NT this is a man vol: getting out of control

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Yo can someone tell me what happens to their balls/penaynay? Does it just shrink/fall off/become a vajayjay? srs
The balls they cut off

The D they flip inside out to simulate a vagina.

Can I ask a srs question? No disrespect to gays or transgenders or anything but what is the point of this? Im so srs

Why do gay men want their partners to look like women? Is it for the gay men that don't want to admit they are gay, so for appearances they date transgenders?
Or do they just prefer their men to look like women? And if that's the case, and you are attracted to a woman looking humanoid, then how are you gay?
Wouldn't that essentially be the same as having sex with a woman in her 'other regions'?

Same goes for the females. If you don't like dudes, then what are you doing with that over-exaggerated manly looking female, with the fade, wife beater, and excessively sagging pants? Only to go to the bedroom and stuff yourself with simulation D.

It reminds me of this (sorry this is the best vid I could find of this part)
Only conclusion I can come to is that they couldn't get a regular man or woman, but then again, I've seen some bad *****'s (who could definitely pull a dude if they wanted to) booed up with some fat chicks that were trying their hardest to look like a thugged out dude, 501's, Timbs, baby dread twists and all so IDK
Here's the thing, just because you don't accept a person's medical history or background does not entitle you to know their medical history and/or background.

Ya'll are basically picking and choosing whose private information should be public because you don't agree with their lifestyle.

I like this post.

How is this different than statutory rape? Not the age of consent aspect but the science behind it. If a person is not mentally capable of making decisions why should they not be identified? There's laws in place that protect against unknowingly being deceived by minors who consented to sex. But there's no laws in place that protect STRAIGHT MALES from prosecution for hurting someone who deceived them. Science and medical definitions enforce and encourage the violence indirectly.

Why would there be a law to protect someone who reacted violently to a nonviolent situation though? :lol:
I don't understand this.

You aren't supposed to be assaulting anyone.

What do you want, specifically?

What should the law do?
I think that's the point that I and DC are making. Homosexuality is a HIGH RISK lifestyle because anal sex significantly increase the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. 

My point is how can you expect someone not to be angry at being deceived by Vaginoplasty? Doesn't change the risks associated with this lifestyle.
You can't sue or prosecute someone for duping you into gay sex. But you can for statutory rape which has ramifications that factors in the mental state of both the victim and accused.

Here are some statistics and scientific aspects I feel go unaddressed:


- Side effects of taking estrogen can include weight gain, reduced libido, loss of the ability to achieve an erection, decrease in penile size, and reduction of sperm count. Other common side effects include mood swings, altered perceptions, and changing hunger patterns

- Silicone and Oil Injections It is dangerous to inject silicone or oils in order to add to your cheekbones, lips, thighs, breasts, hips, buttocks, etc. Silicone is toxic to the body and can lead to serious health risks, such as pain, swelling, blistering of the skin, and disfigurement. The FDA has never approved silicone injections for sale for human use.

It's my belief that these procedures are approved to alter human biology but don't offer any psychotherapy post operation. Some of these people are PREDATORS and you're enhancing their tools of survival making them blend in with society EVEN MORE without the proper mental care they may need. But in the same accord sexual predator registrants are funneled into a narrow scope regardless of circumstances involving their case (poor legal council, abuse of judicial power etc). They aren't even offered any type of counseling to cope with transitioning into society.


What I'm saying is and especially in the black community or rural areas not everyone knows all this or takes the time to process this information when encountering homosexuals. So if they're violated and react NORMALLY to eccentric HIGH TECH medical technology they're penalized for it and labeled as committing a hate crime. 
They felt violated, emasculated, mentally assaulted and they react in violence which is a normal response for temporary insanity. Crimes of passion.


It's like this way of life is being FORCED at this point and people like me who are straight but openly support LGBT communities are villainized for wanting my rights to be respected.
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Why is there this notion that transgender people are a bunch of tricksters looking for a "gotcha!" moment?

It seems silly to think that way.
Why is there this notion that transgender people are a bunch of tricksters looking for a "gotcha!" moment?

It seems silly to think that way.
I posted SCIENTIFIC statistics ...I'm not suggesting or generalizing and you're straying away from topic by sensationalizing my responses.

