NT REP Your laptop make and model Vol. Dell 1520

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Black MacBook
2.4 GHZ
4 gb Ram

Plus tons of free software
i dont think its possible to put 4gb of ram on a macbook... i could be wrong though.
lenovo thinkpad x61
almost a 4 year old ibm thinkpad r52 laptop...it was "free" from school but i'm sure they charged me plenty in the tuition...

i gotta upgrade pretty soon it's starting to piss me off cause it lags so much. (maybe it's actually not the laptops fault but the sites i go on? idono =\)
The new macbook, had for 2 month and love it to death, gets more usage that my dell vostro PC which is also a very good and fast machine I got on a deal.
How many GB of RAM do you need for Vista to run smooth and not take forever to load up #+%$....my gf bought a laptop like last year....she bought a cheapToshiba one because she only uses it for internet....it has Vista on it and her computer literally takes 5 minutes to load everything up.......

I was thinking about buying a new laptop, but right now my laptop runs pretty fast so I don't want to have Vista and it run slooooow as hell.....and im notgetting a Mac
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