur eyes ppl.
Even if that is how you feel, you cant deny that the armed forces is a fast track for him to get back on his feet.

No I'm not ayo... I don't care if you are ayo... don't care if you are not ayo... whatever you wanna do is. Fine by me...

And like dude said bout the service, I'm just not about "that life"...

Ans to the dude offering money... thank you but no thanks... I have no issue taking from state or government... but I do not take handouts from people...
yeah, it's def. the fast track... to post traumatic stress syndrome, that's if he's lucky enough to make it back alive.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

yeah, it's def. the fast track... to post traumatic stress syndrome, that's if he's lucky enough to make it back alive.

If he joins Army maybe, but if  he joins the Navy or something he wont be doing $!%+ though.
Originally Posted by trunks206

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

yeah, it's def. the fast track... to post traumatic stress syndrome, that's if he's lucky enough to make it back alive.
If he joins Army maybe, but if  he joins the Navy or something he wont be doing $!%+ though.
It's really not as bad as y'all makin it out to be.
why not just stay in Portland for the summer and get a job at the hundreds of seafood restaurants along the coastline of Maine. tourist season is crazy right now and i know these places would be hiring. plus the weather is real nice there during the summer.
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