NT: Staying Positive Thread Vol. Good Vibes

Originally Posted by d e beatup

Long story short, I knew my boss was about to fire me but I got tipped off to it in advance.  I tried to contact him about it but he didn't want to take the professional route so I immediately resigned on the spot.  I was an emotional wreck, four years of devoted, hard work down the drain.  Not to mention throwing a 50K job out the window like that.  But a long time ago I said that all I ever wanted in life was to have a loving family, a job that's fulfilling and I could give back to the community and to be able to live comfortably.  Working in retail, I almost did lose my wife because of the stress associated with the job and I never got to spend the time I wanted to with my kids.

It's been three weeks and still no luck on the job search.  Apparently if you're not an engineer, nurse, IT professional or have a finance degree, you're not worth anything. And because I quit, no unemployment insurance, despite ALL the money I paid into it via taxes.  I haven't even been able to land the jobs that I don't want but applied to anyway.  I freaking got turned down for a customer service rep position!  And to put the icing on the cake, my aunt loaned me $300 to take care of reinstatement fees with my driver's license.  I wore the same shorts I was wearing the night before to go work out in the morning in the fitness center in my apt.  I always take my phone, keys, etc. out so I don't mess anything up with a dumbbell.  Time to do laundry that night and my stomach drops...there's no money in the pockets.  I look high and lo, check the fitness center, check with the leasing office, no money anywhere.

So rent's due in about a week and a half, I literally have $.13 in my pocket after I "made groceries" today with $20.  I've asked anyone who wanted to buy me a present for my birthday on Tuesday to just get a gas card or put in on the little ones' tuition.  My insurance runs out at the end of the month and my wife's contract is up in a few weeks.

I've never felt so low in my life before.  Yet somehow I haven't been this happy in a long time.  I'm enjoying my kids and getting to know them better.  I began to date my wife again and slowly am on the path to win her heart back.  And though I don't have a job yet, I know something is right around the bend, it just has to be.  On my last check, I paid my tithes (10%) and doubled it in the offering.  I only had $16 on me last Sunday and I put $16 bucks in the plate.  I put up all my XIs I had been saving and I've sold half of em; when the money comes in from PayPal I'm going to pay my aunt back and put every dollar I can in the plate again.

They say God doesn't make mistakes and I'm trying to live by that.  When I quit, I felt that he was telling me to close the door on that job so I can open the one to the next one.  And my free time has allowed me to get back on track spiritually.  But what I try to do is two main things.  First, every time I get down and depressed in my situation, I challenge myself to remember that there's always someone worse off.  I have a college degree and work experience in my favor.  My wife is still bringing in income to help us make it.  And there's waay worse out there.  There's people in Japan who've lost EVERYTHING, including loved ones.  There's people here on their deathbeds dying from cancer and terminal illness.  There's dopefiends and hookers at the corner begging for loose change.  No matter how bad my situation seems, someone out there is doing worse.

More importantly, I try to remember Romans 4:17 and speak those things that aren't as if they are.  I know everyone isn't spiritual or religious but this works even if you're an atheist.  If you're having a bad day and keep complaining about how bad your day is, chances are you're gonna still have a bad day.  If you're broke and you tell everyone how broke you are and you can't afford it, you're probably gonna stay just as broke.  When I was in college I would joke to my wife (then gf) that I was "old" all the time when she tried to get me to do certain things.  Lo and behold, years later I was facing all kinds of physical ailments with my back and body that should never happen with someone in their 20s.

My advice to myself and to others in a similar situation is that your future is your present.  Don't get caught up in what happened or get mired in where you are now.  Make moves based on where you want to be.  As much as I did for my last employer and how they did me in the end, I don't even think about it.  To steal from the great Daniel Faraday, "What happened, happened".  Sulking/complaining about something in the past ain't gonna change anything for the better going forward.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm usually scared to death about what's going to happen next for me with no job and nothing on the horizon.  But I'm putting my faith in the Man above and trying to live this positive lifestyle and I'm confident I'll be ok.  Eagerly awaiting to post an update on the great news awaiting me!
Originally Posted by d e beatup

And one more thing, what you put in is what comes out.