I thought I addressed that with my reference to Andy Cohen and the Dark Knight, and it's the point DC is trying to make...there are some who slip through the cracks and are indeed "tricksters". And it's mostly contributed to mental illness as the statistics proved. There are some attempting to be accepted through deception and if you react in a violent manner it's a hate crime.

I'm simply saying what about my rights?
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A lot of ignorance in here, and I really mean lack of knowledge. You can not discuss this topic with anyone who still considers that person a man. What does this have to do with homosexuals? :lol:. I'm sure before anything gets sexual they let it be known. You can't have have sex with a transgender and not know fam unless you're into only anal or you're used to vaginas not being wet.

If you wish that they would use this opening line when having a simple conversation "Hi my name is Jessica and I was born a man, so what's up?" then I wish everyone with a problem that could potentially bother me have to use that opening line as well.
... I have HIV
... I have cancer
... I was convicted of murder
... I'm on the pedophile list
... I was divorced 5 times

so we could just go around judging people :smokin
Here's the thing, just because you don't accept a person's medical history or background does not entitle you to know their medical history and/or background.

Ya'll are basically picking and choosing whose private information should be public because you don't agree with their lifestyle.
You're hyperbolizing.  It's not like anyone is endorsing the creation of a ****** registry to create transparency.  Being open about things that are deal-breakers in a lot of cases (being a transexual, having an incurable STD, etc.) is really in the best interests of both parties involved. You know how many dudes would get violent if they found out the "girl" they were sleeping with was a dude for the first 20 or so years of their life? I'm not saying it's right, but you can't pretend like it's not deceptive/without consequence.
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Why is there this notion that transgender people are a bunch of tricksters looking for a "gotcha!" moment?

It seems silly to think that way.

I posted SCIENTIFIC statistics ...I'm not suggesting or generalizing and you're straying away from topic by sensationalizing my responses.

I thought I addressed that with my reference to Andy Cohen and the Dark Knight, and it's the point DC is trying to make...there are some who slip through the cracks and are indeed "tricksters". And it's mostly contributed to mental illness as the statistics proved. They are some attempting to be accepted by deception and if you react in a violent manner it's a hate crime.

I'm simply saying what about my rights?

I'm willing to bet there are more straight "tricksters" than transgender or homosexual though.

if a woman or man feels like they have been deceived, should it be within their right to react violently?

Should every woman who has been tricked into sex under false pretenses be allowed to react violently?

Your "rights" will never and should never include exacting revenge on someone through physical violence. Makes no sense, b.
I'm willing to bet there are more straight "tricksters" than transgender or homosexual though.

if a woman or man feels like they have been deceived, should it be within their right to react violently?

Should every woman who has been tricked into sex under false pretenses be allowed to react violently?

Your "rights" will never and should never include exacting revenge on someone through physical violence. Makes no sense, b.
That's what you're not grasping ...so let's say I meet a "girl" and we hit it off at the club and I even get oral sex in a dark corner of the club.
Where does that leave me if the woman says 2 weeks later "Hey I have something to tell you, I was born a man and have exposed to risks associated with people within my community". 

It's different than a male and female tricking each other into biological unaltered sex... the doctor tells homosexual men to be aware of the risks involved in this lifestyle. So when she's in the dark corner of the club trying to seduce me, you're saying it's not fair that she has to disclose the information HER DOCTOR disclosed to her about the risks involved and TELLING HER PARTNERS?

Where's my rights? Where's my choice to decide whether or not I want to PARTICIPATE in a HIGH RISK lifestyle.

Am I not being violated?

In heterosexual sex there are risks too but there aren't special circumstances that need to be addressed. You're asking me to overlook or accommodate something that isn't natural.
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I think that's the point that I and DC are making. Homosexuality is a HIGH RISK lifestyle because anal sex significantly increase the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. 

My point is how can you expect someone not to be angry at being deceived by Vaginoplasty? Doesn't change the risks associated with this lifestyle.

1. Dude, having protected or unprotected sex with anyone you don't know well is a risk. YOU have to navigate that risk, IF girl trans or not gives you diseases while knowing she had it you can sue, you have damages. But if you engage in unprotected sex without someone you don't know well THAT IS ON YOU. For all you know your hipster neighbor is

bussin it wide open unprotected for any mother ****** in horn rimmed glasses. Having sex with strangers is a risk.

