NT, I caught feelings and lost.

it happens fam.just give her some space, but hit her with , have a goodnight, hope you have a great day, and smile cause everyone needs to be reminded of what beauty is kind texts...you never know ,she might call/text to hangout again 
Since there is clearly not mass, just butt. Lettuce see the face.

At least you hit though.
Since there is clearly not mass, just butt. Lettuce see the face.

At least you hit though.
Originally Posted by scshift


I got more mass than that

PM sent
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

How does one not rush into a relationship?

How does one seem not so available?

And that "mass" isnt THAT bad I guess
These are good questions...I think the answer to these questions is to treat her more like just a friend, instead of automatically simping right away.. but hey what do I know.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

How does one not rush into a relationship?

How does one seem not so available?

And that "mass" isnt THAT bad I guess
These are good questions...I think the answer to these questions is to treat her more like just a friend, instead of automatically simping right away.. but hey what do I know.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

How does one seem not so available?
By not making yourself available.

Don't always ask her when she's free, don't always tell her when you're free.  If she's legitimately interested, she'll ask you what you want to do.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

How does one seem not so available?
By not making yourself available.

Don't always ask her when she's free, don't always tell her when you're free.  If she's legitimately interested, she'll ask you what you want to do.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Pics of face too?

Happens to the best of us. Concentrate on you and not her...And you'll be fine.

Sorry no face pics yall, shes too known. I've seen what can happen when someone recognizes a chick someone posts
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Pics of face too?

Happens to the best of us. Concentrate on you and not her...And you'll be fine.

Sorry no face pics yall, shes too known. I've seen what can happen when someone recognizes a chick someone posts
You smashed so that's all that needs to be said. Just learn from this and move on. Plenty of thirsty females out there man... no need to worry about a girl that doesn't want to be with you.
Originally Posted by briannnnn

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

How does one seem not so available?
By not making yourself available.

Don't always ask her when she's free, don't always tell her when you're free.  If she's legitimately interested, she'll ask you what you want to do.


And ok, OP you lost because you let your feeling known too early? And here I am losing because I let my feelings known too late. So @!+? When do you show your hand?
Originally Posted by briannnnn

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

How does one seem not so available?
By not making yourself available.

Don't always ask her when she's free, don't always tell her when you're free.  If she's legitimately interested, she'll ask you what you want to do.


And ok, OP you lost because you let your feeling known too early? And here I am losing because I let my feelings known too late. So @!+? When do you show your hand?
You smashed so that's all that needs to be said. Just learn from this and move on. Plenty of thirsty females out there man... no need to worry about a girl that doesn't want to be with you.
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by StonedFace

 Advice, tips, criticism?

probably made yourself too available.. some females are turned away by that.

at least your "L" isnt as severe as some of the folks i know 1st hand. 

live and learn
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by StonedFace

 Advice, tips, criticism?

probably made yourself too available.. some females are turned away by that.

at least your "L" isnt as severe as some of the folks i know 1st hand. 

live and learn
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