NT OPEN YOUR EYES...*insert sarcasm*

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

What I found interesting too is how different version of digital media can affect your perception of things...

Like Bootleg vs Imax. Different viewing experiences on each platform.

Makes you wonder what else can be going on right in front of your eyes doesn't it?
James Cameron's new digital technology is being introduced on Dec. 18th. It's supposed to revolutionize the way we "see"movies.

He has described his new filming process as "emotion capture". When strung together, what overall story do his movies tell?
I give you one thing, you're right Huey. It's important for people to draw their own conclusions from things.The insight I gleamed from this thread stemmed from your unwillingness (inability?) to explain [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]anything[/color] in a video which [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]you[/color] shared and declared people to "wake up" to. Now howthe hell am I supposed to wake up if I don't even know I'm asleep? What's ironic is that these so called "enlightened" individuals are,in a sense no better than those who haven't yet "seen the light" and continue blindly through life. At least some people try to understandthings. It's obvious that you care about sharing the unique knowledge you think you possess, you just need to learn how to do it..

PS good looks on the info about wind based ideologies Cyprus. I'd read some stuff on it before but the info youpresented was far more concise and easier to understand

Watching the video about "Imagining the tenth dimension" at the moment. I feel like I need to smokefirst

*prepares for you mad doggie? pics/gifs*
Originally Posted by nine point five

Watching the video about "Imagining the tenth dimension" at the moment. I feel like I need to smoke first
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I can't lie, I set it as a favorite and said to myself "Ihave to smoke first"[/color]
With that Video posted on OS, I saw them flashes much more easier... Since my comp was laggin too it helped lol... Is Mos trying to tell us something
Originally Posted by nine point five

Now how the hell am I supposed to wake up if I don't even know I'm asleep?
Excellent question. I think this specific issue comes from a person thinking of "enlightenment" as a big word or some grand mystery.

Imagine being in a room with the lights off. Now imagine being in that same room with the lights on.

It's that simple.

Think about the things you do. Do you even know what you're doing most of the time? Do you even know the meaning of words that you say and hear? What doyou do for (entertainment). What is your (occupation). Do you have lots of (material) things or are you (broke)?

The fact that you get defensive when you are forced to think should be enough to enlighten you, if that's what you're looking for
In shows like Fringe, LOST, etc. they've always hinted to what they're talking about in that imagining the 10th dimension vid and I never completelygrasped although I knew the basics.

That was a good explanation especially with the comparison of how a 2d person wouldn't be able to fully comprehend a 3d world just like us(3d) ppldon't comprehend the 4th dimension correctly since we see time as linear and not circular or occurring simultaneously.

Watching Pt. 2 now

Originally Posted by man listen

Originally Posted by nine point five

Now how the hell am I supposed to wake up if I don't even know I'm asleep?
Excellent question. I think this specific issue comes from a person thinking of "enlightenment" as a big word or some grand mystery.

Imagine being in a room with the lights off. Now imagine being in that same room with the lights on.

It's that simple.

Think about the things you do. Do you even know what you're doing most of the time? Do you even know the meaning of words that you say and hear? What do you do for (entertainment). What is your (occupation). Do you have lots of (material) things or are you (broke)?

The fact that you get defensive when you are forced to think should be enough to enlighten you, if that's what you're looking for
Basically go read Plato's allegory of the cave and you'll realize you can always wake up to something.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Basically go read Plato's allegory of the cave and you'll realize you can always wake up to something.
Speaking of which

That was a good explanation especially with the comparison of how a 2d person wouldn't be able to fully comprehend a 3d world just like us(3d) ppl don't comprehend the 4th dimension correctly since we see time as linear and not circular or occurring simultaneously.
The world used to be flat (two-dimensional) remember? Now we know it's at least three dimensions. The only thing stopping a person fromunderstanding the 4th dimension is fear of falling off the planet
Originally Posted by nine point five

I give you one thing, you're right Huey. It's important for people to draw their own conclusions from things. The insight I gleamed from this thread stemmed from your unwillingness (inability?) to explain [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]anything[/color] in a video which [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]you[/color] shared and declared people to "wake up" to. Now how the hell am I supposed to wake up if I don't even know I'm asleep? What's ironic is that these so called "enlightened" individuals are, in a sense no better than those who haven't yet "seen the light" and continue blindly through life. At least some people try to understand things. It's obvious that you care about sharing the unique knowledge you think you possess, you just need to learn how to do it..