2. I didn't say we you can't be angry. I get angry at a lot of things, I stub my toe I get angry.

You can't sue or prosecute someone for duping you into gay sex. But you can for statutory rape which has ramifications that factors in the mental state of both the victim and accused.

Here are some statistics and scientific aspects I feel go unaddressed:

Dude thats with minors who can't consent, you don't realize how stupid it would be if any man could claim rape after sleeping with a trans-gender,

1. You have suffered to no real damages, besides the ever nebulous mental anguish.
2. It's insanely difficult to prove you did or didn't know
3. You consented to having sex with them period, other than you own hangups you have suffered no real damages.
4. This law would become a really easy way than transgedered people could discriminated against, and thats a key factor to consider in any law.

I don't know how it works in America, but in Canada no tangible damages = no beuno.

- Side effects of taking estrogen can include weight gain, reduced libido, loss of the ability to achieve an erection, decrease in penile size, and reduction of sperm count. Other common side effects include mood swings, altered perceptions, and changing hunger patterns

- Silicone and Oil Injections It is dangerous to inject silicone or oils in order to add to your cheekbones, lips, thighs, breasts, hips, buttocks, etc. Silicone is toxic to the body and can lead to serious health risks, such as pain, swelling, blistering of the skin, and disfigurement. The FDA has never approved silicone injections for sale for human use.

So you believe if I girl trans or not has implants she should be obligated by law to disclose this information to you, or if someone takes any prescription medicine (ALL of wich have side effects) that you can sue them if they don't divulge their medical records.
You realize that is really really crazy right? :lol:

It's my belief that these procedures are approved to alter human biology but don't offer any psychotherapy post operation. Some of these people are PREDATORS and you're enhancing their tools of survival making them blend in with society EVEN MORE without the proper mental care they may need. But in the same accord sexual predator registrants are funneled into a narrow scope regardless of circumstances involving their case (poor legal council, abuse of judicial power etc). They aren't even offered any type of counseling to cope with transitioning into society.

So you believe EVERY single trans gendered person is a predator?


Or at least the vast majority.

Cmon man, do you think give hormones out like candy? Anyone can get them, you don't undergo assessment by doctors before you can even consider transitioning?

They don't superscribe this **** without a formal diagnosis from a accredited clinical psychiatrist, if you want to have a law against people taking hormones illegally than yeah I can roll with you on that but the reality of the situation they are being monitored by doctors the vast majority.

What I'm saying is and especially in the black community or rural areas not everyone knows all this or takes the time to process this information when encountering homosexuals. So if they're violated and react NORMALLY to eccentric HIGH TECH medical technology they're penalized for it and labeled as committing a hate crime.

They felt violated, emasculated, mentally assaulted and they react in violence which is a normal response for temporary insanity. Crimes of passion.

Beating up another human being unless being physically threatened is not NORMAL. NO sciotey considered that a normal reaction. :lol:

A hate crime is physically assaulting someone for belonging to a social group, that is the law do you want them to add in a clause, "well, except for ******s you can beat the **** outta them, they're gross. :rofl:

Cmon man... :lol:

also "temporary insanity" are you serious? You know how rare that defense is? You are just throwing out movie law **** now. :lol:
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Where does The Nomad's belief that sometimes rape is a deserved consequence fit into all of this?
I'm willing to bet there are more straight "tricksters" than transgender or homosexual though.

if a woman or man feels like they have been deceived, should it be within their right to react violently?

Should every woman who has been tricked into sex under false pretenses be allowed to react violently?

Your "rights" will never and should never include exacting revenge on someone through physical violence. Makes no sense, b.

That's what you're not grasping ...so let's say I meet a "girl" and we hit it off at the club and I even get oral sex in a dark corner of the club.

Where does that leave me if the woman says 2 weeks later "Hey I have something to tell you, I was born a man and have exposed to risks associated with people within my community". 

It's different than a male and female tricking each other into biological unaltered sex... the doctor tells homosexual men to be aware of the risks involved in this lifestyle. So when she's in the dark corner of the club trying to seduce me, you're saying it's not fair that she has to disclose the information HER DOCTOR disclosed to her about the risks involved and TELLING HER PARTNERS?

Where's my rights? Where's my choice to decide whether or not I want to PARTICIPATE in a HIGH RISK lifestyle.

