NT This Female I work with owes me money...What Should I do?

Originally Posted by Supremacy


and don't pull out

Originally Posted by Volkswaggin Chedda

And for everybody sayin 3:30AM aint the same night, it is when its a Friday night and you had plans and the paper requires MLA citations and research you or she has not done lol. I coulda gone out, slept for a couple hours, gotten out early and slapped together some nonsense but I didn't. Seriously tho she just wanted it done so in the morning it would be there and she could get up and send it, there wasn't a deadline.

@ Falcon punch and Snookie Punch gifs.

it being friday and you having plans had nothing to do with the stipulations that were set. and how could you say there wasent a deadline? you said 200$ if you get it done the next morning or 300$ if you get it done that night, which isnt 3:30 the next morning
Don't threaten her though because if she can prove it you're gonna get hit with an extortion charge.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by CWrite78

oh NOW you have principles. after you helped her cheat.
i dunno, maybe it's just me but if if i was cheating in a college class and was paying someone to do my work for me, i would make sure to have all the payments in on time and not F them over due to the leverage they would have over me.
IMO, your winning anyway cause seems like your charging a lot for your work. $300 for a 3-5 page paper is a lot, that's about $35 an hour that your charging her. I'm sure your academically smart and thats why she goes to you but I think the price is to steep to begin with.
I am very interested to know how this will end.
@ some of these replies. Technically she did not receive it that night, so you just have consider where she's coming from and on top of that, it wasn't completed "that night". You should've just taken the 200 and not said anything. Son, if you snitch, I can here it now

*chick sobbing at work with everyone standing around her asking why she's crying*
"[your name here] got me kicked out of school!!!"
Meanwhile everyone at work will be giving you the gas face and you'll be sitting there looking like Mark Zuckerburg when Eduardo found out that his share was cut to .0008%. In a nutshell, you'll look MAD weak after doing that, yo.

All of the drama associated is not worth 100 bux fam. But like NT said posting pics is the best revenge at this point.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

dude just move on. Snitching is a b move, plus you could get in trouble for it too. You still made you $200 quota so just fall back.....

This.. and you say she's a co-worker? Just take the L
Originally Posted by NuJerzLoyalty

"So you just gonna strut that Bebe bag in front of me huh? You really got the audacity to comment on copping matching shoes huh? You really gonna live your life like you don't owe me an extra c-note huh? "


It aint a b-move to snitch on this @%@!!. U did ur part she didn't do hers. Say if she don't pay up u will snitch. She'll pay up.
I would just tell her...u either take a look at the proof and pay me my $100 cash u owe me or I'm fowarding all the work I've done for u to ur school so u fail and get kicked out.... simple as that...

but real talk I laughed at the thread headline LOL
Originally Posted by HOHLegend

I would just tell her...u either take a look at the proof and pay me my $100 cash u owe me or I'm fowarding all the work I've done for u to ur school so u fail and get kicked out.... simple as that...

but real talk I laughed at the thread headline LOL

honestly at the end of the day, that female is stupid.

i personally feel op is charging to much for his work like finn said, but that's not the issue to me as she agreed to pay his price.

your cheating in a college setting where cheating is seriously frowned upon and in some cases can get you kicked outta school.   you know this risk and you decide to stiff the person who's been doing your work the entire semester and then proceed to rub it in their face.   how stupid can you be. this person has proof that you cheated through an entire college semester and could drop the hammer on you if they really wanted and your going to stiff them.  nothings going to happen to the person that did the work as their not a student but that person could ruin your whole college career just because you wanted to be selfish and stiff them on $100,   to me it's not worth it what that girl is putting herself as risk of possibly having happen.
BRO she paid you....you turned it in the next day technically, it's obvious you're the push over type, you got bossed by a dumb chick.
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