NT OPEN YOUR EYES...*insert sarcasm*

Originally Posted by nine point five
I hear what you're saying and I'm not attacking you, maybe your ego but not you. The thing is, there's no knowledge anyone can possessthat you don't already have access to so you can squash that beef (what's beef?)

As children we break things open to figure out how they work and spin our parents in circles as they try to control us. As adults we are always looking forsomeone to hold our hand. We no longer have a mind of our own, we are conditioned to listen and follow. Will you really go blind if you look at the sun?
Originally Posted by General Johnson


Why are you trolling this thread? What's the point?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He's just trolling. Hopefully one of the admins will handle it.
Originally Posted by General Johnson


Why are you trolling this thread? What's the point?

I'm just trying to get people to open their eyes dawg, honestly. The direct correlations that are explained by those photos can't get any clearer thanthat. Open your eyes dawg.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

People just want life to have more meaning than it really does.
See this is what I'm talking about. This post implies you know what the meaning of life means yet the rest of your posts in this thread is ofyou poorly trying to mock the next man with no lulz.

I mean to mock you have to be funny if not we gonna assume you got extra chromosomes .
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by General Johnson


Why are you trolling this thread? What's the point?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He's just trolling. Hopefully one of the admins will handle it.

If thats what it takes for people to open there eyes so be it, I'm like a disiple right now and y'all can't see it. OPEN THEM.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

People just want life to have more meaning than it really does.
See this is what I'm talking about. This post implies you know what the meaning of life means yet the rest of your posts in this thread is of you poorly trying to mock the next man with no lulz.

I mean to mock you have to be funny if not we gonna assume you got extra chromosomes .
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Thats why you my dude AMP.

Like I said certain dudes pick up on things, certain dudes don't.

I was just trying to put y'all on to the hidden images in the video. I didn't want to take it to this deep of a level. But since we're alreadythere...

The constitution is a Masonic document. Masonry is based off of Moorish law, which is based off of Islamic law carried brought into Europe, sparking the"renaissance" (
). Just listen to Obama's Egyptian speech. Check how many times the term"free man/men" is used in the constitution. It has a particular meaning in the law and that law has an indisputable history.

"Blacks" and "Hispanics" don't know their true national identities. Black is color of a crayon, not a national identity. AndAfrican-American is clearly a distinction from a true "American". There is a reason why "minorities" can be done so dirty under this systemof the law and why nations can be established for particular groups. There are multiple tribes Israel.

People are forgoing their sovereign birthrights and accepting any ever changing brand of identity placed on them . If we knew our true identity and history,reparations would be the last thing on our minds. Thats the Bey and Cherokee part.

Moor Gone

Free Man
Blacks Also Owned Miles of� US Pre-Columbian Lands

By Paul Barton, editorial, TOMRIC Agency (Dar es Salaam), 25 May 2001 Washington D.C.�

One of the saddest aspects of enslavement in the Americas, particular North America, is the fact that all forms of education was denied us and still is today. Blacks were forced to remain ignorant and told they have no history or culture.�

Well, here is the problem, most African-Americans are still void of historical knowledge particularly of their ownership to lands right here in the U.S.�

Blacks owned about one million square miles of land in the Louisiana Territories and the South Eastern/Florida region, as well as California. In all these areas of the U.S., there were Black African-American nations before Columbus, who were targeted for enslavement due to the Papal Edict that gave the Christian nations of Europe the go-ahead to make slaves of all descendants of Ham found in the newly discovered lands This fact cannot be denied. The essay on Black Civilizations of Ancient America, published as the great book; Susu Economics the History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth, tells a reality of this.�

While many of Africans? ancestors were kidnapped in Africa, many were Africans who came from West Africa, had a number of kingdoms and empires in the Southern parts of the U.S., and who were captured, had their lands taken and their persons sold into slavery. These Africans were direct black ancestors and their had a continuing connection with West Africa which included trade and commerce on the very eve of the invasion of the Europeans to the Americas.�

In 1991, the U.S. returned about 68,000 square acres of land to the Wa****aw Nation of Louisiana, one of the prehistoric Black nations of the United States (See www.hotep.org). This group of Blacks is the evidence of the Black ownership of land and the Black presence before English and Spanish/French colonization of North America.�

Many Blacks living today are descended from the pre-Columbian Black nations and it is time that issue is included in the reparation discussion. They should locate who are the descendants of these pre-Columbian African nations in the U.S. (perhaps the entire mixed African-American population, since most of these Black tribes were enslaved and shipped to plantations and mixed with Blacks from Africa).
Alright so I usually come into these threads to giggle or attempt to refute some of the ridiculousness, but honestly, this doesn't seem to be ridiculousness. That is actually pretty wild. It's really simple to spot the images though because it seems like every time his form changes the screen blinks a bit. I can't quite explain it but it's like a quick flash, second form, and then back to normal in a split second. What it all means, I honestly have no idea. Am I going to be more open to watch for things like this now. Honestly, yeah probably. The lyrics are more obvious than the actual images though.


You are living at at time of extremism
A time of revolution
A time when there's got to be a change
People in power have misused it
And now there has to be a change
And a better world has to be built
Is with extreme methods
And I for one will join with anyone
Don't care what color you are
As long as you want to change this miserable
Condition that exists on this earth.
Thank you.

