#NT Sports + Twitter Appreciation Post

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Im only following 60 people and its hard as %!$* to keep up with everything... How do these dudes with like 6,000 people that theyre following know wth is going on?
I follow about 400 or so...  My timeline has a pretty good, consistent update.  But when it comes to gamedays for certain teams, it's a WRAP!

and be aware of Twitterers with 61782634891623987 Tweets.  Your timeline = FLOOD status.
  Just from ONE person alone.

Peep the sig!
Originally Posted by MyTsharp


Shout out to all the NTers on Twitter that make boring games so much more entertaining. Without you, I'd be playing Xbox...

Word, especially with Yuku/NT

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

CP you live in Oregon though?

How do you not know that?  Dude complains about that **%! or someone brings that up all the time.
Never actually saw him say he lived there just thought he had some irrational hate for the state as a whole
Man, I just might jump on the twitter bandwagon.

Yuku's ineptitude has made S&T and NT in general brutal.
The issue ima going to have is keeping track of who is who with the different names

@TiMiller23 if you missed it
I'm about to make an official #NT sports list...that way we can concentrate the sports talk
Some people aren't coming up in the search engine. Just follow me and I'll follow all of you back. Some people already following me now.

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