PS good looks on the info about wind based ideologies Cyprus. I'd read some stuff on it before but the info you presented was far more concise and easier to understand

Watching the video about "Imagining the tenth dimension" at the moment. I feel like I need to smoke first

*prepares for you mad doggie? pics/gifs*

How many times have I tried to drop knowledge on here only to get emoticons, gifs and angry PMs in response?

Just look at the first page..cats were preemptively hating.
Talkingabout black power, universal mind blowing renaissance knowledge...but then the same dude proceeds to drop his own esoteric theory after I opened the floor fordiscussion. His preferred ideology could be taken as a crazy reach by the ignorant, yet he still felt it necessary to try to mock my posts.

I peeped the way NT works already.

Those type of detailed posts you want, take time to write and put together..only for people to scoff at them and hold it against me. Why bother?

And if you didn't personally take the time to research these critical topic of your own free will...will you really care or understand when its presentedby some random cat on a internet sneaker message board?..I don't think so.

Is it really helpful for me to try to convince you of my personal beliefs without you having the necessary background knowledge to come to your own conclusionson the matter?...thats dangerous.

NT is like Fox news....its better to play dumb and go for the lulz.....Society in general is like that today, everyone wants everything handed to them on asilver platter...A cult of instant gratification.

Thats why Mos can't just come out and say what he wants to...his career would be finished and he would become the jester of Hip-Hop.

He's alluding to aboriginal sovereignty and "magic" in that song and video. Trying to show y'all whats going on behind the scenes...but foryou to really overstand what he is referring to you would have to understand a breadth of topics.

You have to understand this man's name and why he gets so many choice roles in Hollywood.


Young Bey, Flaco Bey....

His pseudonyms are in relation to the Moors and true national identity of many transplant in these Americas.


Its about birthright in all senses of the word.

"Great name, greater than all your riches.."

"Strong magic to bust all you wicked... Cherokee Chief magic"
In 1993, the United Nations Center for Human Rights, recognized the Wa****aw de Dugdahmoundyah Muur Empire as the Oldest Indigenous group of people on Earth. The registered Project # 215/93 ensued. Just read this. From 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 slaves arrived in the Americas between 1540 and 1850 over-a 310 year period (according to US History books). If you look at the following facts of published material, we are living under another ideological part of American Revisionist History. Also, the following undermines the whole breadth and depth of what is written in the history books.
Its about magic and spiritual science being used on and hidden from the masses.



You really want me to go into all of that? Do you really care? Would you really be open to it? Is it worth my time?...I think the answer is no for allquestions.

Lets just take it as a cool trippy video for now.
So in this video...

We are seeing Mos Def from a higher vantage point, so to speak. As the viewer you are not quite in the 4th dimension, but you can see his movement more fluidlythan you can in the 3rd dimension.

While in the 3rd dimension he is a man, but somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th he changes into some other things.

Is he trying to show us that he believes that these things exist or is it deeper than that?
I see where your going, and it is interesting but I always have a hard time trying to make sense of %@%# like that.

I think their is a reason humans only grasp what we grasp. Why I have a belief of the idea of infinity and continued greater intelligence.
HueyP in LouieV ...whats up with Morgan Freeman?...he the devil or something?...he played God in a movie :-\. Na but whats up with him, whyshe get movie roles or w.e you're tryna get to?
Actually guys Mos Def comes from the planet Shakalukateca where him and his three children which are half komodo dragon have lunch at this Mexican restaurantcalled Titos. Jay-z then flies in his spaceship (that he has mentioned multiple times during songs) and have a break dancing session while on acid with Mos Defand his half komodo dragon family. After they all meet up at the nearest dunking donuts on Earth to discuss if Beyonce is really a man or not.

