NT OPEN YOUR EYES...*insert sarcasm*

Repeat...I rebuke these snitches...WE KNOW THETRUTH...YOU CAN'T CONFUSE ME B_S!...


Yeah I started seeing that shh 2nd time around when I thought I saw something when he said "KEEP EM OPEN!"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]^ Throughout the video I noticed the Baphomet signs (several times), but Ididn't even catch on to the demon changes[/color]
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by jthagreat

huey, now i read a lot of your stuff, but this is where you turn people off to your "teachings" or what you might want to call it.

Whats stoppin you from lettin us know what you got to say? by you not tellin us, you make us basically dissect your personality into wanting attention or flat out bein ignored.

Its like sayin, "i got a secret that'll blow your mind...but im not gonna tell you."

well if you not gonna tell, why say somethin? I mean i do that with girls im tryin to smash but this is NT.

Im not a teacher or an attention seeker.

Just a regular dude trying to encourage you cats to think and observe critically.

You can't lay everything out as a definitive fact all the time. You have to let people grope and grow.

The end result is always worthless if its handed to you.

Hmm i guess. but I try to be open minded and "put thought" into these topics and i rarely see it. I seen the graphic in your screen caps, but it wentso fast that.....it had no effect on me.

You can't be serious bruh
about what?
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Hmm i guess. but I try to be open minded and "put thought" into these topics and i rarely see it. I seen the graphic in your screen caps, but it went so fast that.....it had no effect on me.
Some people catch things...some people don't.


matter fact ^ that was the one thing i seen that actually caught my eye....i mean this with respect and all, SO What?

"Some people catch things...some people don't. "

but i guess so.

Ill keep reading tho...
AWW $%!!!

And I actually liked this song/vid too.

I saw the flashes but only saw them as skeletons or heart beats. But now I see it.

Damn, Mos Def too
Originally Posted by jthagreat

matter fact ^ that was the one thing i seen that actually caught my eye....i mean this with respect and all, SO What?

If you can't gather anything from my threads, can't understand the lyrics of the song and its correlation with these images..or even develop your ownopinion on the whole matter...all I can really say is...

"Some people catch things...some people don't. "

I can't use your brain for you too.

MY dude how you catching all that
.. Did you get a tip or you just noticed??

I found something a little weird with the video but I didn't know what. I paused it and came back to the computer and caught one of the images. I waslooking all over the net to see if I was buggin or did someone else see it too...Video was posted almost 100 times and only 1 other person seemed to catchit...everybody else was asking what brand Polo Mos was wearing

Screencaps taken by the other dude...
OK, I listened to the lyrics, watched the video (which was DOPE IMO), and saw about ten of these "flashes",but I still don't get it. I'm a dude that's very receptive to these "alternative" trains of thought, and I know I'm not[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]that[/color] dense. I just woke up, maybe it's too early.Somebody explain to me the point he's trying to get across with the crazy juxtaposed images, besides the fact thateverything isn't always as it seems and that whole schpiel?
I found something a little weird with the video but I didn't know what. I paused it and came back to the computer and caught one of the images. I was looking all over the net to see if I was buggin or did someone else see it too...Video was posted almost 100 times and only 1 other person seemed to catch it...everybody else was asking what brand Polo Mos was wearing

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

I found something a little weird with the video but I didn't know what. I paused it and came back to the computer and caught one of the images. I was looking all over the net to see if I was buggin or did someone else see it too...Video was posted almost 100 times and only 1 other person seemed to catch it...everybody else was asking what brand Polo Mos was wearing


The hell is goin on?

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Damn, Mos Def too
Personally, I think he trying to pull cats coat to what going on but he has to do it on the low because of the Cyprus Sinners of the world.

To be honest, I'm hopin that's the case. Just based on how subtly blatant it is. (If you get what I'm sayin)
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by jthagreat

matter fact ^ that was the one thing i seen that actually caught my eye....i mean this with respect and all, SO What?

If you can't gather anything from my threads, can't understand the lyrics of the song and its correlation with these images..or even develop your own opinion on the whole matter...all I can really say is...

"Some people catch things...some people don't. "

I can't use your brain for you too.

Which is true, but you can certainly lead someone down the path you want them to take.

The end result is always worthless if its handed to you.

So are teachings if not taught.
The most glaring visual in this video is also being overlooked by most.

He is moving in and out of the 3rd dimension.

He is also halfway showing himself in the 4th dimension...

What I found interesting too is how different version of digital media can affect your perception of things...

Like Bootleg vs Imax. Different viewing experiences on each platform.

The higher the resolution the video platform, the more you can catch with the bare eye.

Makes you wonder what else can be going on right in front of your eyes doesn't it?

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by jthagreat

matter fact ^ that was the one thing i seen that actually caught my eye....i mean this with respect and all, SO What?

If you can't gather anything from my threads, can't understand the lyrics of the song and its correlation with these images..or even develop your own opinion on the whole matter...all I can really say is...

"Some people catch things...some people don't. "

I can't use your brain for you too.
Which is true, but you can certainly lead someone down the path you want them to take.

The end result is always worthless if its handed to you.

So are teachings if not taught.
Thats why I try not to drag anyone down the path that my personal thoughts and experience leads me to.

I would rater just put the info out there and let people come to a conclusion on their own.

Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

lol u sound mad though

Get it all out...its therapeutic.

Listen to this guy...

How do I sound remotely mad?

apparently u need to open your own eyes if you dont know anything about wind ideology

keep ur eyes open, dont try and go to the library they wont have nothing

let me help you out a little.

Its ok my dude...

You don't have to jump on my back just to voice your theories.

Y'all cats are a trip sometimes.
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