Am I not being violated?

In heterosexual sex there are risks too but there aren't special circumstances that need to be addressed. You're asking me to overlook or accommodate something that isn't natural.

You chose to participate in a high risk lifestyle when you decided to get domed up by a stranger in a club.

If you were making better life decisions you wouldn't even be in that position.

Say an actual woman "seduces" you in that same club. You get dome 20 minutes after meeting her. 2 weeks later you notice swollen red bumps on your meat.

NO ONE is going to feel bad for you son. You knew the risk.

I can fully understand being angry if you're building a relationship and they just spring the news on you out of nowhere. But a random in a club? Are you serious?
Really don't know why The Nomad is throwing in the STD variable in conjunction with being tricked by a ******.  One has nothing to do with the other.  One could just as easily get an STD from a heterosexual.
That's what you're not grasping ...so let's say I meet a "girl" and we hit it off at the club and I even get oral sex in a dark corner of the club.

Where does that leave me if the woman says 2 weeks later "Hey I have something to tell you, I was born a man and have exposed to risks associated with people within my community". 

It's different than a male and female tricking each other into biological unaltered sex... the doctor tells homosexual men to be aware of the risks involved in this lifestyle. So when she's in the dark corner of the club trying to seduce me, you're saying it's not fair that she has to disclose the information HER DOCTOR disclosed to her about the risks involved and TELLING HER PARTNERS?

Where's my rights? Where's my choice to decide whether or not I want to PARTICIPATE in a HIGH RISK lifestyle.

Am I not being violated?

In heterosexual sex there are risks too but there aren't special circumstances that need to be addressed. You're asking me to overlook or accommodate something that isn't natural.

what you aren't grasping is a homosexual ≠ transgendered

what exactly are the different risks that you are exposed to in those two scenarios? one gives you female herpes the other gives you man herpes? :lol:
That's what you're not grasping ...so let's say I meet a "girl" and we hit it off at the club and I even get oral sex in a dark corner of the club.

Where does that leave me if the woman says 2 weeks later "Hey I have something to tell you, I was born a man and have exposed to risks associated with people within my community". 

It's different than a male and female tricking each other into biological unaltered sex... the doctor tells homosexual men to be aware of the risks involved in this lifestyle. So when she's in the dark corner of the club trying to seduce me, you're saying it's not fair that she has to disclose the information HER DOCTOR disclosed to her about the risks involved and TELLING HER PARTNERS?

Where's my rights? Where's my choice to decide whether or not I want to PARTICIPATE in a HIGH RISK lifestyle.

Am I not being violated?

In heterosexual sex there are risks too but there aren't special circumstances that need to be addressed. You're asking me to overlook or accommodate something that isn't natural.

NO dummy.

That is on you. :rofl:

If you get top from a random chick in bar is it possible for a reasonable human being to foresee that she may not be clean, that you could get a disease, or even that she could be a trans girl.

you see, this is the standard for criminal negligence, as long as she does not knowingly have a disease in which she is concealing she is under NO obligation to tell you.

In the laws eyes, a mouth is a mouth, plus orally contracting HIV is exceedingly rare.

So no the law is not here to protect you from your own stupidity. :lol:
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I don't understand this. :lol:

You aren't supposed to be assaulting anyone.

What do you want, specifically?

What should the law do?

I think that's the point that I and DC are making. Homosexuality is a HIGH RISK lifestyle because anal sex significantly increase the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. 

is there anything to corroborate this? not tryin to battle/call ducktails... just for my info...:nerd: :nerd:
I don't understand this.

You aren't supposed to be assaulting anyone.

What do you want, specifically?

What should the law do?
I think that's the point that I and DC are making. Homosexuality is a HIGH RISK lifestyle because anal sex significantly increase the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. 
is there anything to corroborate this? not tryin to battle/call ducktails... just for my info...
There's truth to it. Anal fissures= potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. The vagina has more elasticity than the rectum.
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is there anything to corroborate this? not tryin to battle/call ducktails... just for my info...:nerd: :nerd:

i believe there is a higher chance of hiv transmission anally, also gay dudes just **** a lot more.

also i think trans girls **** more around the amount of regular girls but some of them resort to prostitution to pay for expensive hormones, and palstic surgiries if they don't have insurance or live in canada.
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