Morgan Freeman then narrates all of this on his invisible tape recorder which is shaped like a boomerang.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

In shows like Fringe, LOST, etc. they've always hinted to what they're talking about in that imagining the 10th dimension vid and I never completely grasped although I knew the basics.

That was a good explanation especially with the comparison of how a 2d person wouldn't be able to fully comprehend a 3d world just like us(3d) ppl don't comprehend the 4th dimension correctly since we see time as linear and not circular or occurring simultaneously.

Watching Pt. 2 now

Originally Posted by man listen

Originally Posted by nine point five

Now how the hell am I supposed to wake up if I don't even know I'm asleep?
Excellent question. I think this specific issue comes from a person thinking of "enlightenment" as a big word or some grand mystery.

Imagine being in a room with the lights off. Now imagine being in that same room with the lights on.

It's that simple.

Think about the things you do. Do you even know what you're doing most of the time? Do you even know the meaning of words that you say and hear? What do you do for (entertainment). What is your (occupation). Do you have lots of (material) things or are you (broke)?

The fact that you get defensive when you are forced to think should be enough to enlighten you, if that's what you're looking for
Basically go read Plato's allegory of the cave and you'll realize you can always wake up to something.
Fair enough, you guys don't know me so you can really infer much about who I am from a few posts on NT.To "man listen", the defensiveness you perceived wasn't because I am forced to think, please believe that is the [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]least[/color] of my concerns. I'll say it again, my beef is whenpeople claim to be in possession of some great knowledge, present some means by which they garnered the insight, yet fail (or inexplicably fail to even[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]attempt[/color]) to explain anything in the least. Peoplefollow different paths of so-called "enlightenment". Any two people possess vastly different basins of knowledge and have had different lifeexperiences which in effect causes them to take away varying degrees of useful information from any given experience, a Mos Def video is not exempt from thisprinciple. If this theme is indeed so profound, chances are you need some basic understanding of the underlying concepts to grasp any sense of it'ssignificance. All I'm asking for is a little prodding along. I damn sure don't need anyone to [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]think[/color] for me. This situation plays out almost daily, in all walksof life and it annoys me to no end. Not because I am unable to think. [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]Because[/color]of the hunger for knowledge that has consumed me almost to an unhealthy point. Forgive me if I come off as defensive orhostile, I'm trying desperately to remedy that tendency within myself. Throughout my entire life I've always thought "differently" than mostother people I've come into contact with so I've taken to the defensive position since childhood. That's neither here nor there though, thisisn't about me. BTW Huey, no you didn't tell anyone to "wake up", my apologies. But where I come from, "open your eyes" issynonymous with "wake up". *searches iTunes to listen to "Open Your Eyes" by Snow Patrol*

BTW thanks for the suggestion about the Allegory. I watched a video explaining it, but I'm sure there's plentyto gain from actually reading the book.

EDIT: GOOD LOOKS on the info Huey. Yes, I do appreciate it. Yes I did read it. Yes I will be researching it further. YesI would not only be interested, but also open to any ideas you presented in deeper discussions, even through PM. NT is full of haters (mainly prepubescentteenage boys) who have nothing better to do than pick fights and try to get lol's, they don't discriminate which posts are worthy of ridicule. Butthere are also people who care and are interested in bettering themselves and enhancing their minds. And for that, this thread is appreciated.
Im guessing he is alluding to the name Free-man? The name cements the illusion that the black man has the choice of free will and equality in a society whichhands him a card that denies him a chance to really play.

I mean most people will watch that "Invictus" BS and really think that a rugby game had any effect on a nation, when racial tensions and inequalityhaven't even begun to get off the ground in South Africa. Basically, everything that is portrayed around us is not what it seems.

We were are made to believe one thing by the set of powers which govern our everyday lives, but the truth is far more scary and stark. I hope I am at leastcoming close here.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'll put my General Johnson in the side of your mouth, fam. I'll like it to.
You probably would like that, but I'm straight. Thanks for the offer though?

People just want life to have more meaning than it really does.
You're 85. Good luck next time around.
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