NT: Staying Positive Thread Vol. Good Vibes

Was in line earlier this morning and talked to a nice old woman about work ethnics and the struggles living in our current economy.
Wished her well and a better life for the future, she did the same for me and we parted ways.
Was in line earlier this morning and talked to a nice old woman about work ethnics and the struggles living in our current economy.
Wished her well and a better life for the future, she did the same for me and we parted ways.
Had a terrible day yesterday... not gonna be able to go back to school next semester due to a huge bill, started eating junk food again
but im feeling much better today. Got me a good workout in, cleaned up my apartment, ate me a nice healthy meal, and then hit the ps3. 
 Life can throw curveballs at you left and right, and most of the time nothing usually goes as always planned but you stay strong.. You make it through that hardship and just strive to do better. I love life.. no matter how hard and frustrating it can be im so glad im alive, in good health, and have people that care about me... and that puts a smile on my face and makes me strive to do better.
to everyone else on NT keep your head up you can do it!!! I love yall
Had a terrible day yesterday... not gonna be able to go back to school next semester due to a huge bill, started eating junk food again
but im feeling much better today. Got me a good workout in, cleaned up my apartment, ate me a nice healthy meal, and then hit the ps3. 
 Life can throw curveballs at you left and right, and most of the time nothing usually goes as always planned but you stay strong.. You make it through that hardship and just strive to do better. I love life.. no matter how hard and frustrating it can be im so glad im alive, in good health, and have people that care about me... and that puts a smile on my face and makes me strive to do better.
to everyone else on NT keep your head up you can do it!!! I love yall
Been awhile since I stepped foot in here...

@**$ is going bad with my chick...

I just hate everything that comes out of her mouth..


All she does is complain, but I do so damn much for her, it ain't even funny...

She always say "I'm immature" and "she want a mature relationship"...

Gtfohwtbs... smh...

Need a pick me up, fams... I know some good stuff is happened with y'all fellas...
Been awhile since I stepped foot in here...

@**$ is going bad with my chick...

I just hate everything that comes out of her mouth..


All she does is complain, but I do so damn much for her, it ain't even funny...

She always say "I'm immature" and "she want a mature relationship"...

Gtfohwtbs... smh...

Need a pick me up, fams... I know some good stuff is happened with y'all fellas...
Always love positive threads. My boy has been with his girl for 8 years and he proposed to her and she said yes. The wedding is next month, but she called off the wedding and broke up with him. What do you suggest NT? I hate seeing him down. Trying to help him out but he's just sad
Always love positive threads. My boy has been with his girl for 8 years and he proposed to her and she said yes. The wedding is next month, but she called off the wedding and broke up with him. What do you suggest NT? I hate seeing him down. Trying to help him out but he's just sad
Originally Posted by ricky409

Been awhile since I stepped foot in here...

@**$ is going bad with my chick...

I just hate everything that comes out of her mouth..


All she does is complain, but I do so damn much for her, it ain't even funny...

She always say "I'm immature" and "she want a mature relationship"...

Gtfohwtbs... smh...

Need a pick me up, fams... I know some good stuff is happened with y'all fellas...

Homie, I don't know how old you are or how far along y'all are in the relationship but if both of you are serious, consider couples counseling.  It allows you to be able to vent and have a moderator that can be on your side instead of just taking L's with each argument.  So many times it goes bad in a relationship because you have a jacked up female who doesn't realize her problems and you can't make her see em.  It's almost like when they claim they want you to be honest - tell em the truth and they're pissed cause they don't agree with you but don't tell the truth and their pissed because you lied to em.  Just hang in there and kill her w/ kindness.

As far as I'm going, had an interview w/ Nike Wednesday and it went great but they still had two other interviews to complete (one internal) and I have to wait for my background check to clear.  Really need this win - haven't worked since April 1st...
Originally Posted by ricky409

Been awhile since I stepped foot in here...

@**$ is going bad with my chick...

I just hate everything that comes out of her mouth..


All she does is complain, but I do so damn much for her, it ain't even funny...

She always say "I'm immature" and "she want a mature relationship"...

Gtfohwtbs... smh...

Need a pick me up, fams... I know some good stuff is happened with y'all fellas...

