NT MEMBERS! stop donating money to help NT staff.

Jun 20, 2008
Why should we donate OUR money to help them, when all they do is ban us and then talk %##@ through emails and pms?

WE make the board. Period. I don't care if it is "internet" we invest time, and being called "ghetto", and "jungle bunnies" is uncalled for.

Ban me I don't care. NT administration are a bunch of dopes on power trips.

I once got an email (that I posted on the other site 2 years ago) with JRose calling me a "dirty hood kid" a long with other racial slurs.






And I know there are other NT members who have come across this silly clown and his bafoonery.

Serious business
-The Juice
All of you that got these messages need to send them to Meth. He said he's seriously gonna investigate and if it's true he will take action. Lets see what happens
those cant be real......???? can they?????? if they are someone has some splaining to do....
Originally Posted by kuhui

im with you fam, one hundred,
but its buffoonery, though
Honestly, people can kick back and say "its just internet" but come on with that garbage. Thousands of people come on here everyday and spend countless hours on here. For most of us NT is apart of who we are. If it wasnt then there wouldn't be NT summits. I have met cool people from NT, gotten hooked up with discounts from NT, shared laughs and get new from NT. Its something that 90% of us invest time into. I dont want my time to be dictated and have some loser admin call me names over dumb issues.

-The Juice
and i still dont believe that jungle bunny one until i see an actual screen shot and not just a "copy and past"
Jr5 has been gettin away with this forever so why is this even a big deal to yall?

Why let Jr5 (and the rest of NT's staff for allowing it) ruin you experience with his petty racial slurs?

Do you get offended by racial slurs? We've heard em all....that $+%+ aint NOTHIN.
Also does anyone know why Edword was banned? Was it simply for starting the thread or did he actually do something to give them reason?
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

how are we helping them when the money goes to charity?
i dont understand how dudes that have been here for years and years still swear the mods be getting paid.
Originally Posted by Across 110th st

and i still dont believe that jungle bunny one until i see an actual screen shot and not just a "copy and past"

Dog it's NO secret JRose puts in work in PMs. The jungle bunny line isnt shocking to me. And YES it goes to charity, but the Niketalk brand gets the credit. We make the brand

-The Juice
idk if i should laugh or get mad.... hmm i think ima just go to sleep.. the blazer spurs game is on pretty good game check it out nt
Originally Posted by Wade187

All of you that got these messages need to send them to Meth. He saidhe's seriously gonna investigate and if it's true he will take action.Lets see what happens
sent already. I'm N O R E A G A.
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