NT, recommend me a book to read

Nothing serious for me...

Blood of Angels - Michael Marshall.

Last of The Straw Men Trilogy
Originally Posted by Aze201

Originally Posted by Method Man

When the Game was Ours by Jackie MacMullan > by Joe Bageant

How was it? i'm thinking of picking it up.
It's good, but not up there with the best sports biographies I've read, like David Halberstam's Michael Jordan & the World He Made. You have to take it for what it is. You're not going to get the depth youwould from an individual biography. This is more about the interaction between two stars on parallel courses. MacMullan's writing won't blow you away- but it's to her credit that she doesn't assert herself and her take in the forefront. She gets out of the way and lets the quotes and storiesshe's selected speak for themselves. Her primary choices were in the arrangement of the text, and while the chapters do come across as structurallyformulaic odds are you're not going to mind all that much when the content itself is interesting. With well known personalities, you always run the riskof redundancy - reciting incidents that readers are already well familiar with. MacMullan tries to get around this by recounting well known events andanecdotes quickly, so if you're not all that familiar with the players or the history of the league you may find yourself wanting more. In my case, I wasmore interested with content new to this telling, so the decision worked for me more often than not. There's something of value for just about everyone,though, and it's written for a broad audience, so it's something you can recommend to young people as well. Odds are you'll enjoy it andyou'll find others you can share it with after you're done - so it's well worth the read and the $14 or so you can find it for online.
The Souls of Black Folk- W.E.B Dubois
god is not great- Christopher Hitchens
Originally Posted by bman207

amaranthine wrote:

Looks interesting. How is/was it?

I have no words to describe this book, this book is awesome, if you love mystery (mostly) and long story, you might enjoy this book.

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" is the first book from Milenium Trilogy by this writer.
Here's the complete one :

Book 1, Book 2 & Book 3 (final).


I'm reading book 2 now, still not finish yet though, I'm really enjoying this book so far, more than book 1, but you need to read book 1 first ofcourse
--Chasing the Dead. A gripping horror/supernatural story. Hope it becomes a movie. Highly recommended.
if you feel like reading a graphic novel that is an amazing story and has nothing to do with superheroes, read PREACHER
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Lupe and Michael Ealy came to my school yesterday for The People Speak college tour. They were promoting a documentary based on Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. I am thinking about picking it up.

word?? i copped this book last year for a history class that i ended up switchin out of so i never got to opening it....i might have to give it atry
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

bijald0331 wrote:
Lupe and Michael Ealy came to my school yesterday for The People Speak college tour. They were promoting a documentary based on Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. I am thinking about picking it up.
word?? i copped this book last year for a history class that i ended up switchin out of so i never got to opening it....i might have to give it a try

Do it. You'll be glad you did. It's not a weekend read so if you want to cut your teeth on something a little lighter, you might like Lies My Teacher Told Me.

reigndrop wrote:
The Jungle, Upton Sinclair
This is fantastic. Read it because you want to imagine what it was like for most people at the turn of the last century and it'll blow yourmind.

As for me, last week it was The Inventor's Dilemma. Not many people are going to be into it but if you are it's fascinating.
Currently reading Buying In. It's not as great as I thought. Likean extension of the guy's newspaper columns.
1. The Book of Basketball - Bill Simmons
2. Super Freakonomics - The two Steves
3. Life After Death - Deepak
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

if you feel like reading a graphic novel that is an amazing story and has nothing to do with superheroes, read PREACHER

Sounds like an interesting read. What's it about?

I appreciate all the suggestions everyone. We should definitely do a book club or something.
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