Homie, I don't know how old you are or how far along y'all are in the relationship but if both of you are serious, consider couples counseling.  It allows you to be able to vent and have a moderator that can be on your side instead of just taking L's with each argument.  So many times it goes bad in a relationship because you have a jacked up female who doesn't realize her problems and you can't make her see em.  It's almost like when they claim they want you to be honest - tell em the truth and they're pissed cause they don't agree with you but don't tell the truth and their pissed because you lied to em.  Just hang in there and kill her w/ kindness.

As far as I'm going, had an interview w/ Nike Wednesday and it went great but they still had two other interviews to complete (one internal) and I have to wait for my background check to clear.  Really need this win - haven't worked since April 1st...


just got back from kickin' it with mama-fizzle... she was diagnosed with cancer at one point, but is ALL GOOD, NOW...


then, to top it off.... i just found out i have ZERO INTEREST on my credit card for the first year...

gonna use it to cop this motorcycle, and pay it off before the interest kicks in...

also, i put my homeboy on a job where he could be making some guap... $20 an hour...

i felt good helping him out cuz he got a kid... he and his baby moms want to get away from our home town so bad cuz there's nothing but dead ends and trouble out there...

so a lil networkin' and the homey got put on.....


been going at it with my chica... but i think its gonna pan out when the summer come and we can make moves...

and lastly... got my sprint grades in....

4 As and 2 Bs...

tryna finish strong, raise this GPA up, graduate in August, and start on my MBA...

i want to be middle management for a corporation, or start my own marketing firm one day....

and i'm looking at a side hustle for a second source of income..

owning a manual car wash, or parking garage... lettin the dough roll in without lifting a finger......



just got back from kickin' it with mama-fizzle... she was diagnosed with cancer at one point, but is ALL GOOD, NOW...


then, to top it off.... i just found out i have ZERO INTEREST on my credit card for the first year...

gonna use it to cop this motorcycle, and pay it off before the interest kicks in...

also, i put my homeboy on a job where he could be making some guap... $20 an hour...

i felt good helping him out cuz he got a kid... he and his baby moms want to get away from our home town so bad cuz there's nothing but dead ends and trouble out there...

so a lil networkin' and the homey got put on.....


been going at it with my chica... but i think its gonna pan out when the summer come and we can make moves...

and lastly... got my sprint grades in....

4 As and 2 Bs...

tryna finish strong, raise this GPA up, graduate in August, and start on my MBA...

i want to be middle management for a corporation, or start my own marketing firm one day....

and i'm looking at a side hustle for a second source of income..

owning a manual car wash, or parking garage... lettin the dough roll in without lifting a finger......

Got the official word today - I'm officially an employee of Nike, Inc.  When I first got let go at my last spot I thought that I was "gonna show them" but honestly it doesn't even matter.  I'm working for one of the best companies in the world in an excellent work environment and I'm on to bigger and better than what I had the last 4 years.

As much as I hated being out of work this past month & a half, I learned a priceless lesson in patience and faith and also was able to flesh out those who I thought were my friends but were really frauds.

Gonna make the most of it in this new position and enjoy myself in the process!
Got the official word today - I'm officially an employee of Nike, Inc.  When I first got let go at my last spot I thought that I was "gonna show them" but honestly it doesn't even matter.  I'm working for one of the best companies in the world in an excellent work environment and I'm on to bigger and better than what I had the last 4 years.

As much as I hated being out of work this past month & a half, I learned a priceless lesson in patience and faith and also was able to flesh out those who I thought were my friends but were really frauds.

Gonna make the most of it in this new position and enjoy myself in the process!
I don't see how you guys stay so positive all the time. If there is a quarter life crisis, I'm having one. I'm looking at everything that people from my graduating class and peer group are doing and I just feel like crap when comparing myself to them. They have the great paying jobs, are attending grad school and I'm barely making it. I have a job, a job that some NTers would envy but I went wrong somewhere. They say not to worry about what other people are doing and just worry about yourself but how can you when you have threads on NT with dudes making bank and they are around my age. Maybe my expectations for myself are too high for myself. Maybe I should lower them and I'll find happiness. My dad says "One day at a time" because you can't control everything but ever since graduating from college I feel like a failure. I told my mom that and she told me don't ever say that but I am. Nothing is going well for me from finances to women. If I could go back in time, I'd seriously rewrite my life from the age of 14. I have to live with the decisions I've made even if they are irreparable.