You go to the gym and you're a beast on the weights, you get beast results.

You go to the court and drain jumpers all night long, you're gonna get buckets all through the game.

You eat fatty, unhealthy foods and live a sedentary lifestyle, you're gonna be a fatty with health issues.

You listen to a cd over and over, you start singing/humming lyrics unconsciously.

Remember this in all that you do. I don't hang with certain people anymore because I know that the negativity or just plain unhealthy vibes they put out would rub off on me. It's like when someone doesn't like the boss and you hang with them, you both end up talking about how much you hate the boss. I try to avoid certain shows on TV now because it's just a waste of time and it's not putting anything worthwhile into me. I try to look up articles on the net on how to be a good father or good husband, or look for workout tips, something that's going to do me some good. Really go back and evaluate what you spend your time on and who you spend it with and you may be shocked at how certain things affect you, usually subconsciously. For example, I never bought doubles of any shoes until I spent time on Niketalk (
) and I never saw any problem with wearing jean shorts either til NT saved me lol. I realize know that hanging with certain people would always lead me to flirting with women or just having inappropriate relationships because to the people I was kicking it with it wasn't an issue and it rubbed off on me to the point where I'm confused why my old lady is upset with me for something I don't think is an issue - because I allowed my brain to be reconditioned by my surroundings. Just like you need to say and do things based on where you want to be, you need to evaluate what influences are going into your body and mind because I guarantee you they're gonna come out and they'll affect you, for better or worse.


read the entire thing intently and my guy... times right now seem very, very tough...

i like the fact that you have the positive attitude. just make sure you have the work ethic along with it to continue your growth.




oh yeah... what i highlighted is TRUTH...

Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Had a job interview today, not the greatest job...but i think i nailed the interview. Anyways, one step at a time. Small job now, bigger jobs later.
Hope i get it...i just wanna save up some dough and get things moving. Nice thread. 

Feels good man. 
exactly bro... 

but be careful. alotta people get that job and get comfortable.

stay up on that job search while you at work for something you would like to do with a company you like making the money you like

and you'll be GOOD...


Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Had a job interview today, not the greatest job...but i think i nailed the interview. Anyways, one step at a time. Small job now, bigger jobs later.
Hope i get it...i just wanna save up some dough and get things moving. Nice thread. 

Feels good man. 
exactly bro... 

but be careful. alotta people get that job and get comfortable.

stay up on that job search while you at work for something you would like to do with a company you like making the money you like

and you'll be GOOD...


Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Just found out ALL my tuition is gonna be covered next year! So excited and thankful



do you get your financial aid back?
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Just found out ALL my tuition is gonna be covered next year! So excited and thankful



do you get your financial aid back?
I find it really important to never take anything personally.

Sometimes things don't work out, for whatever reason. It isn't logical to always blame yourself!
I find it really important to never take anything personally.

Sometimes things don't work out, for whatever reason. It isn't logical to always blame yourself!
I just recently found out I passed my Managerial Accounting course with flying colours. This was the second semester in a row I took it. I failed the first time, although I did not put too much work into it the first time I took it. It felt so good to see my mark the second time around. That course is not easy IMO. Its a good feeling to fail at something, then put the work in, and then succeed.
 And Im about to 
change my sleeping pattern, sleep earlier at night and try to wake up early most mornings and run around the park. Gets your heart healthy, and feelin good for the rest of that day. 

Have a lovely Saturday evening. 
I just recently found out I passed my Managerial Accounting course with flying colours. This was the second semester in a row I took it. I failed the first time, although I did not put too much work into it the first time I took it. It felt so good to see my mark the second time around. That course is not easy IMO. Its a good feeling to fail at something, then put the work in, and then succeed.
 And Im about to 
change my sleeping pattern, sleep earlier at night and try to wake up early most mornings and run around the park. Gets your heart healthy, and feelin good for the rest of that day. 

Have a lovely Saturday evening. 
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