Should have been included in the video, but they wouldn't allow that I guess.

Originally Posted by nine point five

Fair enough, you guys don't know me so you can really infer much about who I am from a few posts on NT. To "man listen", the defensiveness you perceived wasn't because I am forced to think, please believe that is the [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]least[/color] of my concerns. I'll say it again, my beef is when people claim to be in possession of some great knowledge, present some means by which they garnered the insight, yet fail (or inexplicably fail to even [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]attempt[/color]) to explain anything in the least. People follow different paths of so-called "enlightenment". Any two people possess vastly different basins of knowledge and have had different life experiences which in effect causes them to take away varying degrees of useful information from any given experience, a Mos Def video is not exempt from this principle. If this theme is indeed so profound, chances are you need some basic understanding of the underlying concepts to grasp any sense of it's significance. All I'm asking for is a little prodding along. I damn sure don't need anyone to [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]think[/color] for me. This situation plays out almost daily, in all walks of life and it annoys me to no end. Not because I am unable to think. [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]Because[/color] of the hunger for knowledge that has consumed me almost to an unhealthy point. Forgive me if I come off as defensive or hostile, I'm trying desperately to remedy that tendency within myself. Throughout my entire life I've always thought "differently" than most other people I've come into contact with so I've taken to the defensive position since childhood. That's neither here nor there though, this isn't about me. BTW Huey, no you didn't tell anyone to "wake up", my apologies. But where I come from, "open your eyes" is synonymous with "wake up".

I understand fam...no offense taken.

The title was made jokingly. It was in line with a couple of threads made recently, which poked fun at over the top "conspiracy theories".

I wasn't trying to be condescending, evasive or even deal with deeper subjects in this thread. I was just trying to catch y'all off guard with a musicvideo that is more than it seems at first glance.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

You are living at at time of extremism
A time of revolution
A time when there's got to be a change
People in power have misused it
And now there has to be a change
And a better world has to be built
Is with extreme methods
And I for one will join with anyone
Don't care what color you are
As long as you want to change this miserable
Condition that exists on this earth.
Thank you.



Let me find out you coming around AR...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I told some one to wake up in this thread?


good rebuttal. Folks is sittin here with an "open mind" and you still have no reply? do you not understand nine's and I point?
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

People are forgoing their sovereign birthrights and accepting any ever changing brand of identity placed on them .

N word...
People are rebels for no real reason...


Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I told some one to wake up in this thread?


good rebuttal. Folks is sittin here with an "open mind" and you still have no reply? do you not understand nine's and I point?

A reply to what?

What are you looking for exactly?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

You are living at at time of extremism
A time of revolution
A time when there's got to be a change
People in power have misused it
And now there has to be a change
And a better world has to be built
Is with extreme methods
And I for one will join with anyone
Don't care what color you are
As long as you want to change this miserable
Condition that exists on this earth.
Thank you.



Let me find out you coming around AR...

Maybe not on the whole metaphysical third eye stuff, but politically, quite possibly.
That Mos Def video is crazy. Just watching it the first time around, I didn't think much of it.

But this is why 80% of your posts get bookmarked....so much to learn, but so little time.

Like the Jay-Z one, that was eye-opening to say the least.
That Mos Def video is crazy. Just watching it the first time around, I didn't think much of it.

But this is why 80% of your posts get bookmarked....so much to learn, but so little time.

Like the Jay-Z one, that was eye-opening to say the least.
First couple pages I was peepin game seeing what yall was tryin to put N' on...sayin ok ok ok

but homeboy DJprestige21 came through with thecomedy and I havent been able to recover lol

dude posts was hilarious
.....but yall keepin it moving for the mostpart... props to yall
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

People are forgoing their sovereign birthrights and accepting any ever changing brand of identity placed on them .

N word...
People are rebels for no real reason...

What you mean?

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I told some one to wake up in this thread?


good rebuttal. Folks is sittin here with an "open mind" and you still have no reply? do you not understand nine's and I point?

A reply to what?

What are you looking for exactly?

I mean dudes who are selling drugs, are only selling drugs cause its fast easy money.Killing our own people for something that gains them nothing or very little. To some people in the hood its only important for them to be rebels, the N word.Not knowing they are actually intelligent and could fight from the inside. Young people (as am I), messing up their mind, and social standing for no reasonother than to stunt, flaunt and live to an image portrayed by the powers. Living as rebels for material things without knowing the real reason to be a rebel.Playing a game that's set against them, not knowing the rules, and not knowing what needs to be done.

My personal feelings on the N word. Black people didnt come up with it... And in the grand scheme of it the wordisn't really important, but black people identify with it, and can't give you an intelligent answer as to what it means.

To some of them it means rebellion within the colored, but they can't tell you what they are rebelling from... The police? I have always looked at themjust trying to pay bills and survive. But some look at them as a legit enemy who controls the game, when in fact if most of them knew the game they would probnot fight the way they do.

Again this is just my personal experience with people who I really have no hate for, but are appearing more ignorant to me as the days drag on.

To me personally while I love what Malcolm X represented, his message has been used for so much negative that it's better to just educate the good willedon a smaller scale.

Its a warfare, and most of society is too dumb or too encompassed by personal to fight it.
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