Sorry for the long diatribe but this is the only way I can vent at the moment. I don't blog anymore and I think I need to start doing it again.
I don't see how you guys stay so positive all the time. If there is a quarter life crisis, I'm having one. I'm looking at everything that people from my graduating class and peer group are doing and I just feel like crap when comparing myself to them. They have the great paying jobs, are attending grad school and I'm barely making it. I have a job, a job that some NTers would envy but I went wrong somewhere. They say not to worry about what other people are doing and just worry about yourself but how can you when you have threads on NT with dudes making bank and they are around my age. Maybe my expectations for myself are too high for myself. Maybe I should lower them and I'll find happiness. My dad says "One day at a time" because you can't control everything but ever since graduating from college I feel like a failure. I told my mom that and she told me don't ever say that but I am. Nothing is going well for me from finances to women. If I could go back in time, I'd seriously rewrite my life from the age of 14. I have to live with the decisions I've made even if they are irreparable.

Sorry for the long diatribe but this is the only way I can vent at the moment. I don't blog anymore and I think I need to start doing it again.
Originally Posted by Furrell

I don't see how you guys stay so positive all the time. If there is a quarter life crisis, I'm having one. I'm looking at everything that people from my graduating class and peer group are doing and I just feel like crap when comparing myself to them. They have the great paying jobs, are attending grad school and I'm barely making it. I have a job, a job that some NTers would envy but I went wrong somewhere. They say not to worry about what other people are doing and just worry about yourself but how can you when you have threads on NT with dudes making bank and they are around my age. Maybe my expectations for myself are too high for myself. Maybe I should lower them and I'll find happiness. My dad says "One day at a time" because you can't control everything but ever since graduating from college I feel like a failure. I told my mom that and she told me don't ever say that but I am. Nothing is going well for me from finances to women. If I could go back in time, I'd seriously rewrite my life from the age of 14. I have to live with the decisions I've made even if they are irreparable.

Sorry for the long diatribe but this is the only way I can vent at the moment. I don't blog anymore and I think I need to start doing it again.

watch this:

Ok now that you have watched it...as silly as it is...this is what you have to do sometimes...sitting around and thinking that only bad things are happening isnt going to change anything for you. Sometimes you have to make your own luck. I challenge you tomorrow to go to work and smile at every single person you have an interaction with even if you dont feel like it....and i guarantee something good will come out of it.
Originally Posted by Furrell

I don't see how you guys stay so positive all the time. If there is a quarter life crisis, I'm having one. I'm looking at everything that people from my graduating class and peer group are doing and I just feel like crap when comparing myself to them. They have the great paying jobs, are attending grad school and I'm barely making it. I have a job, a job that some NTers would envy but I went wrong somewhere. They say not to worry about what other people are doing and just worry about yourself but how can you when you have threads on NT with dudes making bank and they are around my age. Maybe my expectations for myself are too high for myself. Maybe I should lower them and I'll find happiness. My dad says "One day at a time" because you can't control everything but ever since graduating from college I feel like a failure. I told my mom that and she told me don't ever say that but I am. Nothing is going well for me from finances to women. If I could go back in time, I'd seriously rewrite my life from the age of 14. I have to live with the decisions I've made even if they are irreparable.

Sorry for the long diatribe but this is the only way I can vent at the moment. I don't blog anymore and I think I need to start doing it again.

watch this:

Ok now that you have watched it...as silly as it is...this is what you have to do sometimes...sitting around and thinking that only bad things are happening isnt going to change anything for you. Sometimes you have to make your own luck. I challenge you tomorrow to go to work and smile at every single person you have an interaction with even if you dont feel like it....and i guarantee something good will come out of it.
I came to Shanghai in promise of an internship...

Got here and the job didn't come through, but already planned my stay for 3 months. Was trippin for a good 2 weeks.

FINALLY found a new and better internship yesterday at a Marketing agency. Feels like I'm getting somewhere for my career in the future.
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