NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

6'5 170 smh...Im naturally cut up but I can't gain weight for **** I wanna walk around at like 195 at least
weighed in at 181# today. gained a bunch of fat over the holidays and then some. i'll be posting my starting weight on march 1st.
this is my swag surfing status before (205#) and after (about 178#) at 5'6" manlet of manlets. goal weight is 170# or less. then hard clean bulk.
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Might as well give it a shot i'm 5'9 190 right now and i'm at the heaviest i ever been.

I'm not really in for that brolic look i wanna get back down to bout 175.
Might get down with this, I wanna lose some of this beer gut (but not actually quit beer :lol: ). I mainly just want to get in shape.

What do you guys think is a good cardio alternative to jogging? Jogging is boring and I know I will absolutely not commit to it.
I'm good on this challenge.

I'm 5'9.5 and I bounce around 175lbs- 180lbs. I don't cut nor do I bulk. I want to stay this way for as long as possiable.
Might get down with this, I wanna lose some of this beer gut (but not actually quit beer
). I mainly just want to get in shape.

What do you guys think is a good cardio alternative to jogging? Jogging is boring and I know I will absolutely not commit to it.
i play pick up ball a few times a week. thats most of my cardio. 
I'm in...gotta get in shape for Warrior Dash in May. 6'4 280 right now but I've been yo-yoing between 273-283 the last mth.. Tired of being a lard, ready for the gainz.
I'm in. Havnen't been in the gym consistently for the last year.

I'm a small dude and gonna be trying to head in the other direction though.

Start Weight: (I'll measure today on Day 1 and post later)

Good Luck Fam :pimp:
Might get down with this, I wanna lose some of this beer gut (but not actually quit beer
). I mainly just want to get in shape.

What do you guys think is a good cardio alternative to jogging? Jogging is boring and I know I will absolutely not commit to it.
^ You could skip rope. Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories. In actuality you burn a lot more calories skipping rope as compared to running if you are able to skip consistently that is why a lot of boxers skip a few extra minutes of rope when trying to cut.
I'm 5"10, and the last time I weighed myself was for my physical and it said I was at 194. I lost a tiny bit of weight since then so I'd say I'm a solid 190 now. My ideal weight is 170, possibly 160. It depends on how I look when I reach my goal. Right now I'm more doing an calorie deficit type thing, I haven't beem doing much cardio or lifting. Once I reach my ideal weight, I definitely want to put on maybe 5 - 10 lbs of muscle,
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Already doing this. Starting back in the Boxing gym on Friday.

Best of luck to all of y'all.
i play pick up ball a few times a week. thats most of my cardio. 

^ You could skip rope. Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories. In actuality you burn a lot more calories skipping rope as compared to running if you are able to skip consistently that is why a lot of boxers skip a few extra minutes of rope when trying to cut.

I definitely wanna get back into playing ball but the jump rope is no joke. I used to use a weighted rope and it's serious.
Im in. Re instating my gym membership tomorrow. Im 5'7 195lbs. I was down to 178 before and was looking nice. Then a car accident killed all workouts and motivation. Gain all my weight back. Im ready to get this done.
Been going hard for 3 weeks now. Just saw this thread. went from 215 to 207. I'm 5"10
Motivated. Feel like I could be down a little more but I don't get any cardio. I'm in. Will edit pics later
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I started January 1st.  Dropped from 20% body fat to 16 already and lost 15 lbs.  Im 6'1, 195lbs now.  Can't wait to get to sub 15% and see some abs without lighting 

Vegas dayclub season and cali beach trips will be upon me soon enough
Aight guys I weighed myself today. I'm 6 ft I 196 lbs with 17% body fat. Wanna get down to 10-12 %. I also live in Atlanta..
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